Why do you like corruption hentai?

Chippu Rin

New Member
May 14, 2019
So I tried some corruption games? They're interesting but I kind of been wondering what is the appeal to them? (Hope I'm not coming off as kink-shaming I'm genuinely curious)

So yeah my question is: Why do games with corruption appeal to you?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I guess that, like for any fetish, part of the appeal come from the desire to live this in real life. With "this" being a slutty but still deep in love, dirty but still classy, girl ready to do anything sexual with you.

The corruption offer this in a believable way. If she were a dirty slut from the start, you wouldn't have loved, nor probably dated, her. But here, she's in love and classy at start, and stay like this outside of the lewd times. Then when come the said lewd times, she become not the object of all your desires, but their instrument. You can do whatever you want to her, you can be as depraved as you want, humiliate her as much as you want, she'll always comply, generally with a smile. The (sometimes too) slow corruption process help to keep in mind the classy loving girl she was at first, while still having the dirty bitch result.
Plus, except few games, whatever the method used to corrupt her, it always make her love you more ; she become trashier and trashier with all step, but she always do it because she love you soooooo much. And what's more exciting than a girl (or a boy depending of your preference) that is so deeply in love with you, that there's no limit to what you can ask her/him ? It trigger the sexual excitation as well as the emotional one.

And like all we need is love... inside the heart of a sex craving crazy slut, corruption games are what we need. At least when they are well wrote, which isn't this frequent.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Well, Corruption mechanics in VN/Games comes in many various forms, all of which are really, in a sense, corruption... Any outside influence that changes a characters normal and natural behavior into doing things or thinking in ways they normally would not do or think, are technically a form of corruption... Even seduction can be a form of corruption...

The way corruption is handled in this market, varies from one VN/Game to another... But for all intensive purposes it usually involves some form of sexual corruption... Whether it be via seduction, trickery, magic, technology, blackmail, hypnosis, mind control, and the list goes on... Many tend to have it occur quickly, while some are a slow burn, and a few mix it up...

The VN/Games that are pure corruption based grinding porn fests... Where story is barely relevant or even present, and the corruption mechanics just open up further sex progression... Those can either be tediously repetitive, or boringly fast paced... With only a few being evenly paced... And these are usually not my cup o' tea... But there have been a few that are not as bad, if some decent story is thrown into the mix... The biggest issue I see with these particular styles of VN/Games, is a tendency to copy one another and/or use many of the same themes and events... In visuals, game play mechanics, as well as character setups...

As far as why people like them? It's like any other theme, various people have their various likes and dislikes... It's not easy to nail down all the exact reasons, whether they be psychological or physical... Because there are so darn many... Some folks may fantasize about sexual encounters between the protagonist and other characters, who may not desire the protagonist at all... Some folks may like seduction stories and content... And the list goes on... Plus sometimes it's an easy plot device to use, that may not require as much thinking and planning when writing a story and/or making a game... All depending on the manifestation the developer selects, for both the type and style of corruption used... As an example, magical corruption requires less explanation and perhaps less build up, then say, normal seduction would...

Everyone will have their own personal reasons, and they may not all match up... Which is why this particular question will be difficult to answer... Suffice it to say, readers/players have varying reasons why they like what they like... And the reasons are too vast and varied to list them all...



Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Before I answer, I need to define some terms.

Corruption - the action of making someone or something morally depraved or the state of being so.​
Conditioning - the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.​
Violence - Any action taken by an individual or group intended to cause harm whether physical, sexual, psychological, or through deprivation/neglect.​
Morality - principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior, and the extent to which an action is right or wrong.​

Now, I'm a really sex positive individual. I truly believe that within the bonds of enthusiastic consent there is nothing wrong with anything sexual. Therefore, I myself am incapable of being "corrupted" sexually, because my morality would say that it is limiting sex that is immoral. However, I also recognize that my beliefs are not the beliefs of society on the whole, nor are they the beliefs of every individual. As a result, there's a certain joy, to me, in disillusioning someone of their deeply held beliefs. As somewhat of a sadist, I revel in themes of humiliation, exhibition, and corruption. Taking a girl who views their body as a temple to be cherished and saved for godly acts and having her expose it, having her give into and beg for her desires to be sated, watching the sense of shame they feel from these acts, excites me to no end. However, as I mentioned at the top, consent is key.

