
Dec 13, 2020
The progress of Wildlife is so typical for unexperienced gamedevelopers, who had success with a nice tech demo, and now struggle with unrealistic goals.
Focus on your product's sellingpoint and your team's strenghts and get shit done for fucks sake.
Their selling point is their good looking sex simulation. Their background is doing graphics and animations. Thats it! Why the fuck would you put so much money into a generic and forced story and a mediocre fighting/action system if you struggle for so long doing it right??
If I want to shoot things satisfyingly, there are more state of the art AAA multi million dollar productions outthere than you could possibly complete right now.
If I want to get lost in a good story and atmosphere, there are even more great games to choose from.
People play WL because they want to fap and enjoy the beauty of good sex scenes and hot girls. Why wasting time and money trying to compete with other oversaturated genres, when you could be the best in your genre instead?

WL will NEVER compete with any AAA (or even good indy-) action shooter or RPG, so why bother?
And they obviously never had a real story inspiration...so why the fuck forcing it??
These genres need a lot of specialized experience, focus, time and money if they have to keep up with the quality people expect, because of WLs outstanding sex scenes.
Another problem is...people already know all the rewards (HC scenes) you would now just have to unlock again with hours of stupid hyena fights and skipping dialogues while holding your soft dick in one hand. How unsexy is that?
Quit the open world shit and create a nice and easy to handle brothel situation instead and give people what they came for!
A stronger variation of believable characters. Special animations and distinguishable sexual behavior for each character. Make it interesting to unlock and explore all of them. (And please design a more intuitive and fun way to discover most of them, than your excel sheet) More animation variety during the looping positions. Rewarding and believable cumshots and creampies (pulsating, pumping, flowing, oral cum bubbles...you name it). A well designed and easy to access sex UI. A comfortable and solid camera system, to capture the action from every angle out and inside. Programmable sex-position change order. A movie maker system. etc...And get the damn VR mode, VR controls and general framerate stable (I dont need an ocean and 30 characters running pointlessly around in the BG, if the whole game becomes unstable). There are more than enough tasks to spend all that money on.
Of course it would be cool to play an epic AAA action/RPG/farming/datingsim/open world plattformer with groundbreaking HC sex scenes...but theyre obviously not there yet.
Instead they slowly start to bore and loose their loyal followers and therefore their precious momentum with updating unsolid techdemo stuff noone asked for since many months...
I dont think they want to "milk" anyone. Why would you do this with your first project as a new company? I believe they truly want to create a good game and a successful gamestudio and spend a lot of money for that dream. They just seem to be very unexperienced, and now are struggeling with their unrealistic and all over the place goals...
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Mar 28, 2018
The progress of Wildlife is so typical for unexperienced gamedevelopers, who had success with a nice tech demo, and now struggle with unrealistic goals.
Focus on your product's sellingpoint and your team's strenghts and get shit done for fucks sake.
Their selling point is their good looking sex simulation. Their background is doing graphics and animations. Thats it! Why the fuck would you put so much money into a generic and forced story and a mediocre fighting/action system if you struggle for so long doing it right??
If I want to shoot things satisfyingly, there are more state of the art AAA multi million dollar productions outthere than you could possibly complete right now.
If I want to get lost in a good story and atmosphere, there are even more great games to choose from.
People play WL because they want to fap and enjoy the beauty of good sex scenes and hot girls. Why wasting time and money trying to compete with other oversaturated genres, when you could be the best in your genre instead?

WL will NEVER compete with any AAA (or even good indy-) action shooter or RPG, so why bother?
And they obviously never had a real story inspiration...so why the fuck forcing it??
These genres need a lot of specialized experience, focus, time and money if they should keep up with the quality people expect, because of WLs outstanding sex scenes.
The other problem is...people already know all the rewards (sex scenes) you would now just have to unlock again with hours of stupid fighting and talking while holding a soft dick in your hand. How unsexy is that?
Quit the shit and create a nice and easy to handle brothel situation instead and give people what they came for!
A stronger variation of believable characters. Special animations and distinguishable sexual behavior for each character- Make it interesting to unlock and explore all of them. More animation variety during the looping positions. Rewarding and believable cumshots and creampies (pulsating, pumping, flowing, oral cum bubbles...you name it). A well designed sex UI. A comfortable and solid camera system, to capture the action from every angle out and inside. Programmable sex-position change order. A movie maker system. etc...And get the damn VR mode, VR controls and general framerate stable (I dont need an ocean and 30 characters running pointlessly around in the BG, if the whole game becomes unstable).
Of course it would be cool to play an epic AAA action/RPG/farming/datingsim plattformer with groundbreaking HC sex scenes...but theyre obviously not there yet.
Instead they slowly start to frustrate and loose their loyal followers with updating unsolid techdemo stuff noone asked for since many months...
I dont think they want to "milk" anyone. Why would you do this with your first project as a new company? I believe they want to create a good game and a solid gamestudio and spend a lot of money for that dream. They just seem to be very unexperienced, and now are struggeling with their unrealistic and all over the place goals...
I don't think you understand what they could be using combat for. They should be trying to go with Fallout 4 style gameplay. When you have a wasteland with tribes and the like, there are possibilities for fighting other tribes and capturing slaves, something that only works with combat, then there's save selling, slave buying, and harems. You can also get defeated by creatures and humans and submit to them when you lose. You yourself then can become a slave and you have to either submit or resist by finding your way out of the enemy base. But their combat system is already good enough so they don't really need to expand on it.

