Unreal Engine - Wild Life [v2025-02-20 - Full Shipping Build] [Adeptus Steve]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great potential, great game and great time.

    Best Sandbox out there.

    2021-12-22 version

    The 3D models are very detailed and with great texturing (I play in 4K), and the animations are really really nicely made. Some if not all are motion captured.

    For now we only have a demo and a trailer for the story but it hints nice writing.

    I am having a lot of fun and pleasure playing this game.

    Although, the game need more graphic optimization. I have a 3090 with a I9 11900k and the framerate is not good enough. (Of course I play the game with max graphic options.)

    Can't wait to see what's next !
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Update: It is now 2.5 years since I first played the game. It's now July 23, 2024. I can't believe how terrible the game is now. The first time I played, it was outstanding and exciting. Now, I started up story mode and it's just an ugly, boring, cheap looking, plain looking sandbox where you run a bunch of miles between each NPC for them to give you a tiny bit of boring dialogue. There isn't even any music or voice acting. How did such a great game become utter trash? And it's been making $200,000 a month for the last 7-8 years. Ridiculous. Normally I would be envious and happy that someone succeeded in making that much money, but when I look at this garbage and how they become so filthy rich making complete crap I can't help but feel resentment instead of jealousy. They need to be robbed of all the money they ever made and never be allowed to make games ever again.

    Update: It's been a year since I made this review, and there is still no progress on the actual game. Just the sandbox. This game has been around for like seven years and they had made millions and millions of dollars, but no work to the actual game (only the sandbox) has been done. Because of this, I'm going to drop my rating from a four to a one.

    Wild Life 22.12.2021 Patreon

    If the first official release of this game was one or two months ago, back in December 2021, then this very short demo is off to a great start and deserves 5 stars.

    However, if it is true that Adeptus Steve and his team made their first release in 2017 and have been making a lot of releases for the last five years and have made around $4 million dollars so far, then it is completely inexcusable to have this short of a demo with hardly any content.

    This game is a very short demo. You walk from a plane crash to a tiny village. The walk doesn't take long. You encounter some monsters along the way. Okay. Five years of game development to kill a few monsters? Come on.

    Oh, but there is more. When you arrive at the village, you get your one and only mission before it is game over. Sleep with five ladies. That doesn't take long. One female just wants you to have your pants off. The other females aren't that hard to sleep with either. You sleep with all five and then the game is over. Nothing else to do. Five years of hard game development work for that? Seriously?

    This game is one that you download and play the one mission "Side Bet" and then delete and never play this game again for another 3-4 years, because there is no content and game development is way too slow. But I do suggest playing the game the one time to see how it is because it is amazing. Just uninstall it afterwards and don't touch it again until 2025.

    And here is some feedback.

    Feedback - Volumetrics made the game look like crap. I spent 30-60 minutes lowering and increasing each of the graphic settings before I finally figured out that all I needed to do was just disable Volumetrics. That should be disabled by default, not enabled by default. Right now on my GTX 1650 laptop, I have everything on Epic except for Effects which I put on High because Epic Effects tends to make the game drop 10 or more FPS around the plane area.

    Feedback - There should be an in-game explanation of what Volumetrics and SSGI is. Not everyone knows. There are already popup windows that describe what other things do, so I know you can add them for Volumetrics and SSGI.

    Feedback - The game never remembers my resolution setting. If I select 1600x900 and apply it and go back to the game, or even restart it, it will stay 1600x900. But if I go into Video Settings again, it will be blank. Nothing selected. And if I make any changes and click Apply it will go to some tiny unknown resolution, which I am guessing is 1024x768. No idea, because it is blank. After I select 1600x900, I do use a window resizer to adjust the window size some. But that is still no excuse to make the game stop remembering that I want 1600x900 the next time that I open up the Video Settings window.

    Feedback - On most games, I can get by with having Low or Medium Shadow Setting and Medium Distance. But in this game, you definitely need Epic Distance and Epic Shadows. Why? If you have anything lower than Epic on Distance, a tree 20 feet away might disappear after a few more steps. If you have anything lower for Shadows, only 20% of the shadow shows up and it looks weird and incomplete. That's fine. Just unexpected is all that anything less than Epic is unsatisfactory since I usually use Low to Medium on those settings in other games.

    Feedback - The Tab to cycle weapons needs to be a customizable hotkey in Settings. I used Tab for Inventory, and I couldn't figure out how to cycle through weapons. Turns out Tab is reserved for weapon switching, and I didn't know that. It caused me a lot of frustration until I finally figured it out that it was a hidden hotkey.