Conditioning and Corruption are not mutually exclusive, but they aren't the same thing either. You could create a Venn diagram with them and show scenarios in which conditioning and Corruption do overlap, a pure girl consenting to an S&M relationship, for instance, is literally going to be trained to be more of a depraved slut, but, the fact that she chose this means that she is entering a state of corruption. However, if that same girl is only consenting because you threatened to kill her, her body may be doing the things, but her mind and her heart remain hers, and if she ever escapes your violence, it will be her heart and mind that win over, not your training. This is where that definition of morality comes in handy. To what extent is an action right or wrong? If we accept, as the law does, that things done under duress are not the same as those undertaken willingly, then someone being blackmailed or coerced into sex is not making a moral decision, but a survival one. Again, there is some overlap here, the coercion could be a bribe of some type. A better job for a little sex, but no fear of losing your current one? That's a choice to compromise your morals for increased standing. That's corruption.

So, my stance is thus, I like corruption, even in cases where it overlaps with conditioning, but I do not like conditioning. Retard in lechertown games, or games where the love interests are retards in some lecher's harem don't work for me. D, in Dating my Daughter is not being corrupted, she's being conditioned. Mom in Big Brother isn't being corrupted, she's being conditioned. And this is the case with most games with a corruption tag. Authors don't understand the nuance of these two things and thus keep falling to the easier conditioning tropes rather than the more complex and psychological corruption ones.

I wonder sometimes if other people's perceptions of corruption aren't similarly tainted by this lack of nuance. Do people like OP not understand the appeal of corruption because they keep coming across its non consenting cousin, conditioning? Do they try to hold nuanced beliefs liking some corruption but not others? I've found many people hate female protagonist games because they've played a few of the retard in lechertown variety and have this view that all female protag games are just rape simulators. And honestly, it's hard to tell them they're wrong because so many really are incapable of nuance, they do give the player no agency. However, add in that agency, and you nail my kink. I love depravity, I love when a girl compromises what she has been taught to be right and moral in order to indulge in carnal pleasure. And so I love corruption. It's just too bad there aren't more game that do it well, male or female MC.

P.S. - Mind Control/Alteration through whether in fantasy or sci fi contexts is not corruption. If the girl's morality is changed, not by choice, but by force, that force being in the form of powers or pills or potions, they aren't really corrupting anything, because their morality accepts it. Nothing wrong with the power fantasy involved here, but too many games don't get this, hell, one such game is even titled "Corruption".
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Jan 3, 2020
I just like watching someone slowly succumb to their primal desires. The thing about corruption is that normally is ends in the whole "ahe gao mindless slut" kinda thing and I'm not big on that part. While I am a massive pervert (and proud of it), I like my people to still think. So, for me, I like it when people learn to enjoy something to the point that they're screaming for it. E.g. if a woman likes butt stuff to the point it makes her orgasm and she's willingly begging for it.

I like the idea of someone submitting to a sexual act and becoming a willing slave, but I still want them to regain their senses and realize, yeah, that's good stuff. Plus... I mean, I'm kinda a cuddler or whatever and you can't do that if they're brainless....

I've also got a forced fetish. Not rape, per say, just "sudden and instant sex". Rape sounds more "tears, blood and pleading for mercy". So the idea of "pounce, breed, having them resist but then slowly accept their position as your toy" adds to the hotness.