Most people don't like mindless sex. They like sex with context. Different fetishes. That's why you hear so many complaints about Wildlife and Carnal Instinct, but much fewer complaints about Lifeplay even though Lifeplay looks like dogshit. The game will keep most people playing for hours because there's incest, cucking, bea***, teacher & student, boss & employee, etc. Aka there's substance. This game has no substance, just mindless sex. Like most AAA games have mindless grinding and stupid gameplay. They get money because they look good but people don't like the games. They need to ditch the combat and RPG mechanics but also ditch the sex simulation because it already looks good enough as it is, and they need to focus on content because the game is boring and repetitive. I'd rather just watch gifs. A brothel system would be a very good start but a slave/abduction system works better and feels more natural with this type of game. Brothels are only really good for games with a lot of NPCs, over 30, usually in well-developed cities. Medieval or Modern. This game only has a camp with like 10 people in it.


Dec 13, 2020
I don't think you understand what they could be using combat for. They should be trying to go with Fallout 4 style gameplay. When you have a wasteland with tribes and the like, there are possibilities for fighting other tribes and capturing slaves, something that only works with combat, then there's save selling, slave buying, and harems. You can also get defeated by creatures and humans and submit to them when you lose. You yourself then can become a slave and you have to either submit or resist by finding your way out of the enemy base. But their combat system is already good enough so they don't really need to expand on it.

Most people don't like mindless sex. They like sex with context. Different fetishes. That's why you hear so many complaints about Wildlife and Carnal Instinct, but much fewer complaints about Lifeplay even though Lifeplay looks like dogshit. The game will keep most people playing for hours because there's incest, cucking, bea***, teacher & student, boss & employee, etc. Aka there's substance. This game has no substance, just mindless sex. Like most AAA games have mindless grinding and stupid gameplay. They get money because they look good but people don't like the games. They need to ditch the combat and RPG mechanics but also ditch the sex simulation because it already looks good enough as it is, and they need to focus on content because the game is boring and repetitive. I'd rather just watch gifs. A brothel system would be a very good start but a slave/abduction system works better and feels more natural with this type of game. Brothels are only really good for games with a lot of NPCs, over 30, usually in well-developed cities. Medieval or Modern. This game only has a camp with like 10 people in it.
Totally got your point and I absolutely agree with it.
But as good as I find your creative gameplay vision of what could be (and I really do)...I just fear that the wildlife guys wont get it done in time.
At least after all these years there is still no hint yet to such a ingenious solution, that would bring everything together.
(And Im more than happy if they manage to surprise us!)
Maybe they can, maybe not. The only thing we can say for sure is, that their sex sim has a lot of potential. And there are way less good state of the art sex sims outthere than lewd storydriven games. Beautyful real time sex scenes is the biggest strenght of WL - thats why they still got paid almost 100.000 every month...why not use this advantage and just focus on your unique sellingpoint and make it the very best?
Whatever they do behind closed doors...Its a fact, that they seem to struggle with real progress since quite a few updates if you ask their followers...and even the demo gets more and more unstable.
And don't get me wrong - I also believe that there is nothing more sexy and memorable than a good and personal story leading to some action. But since all these years WL is around, they simply did not convince me, that they are capable of writing a good story. And there is nothing wrong with that...a looot of people just want some quick and easy to access fapping material from time to time. (Like I said, they still got almost $100.000 paid for this monthly)
Just finish this game with lowest possible risks...and start a fresh and new one with all what you have learned.

