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VN - Ren'Py - Witch Hunter Trainer [2023-08-07] [Team Borsch]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is not bad at all, but Game dev is worst. He is just milking their patrons. He constantly does not fulfill his own promises and feeds us with calendars instead of updates. Think twice before running this game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Ser Lordypants

    After nearly 3 years there is zero content with the main girl that we're supposed to be "training." None. Nada. Just 2 or 3 instances of very mild teasing. In 3 years. Not even any nudity. That's not a "slow build up." It's more like a patreon scam.

    Aside from that, there are just a few sex scenes with random chicks that don't matter, spread out way too thin. You'd expect this little content in a game being developed for 4 months, not almost 3 years. It's completely unacceptable.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I could see this easily being one of my favorite VNs. This is one of the games i look to see if there is an update everytime I come on F95 website. With that said, like the story and the art work is great. I hope to see sequels or even prequels of this game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Very likeable main characters, but just terrible terrible execution as at this point barely some content is related to the main girl Jack, but you get to spend the night with every uninteresting female side character you meet.
    I swear i get a negative boner from these ugly boring side characters, i rather watch paint dry or the formula 1.

    Feels like the creators are afraid of their main character jack, scared to make any content in case it is bad and people don't like it, but let me tell you this:
    the game SUCKS, feels close to a demo+ if you remove the side-stories
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Rock H.

    This is a good, but not excellent, little game.
    The story shows signs of originality and is not just more of the usual. The artwork is not bad either although if you're playing for H-scenes and fap you probably won't be that impressed.
    There are two primary issues with the game. The first is that it is easy to get wedged unless you follow a walkthrough. Suppose the walkthrough wants you to deal with a certain part of the cemetery but you decide to save that until tomorrow. Oops, too bad, you're never going to get back to that particular scene again and may not be able to progress at all. Suppose you know you are going into a dangerous situation and use a particular ingredient for the wrong potion? Dammit, you've wedged yourself and another part of the story is locked out.
    The other problem with the story is really the translation from Russian to English. This is fixable and is shared by many other f95 games. Saying this thing, it is not strenuous to find stronger moving from Russian into English than that. Err, I mean "it's not hard to find a better translation from Russian than that last sentence."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    In the history of my addiction to adult games, this one left me the most satisfied and on edge for updates. Please continue this chef d'oeuvre. Not only was it HOT taboo and kinky in the right way (like jack identifying as male, incest, ect) but it also made me laugh out loud with the humor. Something I have not experienced since witch trainer (Genie vs Snape fight for exemple) The corruption pace is also perfect for me, this is really gold! Second game ever that i actually sub on prateon :D.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good, Good Porn, the game starts off with a retired hunter who has a green companion as you progress through the story you get certain events, with his young relative but "He" has a weird condition?!
    Good art
    Decent Dialogue
    Somewhat interesting characters
    Simple Progression System

    Buggy ass hell
    Bad Grammar/Spelling [ For the Most Part Most Of It is Readable]
    Certain Objectives Could Completely Stop Working
    No Clear Direction Of What To Do At Certain Points Within The Story
    Needs More Content

    Well overall the game has potential if it wasn't for those downfalls i would love it hopefully it gets better in the up incoming months
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm hooked. Easy to play and follow. I like the drawings. I don't like the menu design for going into town from the tavern room. The story is reasonably interesting. However, the dialogue text needs a bit of work: there's lots of confusion in describing Jack as her or him.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played first version so far and I must say it is complex, mysterious, sexy and unpredictable. Graphics of game is just my style( Akabur <3). One thing I am curious about, is there any way to finish last hunter quest, where you should send Jack to mop up old cemetery or it will be in next patch? Anyways I am giving it 5/5 and looking forward to next update!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Good characters, beautiful artwork, and engaging world setting. The narrative is fun and even though you do get railroaded at the beginning it does a good job of giving you side work and exploration. I have played through what is available twice and look forward to more. Definitely worth your time!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games I've played to date, with one of the best illustrations that I've seen and a plot that promises without even talking about the characters that appear which, as far as I can see, are very well aimed, I hope this game is released full as soon as possible to be able to enjoy it
    Likes: saffe
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Review based on 'Fresh Spring' version from 2019-04-27

    Originality 4/5
    There is interesting concept behind this game. It appear to be classical trainer game in van Helsing like setting. Old village, some dark mansions, cemeteries and witch hunting with leather armor and guns. You will encounter zombies and other monsters that are not dangerous but rather perverted.

    Story 3/5
    You play as drunkard ex-witch hunter that is forced to babysit your nice. She have interesting quirk and is 'main girl' of this game. You train, equip and send her on missions where she got molested etc.
    There is overall storyline dealing with why you lost your will to fight monsters and start drinking but it is not very advanced at this point.

    Game-play 2/5
    Game is pretty straightforward, you need to do some missions and visit locations. It is nice there is no unnecessary grind but you have very limited control over what missions result will be.

    Characters 3.5/5
    There is like 6-7 interesting characters that are not classical shopkeeper NPC, but story let you better know only yourself and your nice. All are drawn to be very distinctive and you will clearly remember them.

    Drawings/graphics 3/5
    This really depend on what you like, but from my viewpoint this is more close to 'raw', simple and naturalistic drawing style then more artistic and detailed. Scenes don't show characters emotions and are mostly single image.

    Grammar 4/5
    There are some problems but nothing that will make you want drop this game.

