Why holiday updates?

Apr 30, 2018
Out of curiousity are other people into holiday updates? I'm asking because personally as a one off I think thery're great, but generally they don't seem to add anything the the main games and they take away from time the devs could be devolping their stories and furthering their brands. As it is, we have to wait patiently (most of the time) for more content and I'm not as patient as I wish that I was. I appreciate the hard work devs do, every so often I just wish it was forcused in another direction. Please let me know what you think or feel and I thank you for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Christmas for me is the hottest time of the year, followed by Halloween. Two great oportunities to use kinky costumes and make good sex scenes.

Besides that, if a dev feels like doing a Christmas scene, then why not? These games are supposed to be fun not just for the players but also for the devs. Pretty much 95% of the devs here started doing this as a hobby simply because they thought it would be fun. If adding a canon/non-canon Christmas scene is what they enjoy then I don't see any problem.
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Active Member
Apr 21, 2017
A couple of holiday themed renders is more than enough i think. Who needs a whole update focused on something that's going to lose it's relevance in a week.
They're also half assed most of the time, fucking a girl in a mrs. claus costume with a christmas tree in the background, i've yet to see a good christmas episode.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I don't get these Christmas Updates. It would make sense if they actually integrate into the Story and its just Christmas in the Game for one Update but these one-off spinoff episodes are kinda weird.
For many devs, those special spin-off are an occasion to add so lewd scenes that can't be in the game, either because the story haven't reached the right point, or, some times, because the story absolutely don't permit them. They are lewd fan fictions, but made by the dev himself.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 31, 2019
I was considering making a "Holliday dungeon" in my game, populated by evil snowmen with carrot-dicks, complete with unique h-scenes and some special "holiday armor" that you could gather mats to craft that would make a costume for you that was Christmas themed and sexy. Would be a bit more work since my game's got action-combat so there would need to be AI and stuff, but I thought it would be really cool.

But I realized that was way out of scope and instead focused on reworking my main character's portrait image instead. Perhaps next year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2019
many devs put a lot of heart and soul into this to thank her supporters, and i think that should weld us together more (y)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
If adding a canon/non-canon Christmas scene is what they enjoy then I don't see any problem.
hard to disagree with that. on anything.

but I just don't see the point in non-canon events. it just seems like the even worse version of "then I woke up and it was all just a dream". scenes should have consequences for your characters or they should be cut.

writing a christmas event into your actual story makes it a vastly better version of the event. doubly so when the story is based on doing things you shouldn't be doing, like is the case with 99% of sex stories. so in your story the aunt was never supposed to do anything with you, but in the christmas party she gets drunk and blows you in a closet. you go back to the main story and it never happens again, but you have all the guilt and hidden secret and threat of it being uncovered to bounce your writing off. doesn't have to be incest, could be anything like the aunt fucking your dad or anyone she shouldn't. that only works if the deed still exists in the morning.

anne's point about showing scenes that aren't yet justified in the canon progression I don't get either. it's just another way of losing all the tension you worked so hard to build up. it's like starting a joke with the punchline, the quickest way to ruin the joke.

MAYBE do it after you've completed your game, as a bonus. but never undermine your story by giving up the goods early or undermining your characters by making them break their character. it just diminishes the impact of your story, why would anyone do that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
but I just don't see the point in non-canon events. it just seems like the even worse version of "then I woke up and it was all just a dream". scenes should have consequences for your characters or they should be cut.
Not really, or at least not necessarily. The point is that some people enjoy them and if the dev decided to do it, I guess it was because the dev enjoys it as well.

I mean, I get that you don't get anything out of those holidays updates or at least you don't get anything good out of them, but a lot of people do. Nobody is undermining anything or making anyone break characters. It really doesn't have to be that way unless you want to make it seem that way. It can be as simple as any canon/non-canon sexy and funny story can be.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
im guessing you mean icstor, nothing wrong with holiday specials aslong as the original game is 100% completed, if not then fuck the specials and put that energy into the main game