And btw. making a brothel game does not necessarily mean that there is no room for an exotic and captivating story, with all kinds of fetishes, fun situations and memorable character development. It also could be just the first title of a bigger gameworld later...with everything else.
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Jul 28, 2018
The progress of Wildlife is so typical for unexperienced gamedevelopers, who had success with a nice tech demo, and now struggle with unrealistic goals.
Focus on your product's sellingpoint and your team's strenghts and get shit done for fucks sake.
Their selling point is their good looking sex simulation. Their background is doing graphics and animations. Thats it! Why the fuck would you put so much money into a generic and forced story and a mediocre fighting/action system if you struggle for so long doing it right??
If I want to shoot things satisfyingly, there are more state of the art AAA multi million dollar productions outthere than you could possibly complete right now.
If I want to get lost in a good story and atmosphere, there are even more great games to choose from.
People play WL because they want to fap and enjoy the beauty of good sex scenes and hot girls. Why wasting time and money trying to compete with other oversaturated genres, when you could be the best in your genre instead?

WL will NEVER compete with any AAA (or even good indy-) action shooter or RPG, so why bother?
And they obviously never had a real story inspiration...so why the fuck forcing it??
These genres need a lot of specialized experience, focus, time and money if they have to keep up with the quality people expect, because of WLs outstanding sex scenes.
Another problem is...people already know all the rewards (HC scenes) you would now just have to unlock again with hours of stupid hyena fights and skipping dialogues while holding your soft dick in one hand. How unsexy is that?
Quit the open world shit and create a nice and easy to handle brothel situation instead and give people what they came for!
A stronger variation of believable characters. Special animations and distinguishable sexual behavior for each character. Make it interesting to unlock and explore all of them. (And please design a more intuitive and fun way to discover most of them, than your excel sheet) More animation variety during the looping positions. Rewarding and believable cumshots and creampies (pulsating, pumping, flowing, oral cum bubbles...you name it). A well designed and easy to access sex UI. A comfortable and solid camera system, to capture the action from every angle out and inside. Programmable sex-position change order. A movie maker system. etc...And get the damn VR mode, VR controls and general framerate stable (I dont need an ocean and 30 characters running pointlessly around in the BG, if the whole game becomes unstable). There are more than enough tasks to spend all that money on.
Of course it would be cool to play an epic AAA action/RPG/farming/datingsim/open world plattformer with groundbreaking HC sex scenes...but theyre obviously not there yet.
Instead they slowly start to bore and loose their loyal followers and therefore their precious momentum with updating unsolid techdemo stuff noone asked for since many months...
I dont think they want to "milk" anyone. Why would you do this with your first project as a new company? I believe they truly want to create a good game and a successful gamestudio and spend a lot of money for that dream. They just seem to be very unexperienced, and now are struggeling with their unrealistic and all over the place goals...


Dec 18, 2018
I don't think you understand what they could be using combat for. They should be trying to go with Fallout 4 style gameplay. When you have a wasteland with tribes and the like, there are possibilities for fighting other tribes and capturing slaves, something that only works with combat, then there's save selling, slave buying, and harems. You can also get defeated by creatures and humans and submit to them when you lose. You yourself then can become a slave and you have to either submit or resist by finding your way out of the enemy base. But their combat system is already good enough so they don't really need to expand on it.

Most people don't like mindless sex. They like sex with context. Different fetishes. That's why you hear so many complaints about Wildlife and Carnal Instinct, but much fewer complaints about Lifeplay even though Lifeplay looks like dogshit. The game will keep most people playing for hours because there's incest, cucking, bea***, teacher & student, boss & employee, etc. Aka there's substance. This game has no substance, just mindless sex. Like most AAA games have mindless grinding and stupid gameplay. They get money because they look good but people don't like the games. They need to ditch the combat and RPG mechanics but also ditch the sex simulation because it already looks good enough as it is, and they need to focus on content because the game is boring and repetitive. I'd rather just watch gifs. A brothel system would be a very good start but a slave/abduction system works better and feels more natural with this type of game. Brothels are only really good for games with a lot of NPCs, over 30, usually in well-developed cities. Medieval or Modern. This game only has a camp with like 10 people in it.
If you want to get yeeted off of Patreon that would be a rather fast way to achieve that goal.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
LubricatedKitty; Don't you mean a Fallout 2/3 style gameplay? There was no slavery in Fallout 4. The whole explosive slave collars was in Fallout 3 and Fallout 2 had an actual slavers guild, where you could go out and enslave people.

