Ren'Py - Abandoned - Wicked Paradise [v0.19.7] [VEGA Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. Quality of renders is awesome, very detailed and nice looking. Animations are even better, smooth, good looking. Really one of the best animations here. Story is decent but so far is more free roam then some development. But I guess this game is worth trying definetely for its beautiful visual. 7.5/10. [v0.9.2] .
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Like most I agree about the amazing render. Of course once you've seen one then that's it because they all look alike.

    For some reason, they won't put the Abandoned tag on this. It's been a couple years since any meaningful updates. Seems like another developer trying to scam folks out of their money for nothing. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows...... I hope so.

    Very slow game with no support, which is such a shame as there are many folks just dying to play this one.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    In short: Amazing renders, but a Gary Stu MC and the women are practically clones.

    In long:
    The renders are fantastic and the characters have a great attention to detail, as in... the bodies do not look super smooth and actually have wrinkles around the joints and show some signs of aging here and there. The enviroments are nice and thank goodness there is a quest log to keep up with what you have done and what you should do next.

    But that is pretty much where the good things end with this game.
    The story is barely there... or at least the over-arching story that is introduced. All the quests have to do with getting close to the women around you, but there is nothing else happening. 1 quest does introduce something that could evolve into an over-arching plot, but as of v0.9.2 still nothing has happened except for some 3rd base action with one of the girls.

    Speaking of the women, they all look the same. They do. The make-up might be slightly different and the hair as well... but the face has the exact same shape for all of the women. This might be excused since the characters are supposed to be related (without the patch it is 'landlady and roommate' stuff.. you know the drill), but it does throw you off. If you have seen 1 girl naked, you have basically seen them all naked.. just a slightly younger version, or one with a different hairdo.

    The MC is also a Captain Ultimate, or a Gary Stu (male version of Mary Sue). He is 6ft something, muscular and always good looking, despite that he has no job, does not work out, and everything he does do evolves around the girls. The women also adore his every move. Whether it is the 'roommate', 'landlady' or the 'best friend of landlady'... each of them cannot get enough of him and he can do no wrong.
    The only character that seems to have a somewhat logical relationship with MC is this woman who keeps sending him nudes (Via e-mail for some reason..idk, maybe she's oldfashioned). She is the only character that has an although simple, clear and obvious relationship with MC... yet she is the only character that we can't do anything with for now.

    This game looks great... it really does, so if you are in for a simple story where you can bang your mo--Landlady... this game is for you. It is a slow burn though... we only get some action after the 7th quest.
    If you prefer a proper story... or even just an over-arching story of any kind and an MC that has at least some flaws ... this game is definitely not for you.

    2.5/5 stars for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I noticed the game just now, so I won't complain about development time. Assuming dev does this as a sidejob I wouldn't complain anyhow. Except for the main story the game seems extremly vanilla so far, which in my opinion could be spiced up a bit by some corruption or least some more roughness, but even as it is I gotta say this is pretty good. The older sister looks a tad too old imo, but overall models and renders are really good. Looking forward for more.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll give "Wicked Paradise" 4 stars despite the lack of content after 2 years of development. The game got so much potential, because the models and even the mc are really beautiful in "Wicked Paradise". The renders, animations and even more the girls of the cast are absolutely stunning, therefore I really like this game. The blonde milf Julia alone already makes this game worthwhile (- the others are very hot, too).

    The story and writing are also good, despite some typos and the English, which isn't perfect, though, but as non-natural English speaker myself I can’t complain. Furthermore the slow burning of this game and its tension curve keeps you hooked and it's one of the few games, where the mc won't use dirty tactics or some kind of weird magic to get between the legs of the girls. Everything is quite reasonable. So far so good.

    Now for the bad. For the time being "WP" really lacks content: a blowjob is currently as far as you can get with only one of the girls (the others just have a cunnilingus or even just a kissing scene)! After 2 years of development that really isn't enough. If the devs delivered more content regularly, I’d surely support them on patreon, because it’s an outstanding lovely adult game. Considering the content of the game, it doesn’t deserve 4 stars, but I’m really looking with favor to this game for the reasons mentioned above.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game. Renders and characters are beautiful, very detailed work. Story is engaging and characters are interesting. Lewd scenem are animated and very quality work as well. I'm looking forward to new updates in the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The content of this game, game plot, pictures, sound effects. Features.
    A good storyline, compact plot, beautiful and smooth graphics, and immersive sound effects are a good game. I like this game very much.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Really the only thing I can list as a positive of this game are the renders are decent.
    Otherwise, the english/translation is very poor. A lot of the sentences don't make sense. Also in many of the sentences don't convey proper context or emotion. For example, there are many conversations where someone will act like they have something really important to say and make it seem like it will be a serious conversation. Then they will ask 'So, how are you? How is your day going?' There are countless other conversations where the dialogue is just off.
    Another negative is - there are numerous points where the game freezes or loads very very slow. For example - when the MC goes to sleep, it takes a long time for the scene to change to morning the next day. I initially thought this may have been just an issue with the unofficial Android version, but in reading comments and other reviews it seems that these are issues with the code.

