that's not how i read it. he wants to sort by order of recently updated and only showing highly rated games, instead of sorting by weighted rating
That is almost correct, which is why whowhawhy's solution of change sorting + date limit works fine but that's still a little bit of a hassle.
If you're familiar with the way ehentai advanced searches works you should understand immediately.
Getting the most recently updated is fine but what I really wanted is a list of the ones whose thread got posted the most recently. Not the update but rather the date of creation.
Here's what I wish I could do : I wanted to filter
out lower rated games, filter games by showing only completed games, and ideally getting the most recently created ones instead of updated. The reason is simple, very popular games tend to be overrated. A game that just recently came out wouldn't be too popular, pair it with "completed games" only and you'll also be able to judge the game for what it is instead of what's it trying to be.
And to explain why top rated recently updated games is still a little bit of a hassle for me is because games that are overrated are mixed in with other games.
I'll make a specific example : I wanted to take a look at 3d games and see for myself what's the rage all about so to speak. But I have no way at all to filter out the slop. Older games, for a variety of reasons, will almost always have worst rendering. And people who do not know any better, will spit on anything featuring anime style stuff, in favor of a more realistic style in addition to only going with highly popular stuff. Among other things, this phenomenon makes old stuff with ageing rendering go up in rating which muddles my searches via top rated. The best solution I got is the one I described earlier. And the second best, which unless I'm missing something is also the best one for f95 in particular, is whowhawhy's solution.
(Why did I talk about anime style ? Because something that is highly stylistic doesn't age)