Mostly interested in bro/sis but cousins would be fine too. As long as they're close to the same age and in the same generation.
It's difficult to quantify what I mean with the title but I want to see a healthy (save for the incest) relationship between the two characters. I've read some doujins like this but didn't realize I was really into it until I played Automaton Story so if anyone can kind of discern what I mean and has recommendations I'd appreciate it.
i would recommend light of my life, single again, radiant, intertwined, sunshine love, halfway house, young again, the best days of our lives, summer's gone or blooming love. haley, chasing sunsets are bro - sis depending on the patch. freeloading family is a bro sis as well and has thoughtful endings for the characters. long live the princess is intricate but might not be the tone you want and the sister character was rewritten thanks patreon. the first three i mentioned are father daughter and feature fathers and daughters trying to find their way again after their mom died, except for single again in which there is a bitter divorce, but they are really sweet and characters are well written. blooming love is the only one finished (aside from freeloading family) and features two sisters, the story is small but grounded. intertwined, the best days of our lives and halfway house feature young protagonists and have different love interests and are sweet, intertwined gets pretty intricate and is well done. no family stuff there though. sunshine love features estranged siblings (or friends) reunited, similar in that regard to chasing sunsets. young again is a father reincarnated into the body of a high schooler and has to look after his former and newfound family. summer's gone features a teenager trying to get over some childhood trauma, with help from his friends family and a dedicated sister. WVM is also wholesome like an old timey tv show, where everything works out in the end, more of a harem game though. becoming a rock star is worth a mention, you play as bassist of an up and coming band, if you stick to a single love interest, it is sweet, but less so if you don't. hope some of this is of use, sorry for the long comment, wish you all the best.