VN - Ren'Py - Whiteboi [v1.4] [Untranseunte]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ten out of ten, many fetishes. Very good lingerie, although it could be better. more cuckold fetishes, like being forced to swallow cum or something. I HOPE feminization, but honestly it is very, very WELL done. You could also add more family members like a grandmother or things like that. Hopefully tattoos or body changes. But the truth is it's very good, the game is super complete, long and with a lot to explore. I hope he develops more games that aim to satisfy a fetish. Fantastic game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    balancing out the negative reviews, the game isn't perfect but it's overhated. The writing is sloppy, sure, but this fetish is highly underrepresented, and I appreciate a dev with a unique enough renders and decent animations putting something out. Look forward to more updates.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    another ntr bbc *insert other 3 letter acronyms here* low effort game aimed at hardcore porn addicts who will lap this shit up with a smile on their face, the writing is laughably bad, the models were hastily made in honey select or straight up just ripped from the internet, there is nothing to this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations that is unique in a sea of Renpy games. Very talanted artist, love the Sims style graphics that's also not common in the genre. Ignore the haters of the NTR genre reviewing this down. For the tags and the plot, the game delivers all the fun with no down time!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Hastly made. Awful models. Zero effort. Crap story. Crap delivery. If cashgrabs had been cashgrabbed this game would be the cashgrabber. It's one the most 0 value games i've ever seen. It redefines the concept of bullshit.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros -
    Models and Animations - Not much to say here. The 3D style and the animation is actually pretty good and just how i like it.

    The Characters - All the characters are likeable (all but the MC in the beginning and the DOM girls maybe) in the game and they have their own personality

    Con -
    The beginning - Almost made me drop the game (glad i didn't) with the MC saying some nasty stuff.

    No pro nor con -
    The Plot - Pretty typical plot just like the games with the same tags. No complaints here.

    Overall the game is pretty good with a few weird moments at the start of it but i like where this is going.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I’ve played some bad games before, but this one takes the cake. Where do I even begin? First off, the premise is a tired, overdone NTR plot that lacks any semblance of creativity. There’s absolutely nothing engaging or interesting about the story. It’s as if the developers cobbled together every cliché they could find and tossed them into a blender, hoping for something decent to come out. Spoiler alert: it didn’t.

    The characters are shallow, lifeless, and completely unrelatable. What’s worse, they don’t even make sense within the world of the game. The game is supposed to take place in an Asian setting, yet the characters are described as white? Really? This is not only lazy writing, but it’s also borderline racist. How hard is it to maintain consistency with character design and cultural context?

    But let’s not forget about the gameplay—if you can even call it that. The game is a boring slog through pointless dialogue and repetitive scenes. There’s no depth, no challenge, and certainly no fun. It feels like a chore to get through, and I found myself constantly checking the clock, praying for it to end.

    The game tries to be edgy with its NTR themes, but instead, it just comes off as tasteless and offensive. There’s nothing here for anyone looking for a meaningful or enjoyable experience.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game starts Rough. I think I quit it half a dozen times because the MC was so dis-likable. And being so incel-level dumb that I couldn't decide if I wanted to slap him myself or give him a hug and ask who hurt him.

    After you get through the sheer amount of cringe, the characters are set up, the basic plot is moving along, the game Does start hitting its stride a bit. And then it does get pretty sexy (if you're into the kinks displayed obviously).

    In spite of the name and the initial cringe, the game doesn't go off the deep end of race-play. A lot of the lovers are black but they actually don't get fetishized - they happen to be black but they're just regular cool human beings. And there are white male lovers for some of the characters too, and that's also fine and not a big deal.

    The NTR / cuck stuff on the mom / love interest side actually ends up being pretty chill and supportive (just a dude w/ a voyeur fetish) rather then constant beating over-the-head humiliation. The route w/ the blondie gets dark a bit but then it lightens up too into a mostly consensual D/s thing.

    So yea, if you can get yourself past the first half of the current content (which does have sexy points, don't get me wrong, if you can tune-out the MC long enough to enjoy them) this game becomes worth playing. And the use of the game models makes me want to re-install That game just for funzies.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    A very crude game, including an uninspired plot and poor grammar, with rough Sims-based graphics where the animated scenes suddenly switch quality and aspect ratio and are undoubtedly mostly the work of uncredited modders, featuring basic, choice-based gameplay elements that are still somehow arcane. Whiteboi has absolutely nothing outstanding or of particular value to offer.

    I still came tho
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    " you have the opportunity to make his life worse with your decisions '

    This is what I read in the game description before I downloaded the game, and by the point I had enough of this game ( which by the way was about 5 minutes ) , the whiteboi's landlady had fucked like 3-4 black dudes and I was yet to make a single decision, be it good or bad. So what's the point if im just a passanger to some sort of BBC cuck fantasy of the dev.

    The renders looks so terrible, I can't make out if they're badly rendered honey-select images or screenshots of " The Sims 2" with sex mods on a potato PC.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.1

    Extremely stupid game with extremely stupid MC*. Awful dialogues. Not much better renders (honey select) and animations. Maybe it has been intended as a parody of interracial NTR games, but the result is completely pathetic. The game is hopeless and not worth to spend more words on it. Unfortunately, I have to assign one star to the game, as negative ratings are not allowed by the system.

    * To make it clear: I am not against NTR in the games. Just opposite. I just don't like crap games, whether they contain NTR or not (though they may have their fans - why not; tastes vary).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So this game is catered toward the BBC/cuck genre. I would not advise ppl to aren't into that to play this. If you are into that or don't mind that, this game is for you.
    Almost your typical NTR/BBC plot done to a T with some twists. The MC's father was murdered by a black guy so the protag harbors some racial resentment. His mother doesn't harbor that misguided resentment and gets with a black guy which turns the MC helpless. To make matters worse, his black friend starts to take every girl in the MC's life for himself. MC gets over his hate but at the cost of turning into a cuck. The Antag encourages this behavoir and that's basically the game.

    All the female MCs are really hot. They are the Protag's Crush, his mother, and his crush's friends. Their models are really good and even if you aren't the biggest NTR fan can appreciate them getting railed by a big cock.

    The Antagonist is an interesting take on the genre as he doesn't try to be as much of an asshole to the MC as much a horny ass playboy. He even encourages the MC to watch.

    The MC is your average normal beta cuck. Nothing really special here.

    Art/Sex Scenes:
    Very good. Even if you ignored the plot, the scenes and models are hot enough to really enjoy. The Dev does a really good job here and I have no complaints. Everyone looks really good, save for the protag of course. Lots of really hot both dream and real scenes between all the girls and the Antag. The game doesn't shy away from having everyone in the same room either.
    Game is the perfection of the classic BBC/cuck genre. I feel it has everything someone would want, unless they are REALLY hardcore. Softcore NTR game at it's finest if that's even a real term. For NTR fans, a must play.