Even then, you don't really need combat. You could do something akin to an alien abduction style thing, with transporters or tractor beams; just fly over top, with one of those fancy spaceship models they have shown around, and beam/drag them up. Or fly over them and drop gas cannisters to knock them out, then come down, attach slave collars to them. No need for complicated combat systems.

Except that with games that do heavily rely on context with sex, the sex is almost an afterthought at that point. Take the Mass Effect Andromeda. They try to go with heavy context, but once you actually engage in sex, it totally wasn't worth it. Or take Witcher 3, again tons of context, but not worth it in the end. Honestly, if people want context with their sex, go play a game with a heavy focus on it, and not require a small indie team to try to do the same... as it takes a team of usually 30+ people just to create that context and then 30+ more to do all the animating. Its really not worthwhile in something like Wildlife, unless they want to be building a game for the next 20 years...

Kind of how that game called Babylon Project ( ) being built in UDK (ie UE3) has been in production since 2015, and is nowhere near completion. That one looked quite impressive, with its breast physics, hair physics, and cloth physics... in a UDK title, but its going nowhere in a hurry. I suspect that WildLife will follow a similar trend, of going nowhere in a hurry and eventually run out of money. Like 3D Realms did with Duke Nukem Forever. Maybe I'm wrong, and they are about to get their shit together, but I doubt it.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
Yeah this whole Patreon Kickstarter thing is so hardly ending good for indies and many over estimate the complexity since Game Engines became free the amount that survive is so low and even those that survive hardly ever reach AAA anymore.

I think you can be relative happy if you made it so far like Subverse shipping something even close to consistent.

LIke Meshitop said "But we want to grow" is often a real killer instinct especially so early ;)

Then you fighting the constant pressure to showcase something to your new age Investors aka Patreons,Kickstarters and at the same time are torn apart between "But we need to be on Steam" but how do we manage this ?

Most success you really see for those that scope something very overseeable and this can be still complex.

Or maybe go put just 2 people into a room and tell them here the IP you can do whatever Game Design you like while we continue to work on our BIG Vision producing unique IP assets like crazy for it and we give you access to those as well.

And heck a hell maybe they come up with a Wild Life fighting Game or a Strip Poker or something fun to cover the time and then release those Mini Games as their own Regularly on Steam while the core Investors is behind the bigger Vision no matter what ;)

Just realize it is your IP it is unique it is on no Marketplace it can workout in many ways and if you can make casual gamers happy with it in some meaningful way first so be it :)

I mean there is pretty much enough IP to make even Animated Shorts :)
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Mar 28, 2018
LubricatedKitty; Don't you mean a Fallout 2/3 style gameplay? There was no slavery in Fallout 4. The whole explosive slave collars was in Fallout 3 and Fallout 2 had an actual slavers guild, where you could go out and enslave people.

Even then, you don't really need combat. You could do something akin to an alien abduction style thing, with transporters or tractor beams; just fly over top, with one of those fancy spaceship models they have shown around, and beam/drag them up. Or fly over them and drop gas cannisters to knock them out, then come down, attach slave collars to them. No need for complicated combat systems.

Except that with games that do heavily rely on context with sex, the sex is almost an afterthought at that point. Take the Mass Effect Andromeda. They try to go with heavy context, but once you actually engage in sex, it totally wasn't worth it. Or take Witcher 3, again tons of context, but not worth it in the end. Honestly, if people want context with their sex, go play a game with a heavy focus on it, and not require a small indie team to try to do the same... as it takes a team of usually 30+ people just to create that context and then 30+ more to do all the animating. Its really not worthwhile in something like Wildlife, unless they want to be building a game for the next 20 years...

Kind of how that game called Babylon Project ( ) being built in UDK (ie UE3) has been in production since 2015, and is nowhere near completion. That one looked quite impressive, with its breast physics, hair physics, and cloth physics... in a UDK title, but its going nowhere in a hurry. I suspect that WildLife will follow a similar trend, of going nowhere in a hurry and eventually run out of money. Like 3D Realms did with Duke Nukem Forever. Maybe I'm wrong, and they are about to get their shit together, but I doubt it.
I'm talking about the sex features modders have added to Fallout 4 that goes very well with the game, its atmosphere/overall feel, and its lore. Combat is a natural challenge gamers are very used to, especially in this genre, and it works well for capturing slaves. Tractor beams, UFOs, and even mini-games aren't a natural challenge for these types of gamers, especially from a third-person open-world game. But yeah, they could work well if implemented correctly.

