Ren'Py - Abandoned - Wicked Paradise [v0.19.7] [VEGA Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    Another game for psychics. There is no understanding of what to do in the game, because there is no help from the game for player-0, the only way is to break into all locations and check them for content, but you will have to do this for a very long and tedious, because the quest it can be on a certain day of the week, at a certain time, which greatly complicates this whole content search grind. Graphically, it’s average, nothing special. Not worth attention, you can skip this "masterpiece", you will not lose anything.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game (at version 0.19.4) is a real mixed bag.
    Let's start with the good points first:
    • The renders are very well made. Rooms are nicely built and lit. Nice use of scenery, depth of field, decent variation in angles, closeups etc.
    • Models are fairly good looking
    • The fact that the developer has taken the time to animate a few of these scenes, is praiseworthy
    • The sandbox framework seems pretty well thought out, even though a few tweaks (e.g. portraits denoting whether a room is occupied) could make it more user friendly
    The bad points:
    • The models are basically all the same. Same face, same facial expressions in almost every scene. The hairstyles are the only real differentiating factor. This could be explained by the familial relations, but for the next point
    • The setting is obviously meant to be incestuous, but the implementation of the dialogue in trying to work around Patreon's rules is, quite frankly, a shitshow. I mean, "her name is Mom" ... really?
    • The writing overall feels clunky and awkward. The dialogue seems forced and the sentence structure belies the developers lack of familiarity with the English language. (As an ESL myself, I can sympathize, but it really throws me off in games.)
    There are some bugs as well, but I assume those will get fixed, so I won't add demerits for them.

    In summary:
    I figured that at this point, this game would be worth checking out, because the screenshots show a lot of promise. The game, however was a slow, fairly empty chore to slog through. I ended up skipping through more and more of the dialogue, for what turned out to be very little payoff.
    With so many other games out there to try out, I probably won't be returning to this one.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Not only does the dev not ever add content at a pace that anywhere resembles reasonable, existing content actually gets removed. The renders are pretty good, but you'll never actually see a payoff in either story or sex scenes, so it's simply a colossal waste of time.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The pinnacle of all blue ball games. VEGA has been milking this garbage game for years. It's been in creation for 4 years and still no sex scenes. This game is garbage. Ignore the thread, unless you like blue balls.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders, but the rest of the game is a bit boring and clunky. The user interface consists of just clicking around different parts of the house in the hope that you stumble across a new scene and there is an annoying lag with scene transitions and item highlights.
    It's worth a quick play to check out the renders, but not much else.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics quality and animations are superb, the character models are top notch though a lot of them have same face. There are a few really hot scenes especially with the mom and aunt. About as much content as you would expect from a .17 or a first release.

    The writing is nothing groundbreaking but it does give some burn time before the family members dig into taboo. lot of the usual porn game tropes. It's pretty solid and I hope to see more. It's not quite there yet (in terms of content) but the potential is through the roof.

    Sandbox navigation isn't difficult but it can be a little bit of a chore bouncing all over the map looking for the next trigger. Hint system is good and makes it to where you're not gonna be lost clicking every single room and building at every hour of the day trying to hunt it down though so, ymmv.

    A lot of the reviews are harsh due to pace of updates, I kinda have to agree. This is the amount of content you'd expect to see from a game 6mo-1yr into dev but it's a few years old at this point, perhaps the super high quality of the renders and animations have a lot to do with it and from what I've read it seems like the fundamentals weren't fully settled on before production and dev is having to work backwards to move forwards.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game began with very huge potential and the quality of the graphics are superb. The characters are very well made and attractive.
    However this game has been in the same place for a long time. There is no new content . The last 3 or 4 updates has included no new content and in my opinion this is to avoid the abandoned tag. The game has also changed its name a couple of times. There is no real story to the game, this game is still in the beginning stages yet it's been over 3 years.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This Game really has potential to be one of the best games .However there is lack of variable content and characters.Better soundtrack will do nicely to improve gameplay experience. New locations as well as adding smartphone and also improving animations will increase gameplay experience.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Here is my take.

    It is visually well made and the story has something going for.
    Mom looks really attractive and you kind of feel for her.
    Same goes for aunty. Though i have to say, that the three females look for some strange reason very similar.
    Worst (for me) is that the male MC is seen. I am just a fan of seeing myself in a game. But thats my problem.
    What i really dislike is sandbox. In the beginning i did not care but i am very reluctant to play sandbox games. They always feel like road blocks.

