So I've played
Witch 2 Hell Adventure. For all the atmosphere this game has, it delivers surprisingly little in game play, which makes the game a boring experience.
The Atmosphere:
A large part of this game is its atmosphere. I will say that it is a quite nice made game in terms of the aesthetics. The game is supposedly set in hell, from which Chelsea must escape, but I don't really find any references to this being in hell. Instead you encounter different types of places, such as a circus, a faerytale land (Hänsel and Gretel) and so on.
Game play: Unfortunately, for all the effort that was put into the theme, this game delivers very little interesting game play. I agree with the other comments who pointed out that the game essentially devolves into a bunch of fetch-quests. The purpose of them is to find different outfits which allows you to enter the domains of the "barons" - lords of a particular place of hell. Anyways, to obtain them you can either please the demons who have them (sex) or fetch what they want. Neither is overly interesting. The sex part happens sort of out of the blue and the fetch part is boring once you've done it the first time. Another really annoying part of moving around is that Chelsea walks so painfully slowly. You'll end up wasting a ton of time watching her move in what is essentially slow motion.
The Sexy content: is actually quite nice. It's the game around them that is rather boring. You can trade yourself to some demon in exchange for an outfit.. or you can simply fetch the item which you will find eventually. I basically just fetched most of them and then traded sometimes. With exception of a few scenes, they weren't overly interesting anyway.
Alright, here's the short version:
The Good:
- Some of the sex scenes are really nice. Especially the barons (bosses) has rather well made scenes.
- The aesthetics, even if they do not resemble Hell (as I imagine it), at all, they are still well made.
The In-between:
- The scenes with the demons happens kinda abruptly, which doesn't fit the otherwise slow gameplay. On the other hand, you can quickly get access to the content.
The Bad:
- The game devolves into a bunch of fetch quests.
- There's very little game play.
- Chelsea walks in slow motion.
In the end, this is not a very good game.