Those games you mentioned aren't using sex to get their audience off. They're using sex purely to show a peak in affinity between two characters. This is highlighted by the fact that the characters are usually clothed, the scene only lasts around a few seconds to a minute with lots of cinematic cuts, and you have no control over the characters. Even sex scenes in movies show more sex than video games lol. If they gave you as much control as Wildlife or even showed the sex happen for over five minutes with no cuts, the sex would work much better than Wildlife.

You're essentially saying you can't have a game with heavy context and appealing sex. Odd. And that I can't rely on a small dev team to include basic context in their games when Skyrim does it with a few dialogue lines.

Skyrim sex mods that rely on sexual context work extremely well. Sexual context doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as easy as adding simple dialogue lines that allow you, a male char to pay for sex from a female character, or you, a female char to seduce a male character into paying/get approached by him. Or even buy a slave and have the slave resist depending on their affinity level with you, like in Slaves of Rome. Rather than just saying "Let's fuck" every time lmfao. Lifeplay is the best example of this. You don't need special animations or hours of build-up to make gameplay with tons of sexual context.

Basic context is very worthwhile in a game like Wildlife. You don't need 5 devs, hundreds of sex animations, and pitch-perfect sex physics to make a sexy game. MGI outsells Wildlife with tons of context, around 1/10 of the sex scenes Wildlife has, no real sex physics aside from breasts, and only one developer. With only $40,000 (OTP) out of $100,000 a month, they can outsource another UE4 studio to make all these mechanics they need for them. While they focus on what they do best


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
If you are talking about mods for a game, then you should mention that. The base Fallout 4 doesn't have a slavery system. How am I supposed to know that you were referring to mods that I didn't know even existed. Fallout 4 never really got the same kind of attention as Skyrim did.

Well for things that are focused on getting their audience off, ie a Porn Movie or 3DX Movie, they also go for very little context or story build up, and go straight for the sex. As for showing off the sex for 5 minutes, I don't think you really understand the amount of animating work that would be involved in that. Miro, who did Girlfriends 4 Ever, said that it took them about 12 months of work to do 5-6 minutes of animation. Part of that was the render time with high polygon/pixel count/texture layers, but also the time needed to tweak facial features slightly or clean up frames.

Odd that you compare WildLife to Skyrim. Skyrim was made by a development team of over 100 people, while WildLife is made by a team of just a bit over 10. Skyrim also took them roughly 5 years to make (Oblivion was released in 2006) and had no sexual components. It took at least 100+ modders to get Skyrim to the point where it could support sex, physics, good hairs, good bodies, etc... untold hours of modding and developing and designing those mods. Like ChronoTrigger, the one behind the Remodeled Armors, I worked with them on their mod. They spent close to 800 hours working on the meshes, cleaning up seams, cleaning up textures (ie avoiding stretched textures), making sliders, adding physics support, etc... And that is just one mod.

Creating good dialogue can be a pain though. I've tried doing creative writing myself (literotica mostly), and it is a lot harder than you think. And any typos, or poor grammar, makes that context feel tacked on, and going through hundreds of lines of text to fix those things is a chore. You really don't understand how hard some of these things are. Why do you think there isn't more context in porn games? It really is hard to do well. And when it is done poorly, it stands out and drags the quality of the game down. Its better to have no context, than terrible context.


Outsourcing is usually only an option if you are in a country that has a different conversion rate of the USD, that is favorable. ie Russia. $100 USD = 7460 Rubles. I believe you can live quite comfortably on 60,000 Rubles per month. So if you are making 40,000 USD, you are living like a king, and can certainly afford to outsource costs to maybe another UE4 developer in Russia. But, Germany, it is different (WildLife is german company). $100 USD = 82.8 Euros. Germany also has a higher taxation rate, and so any money they do earn would be taxed heavily. I don't think they have a ton of money in surplus to afford to outsource, and outsourcing doesn't always result in quality work... like Aliens Colonial Marines had most of its work outsourced, and remember how much of a disaster it was?
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Mar 28, 2018
If you are talking about mods for a game, then you should mention that. The base Fallout 4 doesn't have a slavery system. How am I supposed to know that you were referring to mods that I didn't know even existed. Fallout 4 never really got the same kind of attention as Skyrim did.