I dunno, I guess it all just stems back to my kink for watching people have fun. The harder they get off, the more I like it and the more corrupted they are the more they like it.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
So I tried some corruption games? They're interesting but I kind of been wondering what is the appeal to them? (Hope I'm not coming off as kink-shaming I'm genuinely curious)

So yeah my question is: Why do games with corruption appeal to you?
Porn. Gradual degradation and finale.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
Well, i dont play them if i dont have the control to stop. From time to time its nice to train your personal slut, but there it ends for me...most corruption games go further to make public sluts out of them...its like making a cake and let it over night in the 200°C oven...in the beginning a good thing, but in the end only trash

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Corruption hentai is usually trash-garbage because Japanese game devs don't seem able to conceive of sex without some form of rape or molestation. Karryn's Prison is a shining exception, though. Anyway, it's all psychological. For me, corruption only works if the coruptee starts proud and prudish and slowly gets opened up to debauchery. It's the early-mid stages that get me going the most, the full-on slut at the end is just the cherry on top and I may lose interest before then.

A good corruption game has assloads of ways to tailor your corruption curve and lets you set you own pace. And any form of non-con ruins it for me.
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Nov 9, 2019
Any recommendations for good corruption games done right with good CG?
Sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask but the subject peaked my interest.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Any recommendations for good corruption games done right with good CG?
Sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask but the subject peaked my interest.
Good girl gone bad. You witness good girl slowly turning full slut mode.
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Jul 29, 2020
Corruption hentai is usually trash-garbage because Japanese game devs don't seem able to conceive of sex without some form of rape or molestation. Karryn's Prison is a shining exception, though. Anyway, it's all psychological. For me, corruption only works if the coruptee starts proud and prudish and slowly gets opened up to debauchery. It's the early-mid stages that get me going the most, the full-on slut at the end is just the cherry on top and I may lose interest before then.

A good corruption game has assloads of ways to tailor your corruption curve and lets you set you own pace. And any form of non-con ruins it for me.
If you don't mind me picking your brain for a minute, I read your comment and decided to try out Karryn's Prison. I put a couple of hours into it yesterday to get some ideas and see what its about. While it definitely does fit the mould of a character that starts out prudish, there's definitely some non-con in there. After I lost my first fight, the inmates took Karryn to a room where they did some decidedly non-con things with her. So, I guess my question to you is: why does Karryn seem to get a pass since you list it as an exception? Not trying to antagonize. Just genuinely curious.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
If you don't mind me picking your brain for a minute, I read your comment and decided to try out Karryn's Prison. I put a couple of hours into it yesterday to get some ideas and see what its about. While it definitely does fit the mould of a character that starts out prudish, there's definitely some non-con in there. After I lost my first fight, the inmates took Karryn to a room where they did some decidedly non-con things with her. So, I guess my question to you is: why does Karryn seem to get a pass since you list it as an exception? Not trying to antagonize. Just genuinely curious.
To me, it's con because Karryn doesn't let any sex action be done to her except being jacked off to, unless her Desire is high enough to allow the action (one of the edicts allows you to see the exact thresholds on the status screen). Even during the defeat scenes, iirc, though the thresholds there are probably lower. Thing is, Karryn has such a monstrous libido that she needs to actively suppress her desires at all times when near men and is especially susceptible while incapacitated thanks to her latent masochism (though this last part is my speculation, iirc one of the passives you will get every playthrough once you defeat enough prisoners implies that even super-cocky and confident Karryn is secretly curious about the possibility of being defeated).


Jul 29, 2020
To me, it's con because Karryn doesn't let any sex action be done to her except being jacked off to, unless her Desire is high enough to allow the action (one of the edicts allows you to see the exact thresholds on the status screen). Even during the defeat scenes, iirc, though the thresholds there are probably lower. Thing is, Karryn has such a monstrous libido that she needs to actively suppress her desires at all times when near men and is especially susceptible while incapacitated thanks to her latent masochism (though this last part is my speculation, iirc one of the passives you will get every playthrough once you defeat enough prisoners implies that even super-cocky and confident Karryn is secretly curious about the possibility of being defeated).
Understood. I interpreted the desire gauges slightly differently but I guess when viewed that way you can say that she's all for it but tries to keep her desires in check.