Ren'Py - Completed - Wish With a Secret [Prologue] [Rudkovsky]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, my review for this game.
    First of all:
    Rudkovsky is my friend, but I will try to write an objective opinion. I really hate VN's, because, on my opinion, porn games - its a games with very much porn, gameplay, events. Better read books, than play porn games with plot. But he's my friend and i played this game.

    1) The game really doesn't have a trivial plot. I was really surprised at how the author is working carefully on the story in Russian and English. If you like to read text in porn games, then I would definitely recommend this game to you.
    2) The author tries to focus not on porn, but on the plot, diluting all this with beautiful art. There's something sexy about it, if I may say so.
    3) The dialogues in Russian and English are very well spelled out. Attention is paid to every detail.
    4) About english: The author puts a lot of effort into translation and its processing.I am russian, but I personally thought that the translation was not bad enough.
    5) About arts(renders): I know that it is very difficult for the author to make renders, so each version of the game takes up a huge amount of time. Personally, I really liked the graphics and appearance of the characters. This is a definite plus for me.

    1) The game currently has very little content. And first of all, I always pay attention to sex content. In this regard, the game will upset everyone (but its only first versions. We will see what will be in future).
    2) As i say early, i really hate vn's. This game is a classic vn with sandbox elements. U just read text, watch pics and click on different answers sometimes.

    Ps: ok, i know, this post may seem subjective to you. But, please, if u dont like something (especially english) write about it to author. He need your tips for better work.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is all over the place.
    The renders are good and I found the premise quite interesting.
    However, the translation from (i guess) Russian did not go well at all.
    I literally cannot understand what is happening in the story. The characters behave in a way that is not logical.
    I will check back after a few updates and edit my review, but for now, this is a mess.

    Edit: Well nothing has been fixed, they just slapped a completed tag on there and called it a day.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Engrish is strong here. It's so strong that even google translator does a better job than the dev. So, dev, if you're reading this: you better use google translator than your own translating skills.
    The protagonist is definitely female. Maybe there is a male main character, but the game even refers to Eve as "you" and puts us in her pov most of the time, so she's a full-fledged protagonist, no matter what the dev tells us.
    This "first version" has literally nothing going on yet aside from really good renders.
    The dialogues are bad even without taking engrish into account. Scenes jump too fast and without much connection between them, to an extent of literally looking like a slideshow.

    For now, the best you as a player can do with this "game" is look through the actually beautifully rendered pictures and delete all the game files afterwards.
    And yes. This game is a genuine cash grab, looking at how much crowdfunding and donation pages the dev has registered for it and how low of an effort he's put into anything but graphics here.