    Feedback - I'm not sure what the point of collecting saplings, seeds, and berries are in the game because at no point in the game could I use them or craft with them. It's also disappointing that I don't get anything for killing the feral monsters. A skin, some fangs, something would have been nice. Even a trophy so I can show off to the other humans and creatures on how many I've killed.

    Feedback - The default MiddleMouse button to inspect characters should be set to something else. When I tried it, it glitched out really bad. I couldn't exit the inspect mode. After 5-10 minutes, I finally was kinda able to do it by double clicking the MiddleMouse button a few times until it finally worked. I later found this inspect characters hotkey in Settings and changed it to Alt. When I did, it worked perfectly. Everyone's MiddleMouse button is different, and no one wants to take time making adjustments in Windows Settings until it works in your game. Plus I just don't like using the MiddleMouse button period in any game. You should just assign a regular keyboard key to it by default and if someone wants MiddleMouse for it later, they can change it themselves.

    Feedback - I seriously wish that there weren't so many camera views. In every sex scene you have to toggle between Cinematic, Orbital, and Free Camera. And once again, it is set to the MiddleMouse button which I don't like using. The Cinematic view looks nice, but I don't like Orbital. Can't you just assign a different default hotkey like F and have pressing F switch to Free Camera view? Also use an icon of a Free Camera instead of a MiddleMouse button icon. It will be way less confusing to automatically be in Cinematic and see a Free Camera icon that says press F to switch to Free Camera, than to have three different camera views and some weird icon of the MiddleMouse button. It's not that hard to do orbital view while in Free Camera. It's redundant to have both.

    Feedback - During the sex scene, the game has Auto Advance Pose toggled on by default. That's stupid. It should be off by default. It's too easy to miss part of the scene or actions that you can take in a scene like Grind because the Auto Advance Pose is already on. And it's really hard to tell if it is on and off in the first place just by looking at the text. I think that the Hold Pose/Auto Advance Pose should just be removed completely from the game because it is way too confusing. Just have us use the R key or whatever key to advance to the next scene ourselves. You should also change Advance to better wording like Advance Scene.

    Feedback - There should be three or more save slots (preferably a lot) instead of just a load last checkpoint. I never had three strikes with any of the females, and I want to see Jayden's reaction if I get three strikes with her. But since I already slept with her and completed the spacedeer quest, I'd have to start the game over from the very beginning and play everything all over again. And I don't feel like doing that.

    Feedback - The huge feral beast at the end of the hunting grounds always interferes with the spacedeer hunt. It's stupid. It should attack the player if the player approaches it, but not when the player is just shooting the spacedeer hundreds of feet away.

    Feedback - The player should know if it is okay to kill the huge feral beast at any time, or if this is part of a quest and should be left alone until the quest is received.

    Feedback - The spacedeer quest was way too hard to finish. Most of the time, my arrow only did 5-25% damage (very rarely the 25%, usually around 10%). Sometimes, the head wasn't even moving and I did an accurate shot to the head and it counted as a miss and a strike. Out of the 30-50 times I repeated the quest, I only was able to do a 50% damage hit to the head four times. The last two of those four times resulted in the kill. But yeah, if you made this easier then the game would only take five minutes to play and beat. So maybe this was your way of making the game seem longer than it really is.

    Feedback - I actually had one opportunity in those 50 times I did the spacedeer quest to stealth kill the spacedeer with my blade. Please tell me what would have happened if I had tried.

    Feedback - I wish that the spacedeer was actually called space deer with a space in between, but that's trivial. I guess it's okay. Kinda like butterfly instead of butter fly. Or reindeer. I just had a hard time getting used to spacedeer and kept typing space deer to my friend in Discord.

    Feedback - I am kinda disappointed that I won the Side Bet quest with four white ribbons when I still had two black ribbons left.

    Feedback - You should have let the player know how many statues there are and spent the 30 minutes to make an actual Statue Quest in the game instead of ending the Demo with a "You have found this many Statues" stats screen. Same for killing the Ferals. I fail to see why you couldn't do a Statue and Ferals Quest in five years of game development seeing how you already have the assets in place inside the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I am giving it an average.
    The graphics are impressive, and there is a short story which feels like a tutorial. That is it.

    And what is most impressive is that people still support this on Patreon! The development is so incredibly slow, considering that the game has been in development for about 40 months and making about $100K just on Patreon + another 100 K on Kickstarter. That is almost 4 million dollars.

    For those 4 million dollars, patreons and pledgers get a 20 minute preview with a sandbox and a poser.

    I started following this game 3 years ago and if I had backed it from then I would be fucking furious.