    Bugs 2/5
    Old bugs have been removed but each release that give you additional content is buggy as hell. That means you can play old content without any problems but things like recently added missions will give you problems.

    Amount of content 1/5
    As for trainer game that is running for almost 2 years there is not enough content. There are some sexual scenes (not to long and not very steamy) with side characters and some repeatable voyeurism with main girl but almost no 'training' - naked/grope/hj/bj/ etc. that is a standard in this genre.

    Re-playability 0.5/5
    Unfortunately there is only wan way to play so once you finish you cannot start again and take different decisions as there is only one right 'route'.

    Overall 1/5
    I was a patron for some time and tried to be optimistic. Time have shown me there is ongoing problem with how this game grow. Instead of even slowly but visibly increasing content for main girl they are focusing on pieces of story that are not so interesting and at best are only mildly sexual. If you like their story this is acceptable, but if also look for something sexual to enjoy (especially related to main girl) you are not getting that. It is their decision and we should respect it but don't get fooled into thinking that it will change.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 350655

    Absolute Top Game , nice Story nice Game :) Five Stars from me , i wait for the next update. Its is much more than a "click , click , click - PC Mouse hammering Game" The Story is good and the mini Games are nice. Some nice Dresses and beautyful (different) Woman make`s the Game fantastic , for me.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    I really want to like this game. I think it is a very unique story, and I think is has a ton of promise. That said, there is a plethora of serious issues with the current build. Quick Pros and Cons below:

    I personally like the art, and the tone of the whole game is very well done.
    The storyline makes sense, and the writing really isn't that bad at all. Definitely have to pay attention to the words if you want to understand the quests.
    Decent walkthrough to follow for those who need it (me)

    Terrible quest tracker format
    Buggy. So many bugs. Very hard to have a clue what is going on sometimes and scripts definitely screw up semi-regularly
    Not enough CONTENT! Seriously, you just don't get that far with any characters yet besides the hooker. big whoop.

    I think if they actually commit, this could be a very respectable game by end of the year, but I will probably wait until then.

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! There are too few good trainers around and this one is unique and hot. Jack is sexy.
    If i could say one thing is the uncle should focus more on her and other silly training / monster hunting scenarios. Thats were its strength lies.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Great, enjoyed it!
    * Art is great - love it.
    * Music is bearable
    * Story is good - although incomplete

    Like the main character and sidekick. I would like the sidekick to wear more womanly clothes - hopefully that happens soon.

    The plot idea is solid, like the actually training.

    More please!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. In this game all is well: a great drawing style, cool world and plot, and of course awesome sound accompaniment. Where else can you find it? Very few worthwhile games coming out lately. Judging by most games, many developers do not know what the female breast looks like, like the rest of the body apparently. And in this game everything is great. So I advise.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has a great story, it's very different from most games but to me its interesting. What I like the most is the art which I think is amazing and it also has some animations and sounds to the scenes. The setting is a steam punk fantasy setting and I like it.

    Very well made game all around but lacking a bit in content at the moment of this review.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I was excited when I saw this, but as I played it disappointment set in. It is possible I am comparing this to Akabur's great trainers, but this one seems disjointed.

    It is hard to follow the story line and random elements seem to be dropped in for no reason. I do love the artwork and the initial premises, and I will give it some time, but I found myself frustrated.

    They also need to clean up the English a bit.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...

    Cute little visual novel/game, that takes place in a fantastical version of the 1800's... It almost gives off a steampunk feel from the visuals...

    The visuals are 2D hand drawn, all of which look pretty well made... Befitting of the slightly humorous theme... The UI seems to work fine as well, although the Bag button in the upper left corner doesn't seem to show inventory, just character stats... The protagonist does look like a very hair man, with a very gross looking Johnson (which I'm assuming is that way to look somewhat funny)...

    The script is pretty good as well with hardly any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who drinks a lot ,and has a Alcohol Demon that only he can see when he drinks, who is pretty much the comic relief side kick, for the protagonist... The protagonist is training his niece (she thinks she is really a man cursed to look like a woman, which the protagonist claims is false, but he plays along with it) to be a Witch Hunter like he used to be... Most of this VN/Game plays out in a grind style but with quests... During quests it then switches to a more visual novel feel... There is actually a lot of dialogue/monologue...

    The problem with the quest system is when it involves waiting for a certain amount of time, there is no indicator on the UI that tells you how many days are remaining before you can take another quest... It gives a warning that Jack (the niece/nephew) is busy when trying to take another quest, but that is the only way to know...

    Based off the character stats window, it looks like this game/VN will eventually play out several ways, with either corrupting his niece or letting her keep her purity, as there is a stat that begins as Pure for Jack (her real name is Jill)... The protagonist himself has a Corruption stat a well... But there really is no telling right now how it will all eventually play out... There are some quests that have some humorous story to them... But the quests seem mostly focus around the introduction part of the training... The game only lasts for 2 weeks of game play (for the current content), so you need to accomplish as much as you can in that time frame...

    Overall, this game shows a lot of promise, and there are a few erotic scenes, but not many... It's still hard to tell how the stats will come into play or how they get changed, but we'll have to wait and see what future content holds... I did chuckle at some stuff, but not all of it... This game/VN does poke fun at some other fictional characters from other actual tales/stories as well... Will I retry this one again? Sure, maybe a couple versions down the line to see how it fairs... Just don't go into it expecting a bunch of erotica, as it is still early in it's development...