    I don't know - if the English could be cleaned up and the code tweaked, this could be a decent VN, But even making those improvements I don't know that this game would be that compelling. The story is more or less a variation of your basic incest plot. The models are decent but not like drop dead gorgeous. So there just isn't a whole lot to grab on to with this game and honestly with the limited options you have, I'm not sure why this is laid out in a free roam game style anyway. It would have worked much better as a regular VN. It would have simplified a lot of the development.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts full-screen, and then asks if you agree with the 'Terms of Use' and 'Disclaimer' without giving the option to read them (no link, and it boots you if you don't accept) No thank you ,next
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Review on 0.8.1

    Good renders and models. Moms, aunt and sis looksrealy good.
    No grind
    Easy play. Compatible to skip type gameplay ;)
    Hints on the main character's computer

    Hints on the main character's computer. To check them you need back to MC room.
    Super short. When you see version 0.81 you expect much more content. So still no sex.
    The interface is slow, periodically freezes.

    I can say nothing about story and dialogues. I skipped everything. :whistle:
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I give this game a poor score and only 2 star review not because it terrible, it has beautiful CG all throughout it, this game started off strong I liked it very much but early on the games code was messed up and you would expiernce crashes after loading a previous save or get hit with error messages. That I believe caused some of the initial fans to cancel pledge for support along with Patreon banning any kind of creators that had incest content in their games.

    Since then this game has struggled to gain any significant traction not just in it's fan base but the person/team working on the game. The initial wrench in the system occured back in 0.4.0 - 0.6.0 now here we are in 0.8.1 and all we have is some voyeurism and toy play. I truly wish this team luck with recovering this game to it's intended glory but milking what patreons you have by depriving them of any significant content will lead to your fall and abandonment of this project.

    Recuperation what loses you have experienced by showing your fans what passion you have for this project by delivering worthwhile content not essentially punishing them by handing them the short end of the stick you had the misfortune of drawing.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Renamed, without notice, Only patrons new. No new content, No Continuation of Plot. And one scene at warehouse with Aunt is buggy and did not show, she saw me find gun but no scene, and no repete of posibility.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good actually ..
    Very good renders .. ( Even though most main characters are very lookalike )
    Even better animations ..
    OK story .. ( Some things escalate a bit too quickly and too easily )

    With a very slow pace developing and with 0.07 update, which was a big troll of fans containing zero new content .. I'd give game 3/5 ..But renders are way too good .. So 4/5
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Renamed game with zero new content. Why rename it? New patrons and interest for fuck all work. Classic strategy, make some fancy renders and a basic plot leading to a sandbox that promises "so much more", then milk patrons dry while releasing piecemeal updates. 1 star, zero if it was allowed.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    great work keep it going add some good much more in the piont scens and it will be the best game here add some vaginal scenes next update and include them with voice affects and focus on kissing scenes while sex scenes and animate kissing it takes it to the other level ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders and animations are pretty good, but overall this game is really boring. There are only a few events and you have to go days and days without anything happening. It's a major grind fest with nothing to do. When will the good stuff be happening if you use the patch? There's little to no storyline with Amanda except meeting her once at the Aunt's house. Plus the whole 5 emails you get. Nothing progresses with the Dad and the robbery. I would wait at least a year or two at the rate the storyline is going for anything really "good" to actually happen. The current version only earns a 2 star and the renders get a 5 star rating. I can' justify giving a better overall rating until a lot more events happen. With only 2 actual locations to visit with little to do at them. Only one event at the coffee shop inside? Why even bother making it if you meet your "Aunt" once. When more locations appear with actual things to do it might earn a 4 star rating. This seems more of a demo of a game or maybe a Prologue with more coming in another 6 months to a year. If the storyline had more depth to it the game could be a really good one.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, let's start with the obvious.. It's obvious who ever wrote this in English, it's not their primary language. So that is an issue. Another issue is the story which is really just filler. I don't mind mindless filler stories all that much, but when they are humorless and really really generic... yeah, that's a problem. A bit of comedy would help, have the game laugh at itself for what it is....just filler between the sex scenes.

    The main female characters are also a problem, they look way too much like each other, I get their suppose to be "related" but this is WAY too obvious. They look like clones with different hair dyes.

    That being said, the renders and animations are where this game shines. They are top notch fap worthy. So if that;s all you;re looking for, generic fap game, then yeah it's good.

    I would have given this a 1 star if the fap factor wasn't so high. Had this game had a better story, different character models... this would have been a 5 star game. the 3d artist's got some skillz.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For now the story is a bit short and there some lack of sexual content but the the characters are cool and well made even if there are a bit classic for this type of game. The renders and animation are truely wonderfull, top tier quality. Very promising game !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent renders, cool main character and other stuff. Couldn't wait for the future updates. This game will become one of the best sometime later. The game is a little short so enjoy all the time you are playing. Also loved the texts.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    -Your artwork is topnotch.

    -Your writing and story-telling ability is mediocre.
    -Editing. Your A. English version is replete with errors.

    Bottom Line: My suggestion would be to find a good writer and collaborate. Your artistry is impressive, graphically speaking. I don't write this to be negative, but your strength is not in writing. It would be great if you could find a good teammate.