    Overall i think the game is really good and considering it is in the early stages, i think it can develop quiet well.

    I consider this game a truly romantic novel at this point which is great.
    As for incest, its great. So i can recommend it. Though, like i stated, i kind of wished that each character would have a look of their own.

    Please continue.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Basic story, super ultra mega cliché and meaningless, as always the MC is a greedy guy who eats all women, including his own mother without any effort for it, the game models are not attractive to my taste, and it's just one model with different hairstyles, you can see by the images, I couldn't play 10 minutes of this game, its boring.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This is another one of those horrible sandbox games, where you repeat the same events again and again, until with luck you might catch the one time and location that lets you progress a bit.
    In addition, the updates break the saves now and again, and very little content gets added.
    Really developing at a snail's pace.

    It's a pity, because the models are actually quite good. Thankfully, most of them are also in other, better games.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Only just discovered this as it recently went on early access on steam. As of v0.15 I could only manage 1/2hr into reading and just had to stop. Models, backgrounds, even some of the animations are somewhat decent. But the writing is just too cringe. English isn't the dev's native language so I can forgive some grammar issues. But it goes so beyond that. MC is introduced with a shallow Ken doll of a personality. Not a bad guy but no character to speak of either, And yet all the girls around him are swooning for him. Including the overdone 'landlady' mother figure. The other women following similar stereotypical tropes. And any choices I've seen so far amount to just being a total A-hole or a decent human being. Trying to get through the writing was like eating soggy bread, bland and blecch.

    I can appreciate the dev has put a lot of time an effort into this already. But with 2+ years and this is what he has to show for it, I'd be too embarrassed to ever make it public. Maybe salvage the renders but start the writing from scratch. Or he should partner with someone who can handle the writing altogether. But on it's current course it's just another AVN to be swept under the rug.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Review update for v0.19

    Wow. Not only does the developer not add new content, he also tries to lock the tiny amount of existing content (that took over 4 years to develop) behind a paywall. Imagine if you filled your garbage can with newspapers from the past 4 years and put a padlock on it to keep people from stealing them before the next garbage pickup day. That is Wicked Paradise. I recommend that players ignore this game until it's completed because it's been painfully terrible to play from release to release. Of course, when you consider that it's already been 5 years and the game is maybe 30% complete, the chance this game will actually reach completion is near 0%.

    This review is for v0.14

    This game seems to be another case of a developer thinking he has an awesome idea for a unique sandbox game, then realizing his awesome idea is buggy, unintuitive, and players hate it. So, he keeps refining it over and over until it looks and works just like every other sandbox game. The developer has broken backward compatibility at least three times, forcing players to restart from the beginning, only to find that very little or nothing was actually added to the plot or the visuals. Several updates have been only tweaks to game mechanics and the user interface. What's worse is that some releases were horribly buggy making them unplayable.

    The renders are high-quality and the animations are good. The models of the girls are beautiful but not unrealistically perfect as they tend to be in other games. Ignoring the bugs, the gameplay so far has been average for a sandbox-type game, but that isn't really a good thing, because this game, like most other sandbox games, shouldn't be a sandbox game at all. There's no need for a sandbox because there's never more than one thing that can happen at any time during the game, and most of the time there's nothing happening anywhere in the game. The game is just boring and repetitive the vast majority of the time. The game also includes minigames that are also kind of average for sandbox games, which basically means they're mindless time-wasters.

    I first played Wicked Paradise in the fall of 2020. As far as the story, renders, and animations go, very little has been added since then. I would estimate that less than 10% of the game's current content has been added in the last 15 months. Additionally, going by the story plot and the interactions of the MC with love-interests, the game is well under 20% complete overall. The developer's execution over the past ~6 releases has been so poor, I simply don't see a successful path to completion for this game.

    Overall, the 0.14 release of the game isn't terrible. However, several previous releases have been terrible and the player's experience of following and playing updates to the game has also been terrible. The developer is going to have a tough time convincing players that this will change. [Edit: looks like the dev ported the game to Steam in order to get exposure to a big pool of potential players that don't know how bad the development has been so far and likely how terrible the Steam early-access experience is going to be.]
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Granted the graphics are incredible but the animations are slow and laggy and there is absolutely no reason this game should be a sandbox whatsoever. Why might you ask? Because you can literally only interact with one person in the house once per day. So you look at the instructions for each event saying where and when you should be for an event.

