Why are there so many games with the Jewish symbol or satanic references such as demons, succubi, etc...?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
The symbol you mean is most likely a pentagram (5-point star) and not the jewish star of david (6-point star).
Since it's the pentagram (upside down because it repesents a goat's head) which is a satanic/demonic symbol.

Succubi or satanism are classic elements in (sexual) corrution and it have nothing to do with religion, it is just a trope/genre, as it represents seduction to the forbidden.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
In the context of historically Christian nations sexual things not approved by the bible were sin and associated with hell, demons, satan, judaism and such. Theres naturally stories about demons, or women, luring innocent Christians into having sex outside of marriage which is a sin, and you get strong association with sexual promiscuousness and succubi. Those stories then carry over into the realm of games.

Porn is obviously un-christian and subsequently culturally taboo and evil. Porn producers were inspired to use satanic imagery and words like "evil", "hell", "fallen angels" for their logos because thats what people expected.
Incidentally many porn producers are jews and most porn websites are ran by jews.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
In the context of historically Christian nations sexual things not approved by the bible were sin and associated with hell, demons, satan, judaism and such.
And many also see Lilith, the first succubus or mother of the succubi depending the texts, as also being Adam first wife. What then place succubi as the women you shouldn't be with, even outside of any sexual context.
Add to this that the word itself come from the Latin word "succuba", what mean concubine, therefore a wife you life with outside of the sacred bonds of marriage, and you've three reasons to use succubi as corruption factor in a world where the morality tend to be defined by Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
My guy you are on the most heretical, haram, unkosher and sinful sites and your complaining about a star of david?

"I just watched a twink get his bussy obliterated by an army of ogres... but they took it to far when the jews came in... God wouldn't approve of that!"
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