Ren'Py - Witch Hunter [v0.21.2] [Lazy tarts]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    (Update 0.22) Most disappointing update yet. Just more teasing w Elyon and more sex with random characters. The content takes maybe 15 minutes to get through. As for the rest of the game, I would give it 5 stars up to the 0.19 update. Everything that has come after is lackluster and the art style isn't consistent.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Quite well-written characters and plot (for a porn game, of course). Excellent drawing, I would like to express special respect to the artists) Well, in general, quite regular content and updates)
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I feel like I wasted my time playing this. So much text, so much clicking, even with cheats on, way too much blabbering and questing before I get an h scene. Plus, I thought this game had animated scenes, but the only ones I've gotten in the start after half an hour were some static images. The art looks good, I guess
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games around.

    Art is phenomenal. I wish more games had artists as talented and dedicated as the ones who have worked on this game. Not only is the sheer quantity of art impressive, but all of it is of very high quality. I don't think it would be a stretch to say this has some of the best art of any game of this type.

    The story is complicated, but I think that is expected considering the source material and difficulty of managing all of the characters. I think the story arcs that take their time with an individual character are the best, like with Will and Elyon. I think Wills storyline especially is the best written and has the best pacing in terms of progression. Other characters can be too rushed to have as much of an impact as Wills.

    The quest helper is also very useful. With sandbox games its always a pain in the ass figuring out what to do next, and I appreciate how straightforward this game is with quests.

    Also, feel like I should add I played with cheats on. I can imagine the experience would be much worse if you had to do a bunch of unnecessary grinding, To me grinding adds nothing to a game and only detracts from the experience.

    Solid 9/10, could be a 10 if more expanded storylines are given to characters to make the interactions more natural and impactful (with Will as an example).
    But even as is this game is a gem.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't invest this much of time into a game like this, some plot is a bit off but most of them are pretty great.
    There are a few things that makes the timeline a bit weird, for example if certain events triggered too early it will make characters reaction to other questlines' story not really that realistic. (For spoiler reason I won't said what exactly happened.)
    Besides story plotting, the cgs are wonderful! But there are some cg can be missed easily due to option player choose so make sure save and check the gallery more often.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Good game, it has nice artstyle, a bit like a mult, but attractive heroines, corruption story. It is a visual novel with some sandbox/rpg moments, a bit of a minus is grind, but it is not that much. There is plenty of content.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this might be the best game on here, though I always had a crush on the witches when I watched the show as a kid. There's been some annoying money grind or minigames but those could be easily bypassed with the simplest renpy cheats. The art and story itself is superb.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the greatest games I've ever played period pretty sir that this game is more popular than the show its a parody of i live it and i expect to do do several playthroughs i love the characters multible animated scenes with each one is a verry nice touch skippable option grind is amazing
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Witch Hunter [v0.21.1] [Lazy tarts]

    Well, it wasn't fun at all.
    Story - 2.2/5 Porn game, with a slow pacing very close to the original plot.(at least at the beginning) It isn't much but something.
    Art - 4/5 Images speak for themselves.
    Characters - 1~2.2/5 Ctrl+c/ctrl+v with degradation of quality across the board.
    MC - 0~3.8/5 Broken, inconsistent schmuck.
    Gameplay - 0/5 Sandbox with shitty combat system and TONS of clicking, where your choices worth jack shit.

    Download pictures and foget about this one.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    it has great art the story for a porn game is decent and the porn scens are great only problem i have with it is the clicking mini games but there easy enough to get though if abit annoying. I honestly don't get why this game rating is kinda low it's honestly one of the better porn games based on a show.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Every update is fantastic so far. Even if I sense that they are short. Or maybe is just because I like the drawing and animation so much that every time I want to play it more and more.
    Also the story is interesting.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: 0.20

    Just some quick ramblings, don’t expect me to spend the time to write about everything or actually make it short:

    Story wise it’s pretty decent, I have 0 experience with the original work but it works well on it’s own it’s definitely a porn game, with a bit of a slower start but that is perfectly fine. Does it always make sense, no but it works for me and is not an endless wall of dialog. So I would call it serviceable.

    In terms of length it is reasonably long and doesn’t seem to overstay it’s welcome, the story is progressing along nicely without overstaying its welcome, that being said it originally started in 2017 so it better have a decent amount of content by now. Reading the changelog, don’t expect a lot per update.

    Visually I do think the art is pretty decent, the girls do follow the same body plan, a bit more variety in the models would have been nicer. But at least it is somewhat original art and that is already a large step up. The visuals are also pretty consistent so I calso can’t fault them here.

    Content wise there are a decent number of scenes and later on it ramps up quite a bit. Pacing could be better though, as the beginning is rather barren.

    In terms of game play this is where everything kind of falls apart.

    Starting from the beginning on the first day after the introduction you need to go to some cave. This objective is nicely highlighted on the map, only catch is you have to skip wait til evening and unlike some other games the highlight is there, even if you cannot complete an objective at time. Yes you could play the money making mini game instead, but why should you, at that time you don’t need to make money at that time.

    The moneymaking mini game is pretty bad and takes a whole 2 minutes every time, cheating really isn’t a bad option.

    After doing that objective in the evening, you have to skip till the next morning again, only to get your next objective, for you guessed it the next evening. This gets a bit better later on, or you get used to it but remains an issue.

