In short: Amazing renders, but a Gary Stu MC and the women are practically clones.
In long:
The renders are fantastic and the characters have a great attention to detail, as in... the bodies do not look super smooth and actually have wrinkles around the joints and show some signs of aging here and there. The enviroments are nice and thank goodness there is a quest log to keep up with what you have done and what you should do next.
But that is pretty much where the good things end with this game.
The story is barely there... or at least the over-arching story that is introduced. All the quests have to do with getting close to the women around you, but there is nothing else happening. 1 quest does introduce something that could evolve into an over-arching plot, but as of v0.9.2 still nothing has happened except for some 3rd base action with one of the girls.
Speaking of the women, they all look the same. They do. The make-up might be slightly different and the hair as well... but the face has the exact same shape for all of the women. This might be excused since the characters are supposed to be related (without the patch it is 'landlady and roommate' stuff.. you know the drill), but it does throw you off. If you have seen 1 girl naked, you have basically seen them all naked.. just a slightly younger version, or one with a different hairdo.
The MC is also a Captain Ultimate, or a Gary Stu (male version of Mary Sue). He is 6ft something, muscular and always good looking, despite that he has no job, does not work out, and everything he does do evolves around the girls. The women also adore his every move. Whether it is the 'roommate', 'landlady' or the 'best friend of landlady'... each of them cannot get enough of him and he can do no wrong.
The only character that seems to have a somewhat logical relationship with MC is this woman who keeps sending him nudes (Via e-mail for some reason..idk, maybe she's oldfashioned). She is the only character that has an although simple, clear and obvious relationship with MC... yet she is the only character that we can't do anything with for now.
This game looks great... it really does, so if you are in for a simple story where you can bang your mo--Landlady... this game is for you. It is a slow burn though... we only get some action after the 7th quest.
If you prefer a proper story... or even just an over-arching story of any kind and an MC that has at least some flaws ... this game is definitely not for you.
2.5/5 stars for me.