RPGM - Completed - Whores and Wolves [v1.1] [Kleper666]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    This can barely be called a game,its more like a collection of images and gifs that slow down the game,cant be skipped,dialogue is meh and worst of all the art is stolen and uncredited which should make this fair game to be taken down from the site but it isnt and those who gave it 5 stars really are easy to please sheep for condoning theft of intelectual property.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was playable from start to end with a lot of effort put into the dialogue. Events were easily found and I had no issues with it.

    Caters to mostly fantasy, warcraft, and beast fetishes which is great for some (me) but not others.

    Gifs looped a little too long with no skip option.

    Gallery function was appreciated.

    Game creator went back and fixed issues and added new events which was nice.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    If you want to see a cheap RPG maker porn asset flip, you'll love this.

    The "porn" scene quality average seems to be to play the same 240x320 gif looped twice, then one line of generic dialogue how xxGenericBloodElfSlutxx loves worgen cock up her ass, then another two loops, then another piece of shakespearean pornologue. The stolen, uncredited gently used butchery and downgrade of some high quality videos won't even scale with the window, so it'll end up anchored at the topleft.

    If you want to see usage of World of Warcraft assets done where someone actually put some effort into quality, and even somewhat original content, look at something like Lust for Adventure.

    Also, anyone who reviews this above 2 stars is likely not to be trusted to have any form of rational thought.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This went from an okay game to a tedious one, the main story is very simple. someone is trying to start a war.
    the characters are very boring unless being a slut is all that it takes to be a
    great character. seriously that's all any character in this does is have sex. there is nothing else to them...

    speaking of the sex,this is the worst part of the experience for me. sex scenes are done in gifs (with no sound) and you cannot skip these scenes. there are 86 of them in total which really drags the game on...
    they look great but with so many and being forced to wait to continue.i really hated them. (also they apparently were made by noname55 according to another review here)

    the battle system was actually really well done (playing with controller FYI) smooth and easy to do.only downside is switching characters as you need to use the battle switch in key items to do so. you don't gain experience and don't obtain new gear. instead to get stronger you add gems into your gear which isn't as bad once you find the store you can just buy what you want.
    having said this considering how unnecessary battle is the majority of the time...its kind of a pointless inclusion. some times a fight is going to happen and plot just says you lose instantly...

    i wouldn't recommend this to anyone. since just looking up videos,pictures or gifs is a better of use your time.

    dialog could be improved.

    we start at level 85 and still have no money?

    cannot skip gifs,slows down game.

    some objectives don't turn green after doing them. you need to finish the entire objective which does not make sense.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Lone Dog

    A gift for those who wasted some years of their life playing wow(like me :p) fantasizing with the girls having fun with every race in every way ^^. Good music that brings some nostalgia which make you want to play wow again(but I won't do it! xD) it's fun to play and if you like bestiality there's a lot of content.

    -It's a bit short and seems based as a porn parody so doesn't have enough rpg content, ex: levels and skills are already at max at the beggining so that's a -1 for me. :(
    "You said: but you give it a 5..." Ofc! because I love wow, parodies and bestiality and this deserve a 6 for being made with love by a fan, my gameplay was bugfree and the game is for free, too many games with patreon full of bugs, they can't spend some of that money hiring someone to fix their bugs?!
    -As many said, there should be an option to skip animations, some of them are a bit long.
    -Art isn't original but at the end the important thing is the game itself, I played a lot of games with amazing art but as game were "meh"...

    it's a nice parody, if you ever played wow, you gonna enjoy this game! :D
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just completed this game and think It's a cool one.
    1) Game engine: Can't resize without mods, fullscreen has flickering
    2) Combat: very basic, no real progression through the game, no new skills, no customization through armor/weapon, no hidden secret items (wish there would be more items like journal bought from goblin).
    3) Can't skip scenes, they're little too long.
    1) Warcraft game. As a fan of warcraft it's a big plus for me and main characters are known community members.
    2)Lot's of besti stuff, games are rare in this genre
    3) I find writing very funny/light. Some warcraft memes here and there.
    4)You get scenes almost every 5-10 minutes. Many RPG maker games take a lot of your time to get something, here it's straightforward.
    5)Since there's no original art, I found the ways that DEV put characters into situations to match CGs kinda neat

    Conclusion: I think this game and types a-like are cool. Ye, there's no original art and can be considered "stolen". But Developer made this game for free and this passion, I really appreciate that.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring af. Just go in the files to watch the content directly. A "scene" is just the same animation going in loop for a good couple minutes. Quest and combat are ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz. Save your time and go on rule 34.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    A bit of clunky gameplay, scenes are literally taken from noname55's work and I doubt with his consent. It does get some credit for effort, but originality is far off here. If you want to see the scenes in a better quality you are better off looking them up online, his work is all over the place.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow !

    I played a game for some 2 hours. Only made it to Duskforest and damn this is Hell of a Great Game I got to say !

    When I saw the OP and borrowed art I thought it will be some cheap short shoddy game or something but it turned out to be one of the best made RPG Maker games I have seen in a while !
    Game is massive in size, but also made perfectly with good atencion to detail, no bugs or oversights, the world is rich and dilogues are fun ! It might be one of the biggest suprises I seen in a while !

    @klepper666 - Great work dude ! I didn't realise you were this good at making this games !
    I usualy preffer more serious stories with pure girls characters, but Your game is very fun regardless.
    The scenes from Noname55 are ofc amazing - but seeing them in context of your game is that much better !

    Great use of music, audio clips, special effect - technicaly your game is impeckable !

    Seeing how you can make amazing games like that, I would love to see the author make one with sex scenes that were designed by him, becouse here he had to basically write a story in a way that would fit the allready existing clips. Seeing a game planned entirely to his liking would be great.

    I Wholeheartedly Recomend this game to everyone out there !
    Especialy Besti liking pervs like me !