    Combat and other mini games are not great either. The combat has a lot of RNG and is generally pretty mindless and dull.

    Another thing to note is saves are not compatible, there is an option to progress to the last update, but not to other versions. I personally just follow the updates once a game makes significant progress, so I tend to skip at least a few.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn games I ever played. Beautiful original art. The game used to have some bugs but it is much more polished now all though not ready but getting there. Game play is the only aspect that is not really for me but there is option to skip it by using money cheat and then you can just focus on story.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good at creating problems, but bad at delivering sex scenes.
    I had to spend hours in bad minigames and forced plot twists to get to some sex stuff.

    Minigames are bad.
    - In bookstore you have to be lightning-fast to find some books while shooting thieves. And most of the time theft happens when you have a new client and you accidentally skip their request, and then have to ask again. Also, many requests need IRL knowledge to complete, like knowing comic book publishers (hint: its not only marvel and DC).
    - Fights are even worse. Wait for loading - get beaten by an evemy 2 levels above you, repeat. But if you manage to levelup to lvl 10(max) - you'll get stunned, loose a few turns, miss your hit when attaking. Everything happens really slow, you have to wait a few seconds before next turn. Health potions are unaffordable at low levels and useless at top levels. Even on max level (10) - your health will be lower, than your enemies and you need mana to cover the gap by transforming into snake, but you always start with zero mana.
    - Board game. Trow dice poker with completely random outcome. I dont know any strategies to win in this game, so its a money sink, instead of income source.

    Quests turn this "sandbox" into a poorly made linear VN. Most of the time you have 1-2 active quests and have to skip time to the right moment, so you can see a small conversation, and then skip time again to trigger another. So, its basically a VN, but with added chore of skipping time.

    Sex stuff - its just a static pucture most of the time. Some of them are animated, which is alot better.

    But the art is good, story is ok, and I havent run into bugs. So give it a try, maybe you will like it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Grinding 10 glands from a mob when your combat system is literally spam one button and wait for the loading screen? No warning game over dialog options? Yeah, no, fuck this. Devs should stop padding their weak updates like this once and for all. Or was it some kind of grand artistic vision? Yeah, no, fuck this twice if that's the reason. Respect players time a just tiny bit.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game an interesting story and nice visuals. It can start of a bit slow and the static scenes early on and can seem bland. However, once you get to the mid game and the newer scenes, the art goes from ehh to amazing. The devs have improved and it shows. The animated ones are the ones you are looking forward to.

    One of the criticisms I have is that it can be a bit grindy. But the game does hold your hand and there are ways to overcome the grind if you save scum.

    Overall good game with enough story so far and great art that you should give it a shot and support the developers if you can.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art style. For 2d this is some of the best rendering and the story is quite good too. Quests can get tedious at times and updates are few and far between but it's still one of my faves. Can't wait for the whole game to drop.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Witch Hunter [v0.19] [Lazy tarts]
    By now the end of the game seems near, so I think I can give my personal assessment.

    I consider the game sufficient only thanks to the art style and the protagonist that works well.
    Unfortunately, the gameplay is badly managed, just look at the fights where healing yourself with a potion is only a way to throw away the turn (if not losing more life than the one cured).
    Or a quest where you have to take a certain material (several times, I don't remember the number but many times) from a randomly generated monster, so you have to click and hope not to waste too much time.
    Despite the not too fun gameplay, I still recommend the game, which all in all does its duty.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Would have been way cooler if it was in a visual novel format rather than a sandbox, but hey, at least there's a gallery mod if you're into that. The story feels kinda meh to me because I'm not sure if it's sticking to the original "Witch" series canon that I've never seen, or if the author just made stuff up and crammed it in there. It felt like the game was going off the rails, especially after I got halfway through the story. Some of the character conversations felt forced, and there were these awkward sex scenes like ntr or sharing that you couldn't even avoid.

    On the bright side, the art is actually pretty good, and there's some decent music in the game. But here's the thing, it's been in development since 2017, so I don't know what took so long. The hand-drawn graphics are alright, I guess. The game description promised multiple endings for the main character, but as of right now, none of that is actually being developed. You'll make some choices, but they mostly lead to the same outcomes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! A fascinating story, memorable characters, good direction, cool ideas and beautiful scenes.

    I would like to point out that the game at least tries to give the player a choice, to be a bastard or a good guy. It's very nice when the game doesn't lead us by the nose, making us hostage to the character of the main character.

    Well also the cartoon on which the game is based, I loved watching as a kid, because of this nostalgia made my impression of the game even better.

    The only thing I can point out the bad is the battles with monsters...Even the game on cheat fashion, you have to mess with these bastards! It's boring, tedious and drawn out. Although these mini-games make you take your dick out of your hand for at least a little while, letting your bro have a little rest.

    I'd also note the rather large variety of fetishes. True, there are very few kisses in the game, especially considering the romantic scenes...

    The game was made by a russian, and I also russian (from the translator reviewed), and playing in russian, all the dialogue looked pretty good. And I can admit that the dialogues in English can be delirious.

    But regardless of your opinion to the game, you know, dude made LITERALLY the best game of building over the past 30 years, and it's not a fucking joke!

    For the cheat mode, a special respect!