Well for things that are focused on getting their audience off, ie a Porn Movie or 3DX Movie, they also go for very little context or story build up, and go straight for the sex. As for showing off the sex for 5 minutes, I don't think you really understand the amount of animating work that would be involved in that. Miro, who did Girlfriends 4 Ever, said that it took them about 12 months of work to do 5-6 minutes of animation. Part of that was the render time with high polygon/pixel count/texture layers, but also the time needed to tweak facial features slightly or clean up frames.

Odd that you compare WildLife to Skyrim. Skyrim was made by a development team of over 100 people, while WildLife is made by a team of just a bit over 10. Skyrim also took them roughly 5 years to make (Oblivion was released in 2006) and had no sexual components. It took at least 100+ modders to get Skyrim to the point where it could support sex, physics, good hairs, good bodies, etc... untold hours of modding and developing and designing those mods. Like ChronoTrigger, the one behind the Remodeled Armors, I worked with them on their mod. They spent close to 800 hours working on the meshes, cleaning up seams, cleaning up textures (ie avoiding stretched textures), making sliders, adding physics support, etc... And that is just one mod.

Creating good dialogue can be a pain though. I've tried doing creative writing myself (literotica mostly), and it is a lot harder than you think. And any typos, or poor grammar, makes that context feel tacked on, and going through hundreds of lines of text to fix those things is a chore. You really don't understand how hard some of these things are. Why do you think there isn't more context in porn games? It really is hard to do well. And when it is done poorly, it stands out and drags the quality of the game down. Its better to have no context, than terrible context.


Outsourcing is usually only an option if you are in a country that has a different conversion rate of the USD, that is favorable. ie Russia. $100 USD = 7460 Rubles. I believe you can live quite comfortably on 60,000 Rubles per month. So if you are making 40,000 USD, you are living like a king, and can certainly afford to outsource costs to maybe another UE4 developer in Russia. But, Germany, it is different (WildLife is german company). $100 USD = 82.8 Euros. Germany also has a higher taxation rate, and so any money they do earn would be taxed heavily. I don't think they have a ton of money in surplus to afford to outsource, and outsourcing doesn't always result in quality work... like Aliens Colonial Marines had most of its work outsourced, and remember how much of a disaster it was?
You really aren't getting this.

Download Unreal Engine 4, download some fantasy assets, download a combat system, an AI system, dialogue system, and a questing system, make a sex animation system (2 weeks), make a cohesive user interface in 1 month, spend 2 months getting the character assets into Unreal, etc.

Now you have a very basic 3D sex game in 6 months granted you're a somewhat decent game developer already.

Now implement Sexlab Romance, Dialogues, TDF Prostitution, Horrible Harassment, and Babo Dialogues in your very basic 3D sex game. Which would be very easy granted you have a very good framework to build off of. Now say we have 0 creativity. Just go to a generic sex game and paraphrase the dialogue from that game or literally any other sex game out there. Boom, you have a game with more context than WildLife.

Now you can have men approach you, ask you to fuck, and get money for it. You can walk up to a King NPC in the game, go to the castle, get a quest to kill a dragon, kill the dragon, and get knighted (a player tag) and get your own castle (castle says []'s Castle when you enter it). Then you can ask women to follow you, have them stop following you at the castle, and keep a harem. One person can do this fairly easily granted they are a good game developer and they have a strong framework. LifePlay shows that it is very possible to have a game where you can roleplay as anyone and anything you want.

Game concepts I made 2 years ago:

That reminds me, you're making excuses for a dev team that won't even implement a basic save system that would only take them a day or two to implement LOL. They have an utterly weird preset save system that makes no sense. You can't even spawn the character you last played with or save their positions on the map. They can do way more than you give them credit for.

You don't need to make a AAA porn movie or a world-class sex simulator with real-life ultra-realistic graphics, world-renowned physics, top-tier animations, and Shakespearean dialogue and plot to get people's rocks off. People have made very sexy games with slideshows and bad dialogue.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
Your product will be nothing special no matter how many marketplace things you put together, it will be like all the others totally lifeless and full of bugs and clipping like crazy ;)
And if you additionaly depend in most cases on Epics Progress ontop you'll be lost ;)
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Mar 28, 2018
Your product will be nothing special no matter how many marketplace things you put together, it will be like all the others totally lifeless and full of bugs and clipping like crazy ;)
And if you additionaly depend in most cases on Epics Progress ontop you'll be lost ;)
Take that back you hurt me! ):< People use assets from the marketplace all the time. As long as the game is fun, pretty, unique, and relatively bugless, people won't care whether you use assets or not.
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3.80 star(s) 179 Votes