    Maybe there is a lot of planning in a game like this, but at this point, I have a more fleshed out game idea without even having writtten a single line of code.
    Your priorities are wrong, Team.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    very , very nice graphics and animation, gameplay of shooting is good, it's a real pleasure to fly.
    hopefully the game will continue to move towards more interactions during sex animations, and maybe a pleasure gauge ?
    more than a great story is missing and it will be an amazing sex game
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    To be absolutely honest, I did have fun with the game. Once.

    You can run around and admire the INCREDIBLE graphics, true.
    Models are really good, true.
    Sex scenes are ok, it is more fun to use the "gallery" and watch, or run around in sandbox and try combinations with this or that character.

    Aside of that, there's nothing else.
    A hint of story (average), an intro/pseudo tutorial which I couldn't finish (I found shooting anything impossible*) which last 5 minutes, and a couple "take this and that" quests.

    I understand that is in development... but enough is enough.
    There's dozens of character models, but all humans share the same anims, so after the 3rd character, you just go find some monsters. And there's way less models of them (around 10?).
    So basically, you can have fun for a run, trying stuff. And then, it's over. The only new stuff is "new" sex animations, not interesting enough to keep people... well, interested.

    I don't understand the point of adding more kamasutra poses and models, when there's a massive lack of interest to PLAY the actual game.

    As it is, it's a gorgeous sex posing game. Gorgeous, but not worth the gigas and time required.
    It is impossible to rate more than 3 stars for something that is not really a game yet.

    *note: there's a shooting range, and sort of battle arena, but never managed to figure how to actually use weapons. I've pretty much tried every key, and nothing.
    But doesn't matters really, since there's no "combat sex", which would be a good adittion, so at least sandbox is a bit more interesting, while the game keeps building.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was shit.

    I hate when you have characters and control sex scenes. It was exactly like that. Now, they have a demo where you chase women, convince them to fuck you and scenes are handmade, like you don't pick the position. Sure, there are some variations but not much. You watch the sex scene with cinematic camera. This is SO MUCH better and demo is pretty good.

    My only issue is it is very short and this game has been in development for a while now. Also I fucking hate male voiceovers, thankfully you can mute them but it is waste of money and time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Just as someone else pointed out, the demo is nice, but there is barely anything in it (30-60min introduction to starting location and the mechanics) and after that there is nothing else in the playable part of the game, there is also a "sandbox" and pose studio, but it's also pretty basic.

    The graphics are amazing, but that's it, there is barely any content and while you can play animations you can also do that in a browser without having to download 12GB "game" and hope it doesn't crash.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Good graphics but the VR mode controls are atrocious, at least on an Index. Not sure what they use. There is no game mode that I could play without contemplating the best way of smashing my VR headset.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1077447

    Wild Life is a Game that knows where it's pointing, "Sex", It has amazing Graphics, I'll say one of the best from this kind of games and if you use Reshade as I did it looks much better yet. The Sex animations are Very well done and it looks good , no so much some facial expressions that look weird, like when they speak for example.
    The story I personally didn't find it interesting, also the characters feels like they had no story background whatsoever. Somes Npc looks cartonish and No realistic, and that combinated with no relevant story or great personality of the Characters making them uninteresting. The gameplay in general is average nothing extraordinary but is passable, The physics of game are good with a few bugs that I found on it but that's it. The Music of Game I didn't find it good definitely they needs to improve that, cause music is essential for a game to be good . But Like we know the game still is in development and I'm sure there will be some changes that I hope that be for good, and if it does, it has Potencial to be one of the best games of ther kind made, but it needs to focus in create a better story, more interesting Characters that they got more personality and look better, Better music and sounds of voices, more animations, more customization of characters,
    and a better control of the free camera. I 'll rate this with a 8 for now, I will update my review if I see some improvement in the Future.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is less of a review and more of a commendation as I haven't played the story mode. This game is hands down the best game I have seen on this site in terms of graphics/renders/animation, u name it. Wow, just wow. Every time I start his game I go to the sandbox free roam game mode and I have a blast. Amazing character models, animations etc. If this had a great open world element and story to it, I'm certain this would be the best game here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What a trip. Story is decent I enjoyed it. It doesn't have to be complicated just fun and it was.
    Characters were cool, I do wish there was a bit more variety but you get so much as is there should not be complains.
    Then there is a creative mode and although I like a challenge (I don't like when you just get to it), the variety of creatures and ppl you could be playing as and doing is crazy.
    I dont care how much money was donated to this and how long it was in development this game is AMAZING!!! all that matters.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The Legends says "this game is never going to be finished."

    First of all i'm not it's hater nor a big fan. I just want to do review and want to say it's pros and cons.

    I been follow it for years (idk how much it past) game is always the same.. Probably the first game i bought from patreon, I wanted to come back after a long break yet still the same. I regret returning because the game is still wip..

