The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.1 Week 1...
This visual novel/game is pretty much just a slapped together porn fest... And it also includes the oh so overused Family Sex stuff...
The visuals of the characters are done with Honey Select... The backdrops are a mix of ones I've seen before and unique ones... The animations feel like they are cut and paste into the backdrops, and are very short...
The script is alright, even though it has the occasional spelling/grammar error... What little plot there really is, revolves around a male protagonist who is living with his mother and 2 sisters... He has an invisible fairy that talks to him and leads him through the content in a very linear fashion (if you chose to follow the fairies instructions)... The entire family is pretty much a bunch of perverts of one type or another, all wanting or teasing about sex with one another...
The game froze up on day 5, so unsure if that was on purpose or a bug...
Overall, this is basically just a thrown together hodge-podge of sexual events between the protagonist and members of his family... Usually with little to no lead in... Feels very quickly slapped together, and pretty much has a meaningless story with no depth... You are just strung along by the fairy from one sexual event to another, which just makes this game a porn fest...
It is no way a visual novel, as there is no real story... A bunch of dialogue and monologue that is attempting to be funny in sarcastic ways, but just feels extremely immature... You can't really take this game very seriously, as it is pretty much just fast moving masturbation material... It is still in development, but I see no reason for me to re-visit it any time soon...