I've written a long review for this which turned to be a series of points punctuated with BUTs. And then it ended with a downside that's really really important and I want to talk about it in detail, so I've edited the whole BUT-rant to be quite a bit shorter.
This is a "r34 parody game" -BUT- the source material is not very well-known and I dare say is even obscure -BUT- it doesn't matter too much as the story and your character's place in it is obvious (perpetually failing underling of BBEG who's given last chance after last chance), and the overall story is simple yet somewhat engaging and even has some branching done right -BUT- it's written in most horrible Engrish I've seen in a while -BUT- it's understandable enough to get what you need to do and tolerable if you read it internally with the thickest russian accent you can muster -BUT- forget about decently written sex scenes with this level of language mastery (more like lack thereof) -BUT- at least CGs are pretty nice -BUT- it takes a lot of time to reach them -BUT- the game doesn't feel extremely grindy (although it does have grind)...
BUT. And this is the crucial negative aspect that I don't feel the game offsets with anything positive. When you do reach main adult content you immediately wish you hadn't done it so quickly.
You see, there's a difference between gating sex behind slaying wild boars, grinding money and being an errand boy, and gating it behind girl's psychological resistance.
Naturally we want less of the former and more of the latter! (To a reasonable degree, of course). As it stands, this game has a lot of boar slaying and basically NONE of the psych game. To give an example, you capture some guy, enslave him, and throw him into another dimension. For reasons. Whatever. But then his pretty sister comes looking for him and accidentally falls into another dimension and you have no other choice than to imprison her there too. For reasons, whatever. But then the main character comes into her cell and demands her to strip naked or else he maims or kills her brother. Bam, she's naked. Next day, you get a choice sex/bj/handjob under the same conditions, pleasure or else. Then you let your disgusting underling buttfuck her as a reward (and the imprisoned girl once again has to agree or the very same else). And that's it as far as her, um, character development goes. Her attitude doesn't change one bit after all of this. She keeps her defiant attitude, but ultimately always agrees to do whatever you demand because your threats are just thermonuclear.
That's not corruption. That's coercion. Learn the fucking difference.
What a lot of people want and what "trainer" sub-genre implicitly promises is the process of bending and twisting a girl from prude to total slut. How you initially hook the girl can vary, and yes, it can be through coercion, but one crucial ingredient is that the final step can't be reached through threats alone. Instead your trainee has to come to love being a slut. This is where this game really fails in my opinion. You're not training anyone, you're just subjugating them through brute force and call it a day.
Oh, yeah, and my playthrough of v.9 had a character literally kill himself as a plot point. That... was a bit unexpected, huh.
Also, some comments indicate that in earlier versions the main story line was much much darker, and that kinda makes sense. Right now Cedrick throws the main girl softball after softball, while everyone else gets really harsh treatment. If the main plot were to revert to the darker version... it could make the game work, but you'll have to throw darker sex scenes as well. Otherwise it's a wasted opportunity; your character clearly lacks any scruples, but when it comes to sex he's awfully vanilla. And the girls are awfully resilient. PTSD? No such thing! You made your MC a deplorable sadist, okay, legit choice, but then the girls have to break down.
(That said I prefer a lighter path if it actually had corruption going on)
TL;DR: good art, horrific Engrish, poor story, and horrible characterization for a trainer game.