    A lot of dude out there saying it's money trap. But i think they are right, it is..
    The game have potential, if you can't grow the game, if you can't come up with ideas for the story mode just focus on the sex part and only make +18 sex simulation with primals, furies and shit. It's actually a simple.. honestly a lot of people don't interest it's rpg, story etc etc. Just make it simple and short.

    Game replay itself a lot, to me it's sex part also bad. Bad cameras, short animations, scarce animations etc.

    They can focus animations and add a lot of animation or just add it mod support so modders are also support the game and make it long lasting since it's have a lot of fans too as far as i see.

    Animation quality

    Scarce animations
    A lot of Characters look like almost the same, especially females. Devs probably make it character from one base source of chara. No creativity.:WeSmart:
    A lot of glitch shit:WaitWhat:

    I been messing with daz these days honestly even daz is more fun and unlimited content and ideas. I create my own stories and scenes more fun and hot.

    Maybe there is a lot of thing to say about it but can't remember right now, it's too late for me and also i'm sick af.. If the review can be edited then i will add more and more when it's finished or something.

    This is my honest review, thanks for reading till here. Bye y'all :illuminati:
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Actual gameplay (demo) takes 1-2 hours. I like that part. But, the rest is pointless and boring sandbox animations. Cinematic camera view is bugged and i cant set up camera while jacking off. Also last mission (spacedeer) is annoying asf
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    best of the best.
    10/10 graphics.
    10/10 story line.
    10/10 dev team.
    10/10 updates.
    10/10 sex scenes.
    10/10 content
    10/10 price
    10/10 characters
    10/10 details
    10/10 investment

    Best porn game ever made in the history .
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I am basing this review purely about the sex poses as the Presentation Room/Posing Room is the only thing that my PC can handle.

    It has a variety of incredible sex animation with a huge difference in quality. Some of the first animations the game got feel now very outdated with missing facial expressions and even in some cases weird or odd looking movements. But the newer ones are all sexy as all hell. The problem I have with some of these are that they do not scale nicely with faster speeds.

    All it now needs is to correct some of those animations and then to add a lot of story/gameplay content (which seems to be happening rn) and it would be one of the best adult games out there.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    cr7 is the fucking goat

    the game is so good, the story line is very short i assume it's still in development but there's another mode on which you can go around and talk to girls or control them
    there's are a lot of animations

    i played the game for a few hours to on the story mode but unfortunately it wasn't complete, but then after thati went on the free mode and chose all of the hot girls there were a lot of interesting things and shit ;d
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Though the game is still rough around the edges. The Sandbox mode alone in this game just shits on every Unreal Engine H-Game you can find on this site including that million-dollar crowdfunded trash that should've been a movie. There's plenty of characters to play as, as well customizing certain aspects of their body. At its current state there are already lots of H-Content to Coom. These Devs deserve to eat.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wild Life is a game that raised the bar for good graphics and animations in porn games to a new level. With cutting edge tech, it just looks fucking good. Gameplaywise, it is still underdeveloped and the devs seem to be better at making porn animations, than deciding which story and gameplay direction they want to go.

    Sex scenes 5/5: Characters range from good looking humans to disgusting beasts, but everybody can find something for their taste. Also all bodys have good customizable options, which can help you to create your perfect fantasy body. Nearly every sex position is explored and it is hard to not be satisfied by watching the scenes.

    Presentation 5/5: Best graphics! The Unreal Engine is used to its full potential and only the recent release of UE5 makes better graphics possible, which might even get implemented into the Wild Life. The animations are not just good, but there are TONS of animations and each one has VARIATIONS! Even just skipping through all the animation takes lots of time!

    Atmosphere ? : Not sure what they are going for.

    Gameplay ? : Not finished. The current version lets you get to sex scenes fast, so nothing to complain. Combat looks promising, but gunplay was not satisfying.

    Conclusion: Even years after its release Wild Life stands for a top standard of graphics and animations in a porn game. Most characters look decent or attractive and beasts can be skipped in intercourse. While the team might spend more time on sex scenes, it is very well spend time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't care about gameplay aspect of this game but Man those sexy-ass smooth animations with barely any clipping in showroom..:love: love it.
    Game works well on my Linux machine but I hope they release a native version as well for that extra performance in laggy village and WL-Map part.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the most triple-A porn games out there, the dev team has put a lot of time and care into this, and continue to do so as they roll out update after update, needless to say theres a reason they get thousands through patreon.

    The story mode is still lacking at time of this review but it makes sense it would take longer to develop than the sandbox mode, writing a story is no easy task.

    The animations are more than varied, I'd say there's something here for everyone in this game, straight and gay furry/human content galore, there isn't many porn games that have such a wide variety, and absolutely none that look this good.