    Okay cool I have to meet this person in her room at this time of day okay. Yet once you finish that interactive scene that is all you can do for that day. Just a bunch of rooms you can move in between by clicking on the photo of each different room in the house. And you have to advance time by going to your bedroom, clicking on your bed and advancing time. The scenes are literally not worth waiting a full day for anyways just a bit of talking then ope that's it for today.

    My biggest pet peeve is the lack of notification if something is still in development. There are missions that require you to meet someone in a certain place. How the hell do I even leave the house? I can't leave the house! I click on the door and nothing. I click on the map icon and the supposed map is just a black and gray outline with nothing there.

    I clicked on the bedroom icon for my room and the game literally just crashed. I have no idea what is even going on between the people in the house and what's the point of making it a sandbox if the MC is stuck in the house? Sandbox games actually have an entire town yet i can't leave the house nor can I interact with any objects besides the repetitive scenes of the two inhabitants in the house.

    This game isn't even good enough for beta testing yet so many things are not ready yet. For a sandbox game you can't put out incomplete products such as a sandbox that consists of switching between rooms and nothing else complete waste of time. This game really has nothing good going for it besides the graphics tbh. DEV you really should have just made this a visual novel.

    Trying to make a game sandbox just because it's a popular format doesn't mean your game will be compatible with it especially with how you set things up. I would consider coming back again and seeing what's new but the sandbox literally destroyed what could've been a good game. There's so many things happening that makes no sense and aren't explained. 2/5 stars.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had excellent character quality and animations and a pretty decent plot but thats all there is , in regards to content theres only a spoonful of them not to mention the time this game has been around .

    This game had a lot of potential and now its ruined. Dropping this for 3 yrs or so , I hope some new content comes up during that time!
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Candy Suxx

    such long time and all the game has reached is HJ or BJ with no good content in story and otherwise , its the only game other than Amnesia where even the progression is slow af . The only asset are the renders and that's it other than that its just a bore ,where even the LI's almost look the same other than different makeup and hair color. Might wanna try after a few years when there is something worth playing for.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Pervy Sensei

    After nearly three years of development, this game has a few kissing animations, a couple of fingering animations, a couple of pussy eating animations, and one scene with handjob and blowjob. That's it. After nearly three years. On the plus side, I will say the animations it does have are pretty good quality.

    Besides the paucity of animated content for such a long dev time, the story doesn't seem to be well-developed either--it's kind of shocking how little content there is for nearly three years of dev time. The writing often contains spelling and grammatical errors; not to a horrendous degree, but noticeable. Sometimes it isn't easy to follow the reasoning of the dialogue. The UI seems fine, though sometimes there's the occasional bug. Music isn't a thing.

    Not recommended.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This has the potential of being a great 5 star game. But the dialog is really broken at the beginning (where I was forced to stop playing) with badly translated english. So I hope that this can be addressed since the animations are really good
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a ton of potential. The renders and models are quite good. I think some people complain because a lot of the models look the same but you have to remember that they are mostly related to one another.

    The areas where this game falls flat are:

    1) Poor flow. Your relationship with the mother is escalated quickly and then pulled back. If you have the incest patch in place it really feels like the exploration of those feelings are all wonky.

    2) Lack of content, especially sexual content.

    3) There are areas where stuff gets lost in translation. It could use a better translator and proofreader.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.10 version
    - good cg
    - animations present
    - some kind if story present
    - game arhive (rpa) have custom header, that mean- no reading code , direct watching cg for 99% people. minus 1 star for that
    - game have bug- missing animations and almost all players have no chance to fix it cuz game arhive (rpa) "encoded". that also minus 0.5 stars
    - lack of content. game development started almost 3 years ago and what we have here? empty map (1.5-2 main content locations), ig content gor 1-2 hours gameplay(depending by reading speed), almost zero adult content (ok, pair bj and fingering presents). thats meant minus 1 star.

    mby ill check this game 3-4 years later and game ll have 1-2 more hours gameplay. some other games have much more content in second/third releases...