This, and its prequel, is fairly notorious at this point. Most H gamers would probably instantly recognize this game, its creator, and all that goes with playing a game like this.
- Excellent artwork. Most indie H games dont tend to feature great artwork, and even more tend to just be anime style, which means there's really not much individuality. This one however, is clearly made with passion.
- If you remember this game at all it'll likely be because the writing is sublime, and this is how H games ought to be written as a rule. Something that doesnt take itself seriously and fully embraces the stupidity that is a world where breasts and pussy are bartered off like hot cakes
- The game is well paced, considering its lack of content. Most H games tend to be short, to the point. This game knows how to drag itself longer, make each sex scene mean more than it actually should.
- The corruption is very well done. Youd have to play it to feel it.
- Customization. You wont believe such a small game even have this but it does.
- The game is short, like contentwise. You can legit speedrun this game in naught but 2 hours and considering that its very text based that's saying something.
- Game is well paced...but its also very grindy. In fact you may suspect, rightfully, that the grind is placed there to pad out what is actually a very skeletal figure.
- Story is very linear. Most if not all the time dialogues dont really have consequences, despite it being polarizing.
- It has third party mods that expand on this game, making it kinda redundant.
I'll start off by telling you that the story is moronically comedic, and doesn't take itself seriously. A short summary of it would be thus: Hermoine needs house points, you give her points for sexual favors. After the first panty shot, she'll naturally slowly get corrupted. There, that's the story. None of the bs japanese anime tropes, no childhood crushes, no bs NTR, none of the lonely ambiguous male characters, the MC of this story is a character, not a stand-in.
The game has animations, but it might as well not have any. The fact is that if youre going to cheat by animating in chibi form why even bother having animations since the meat and potatoes of this game, the CG art, isn't animated. And there's really only one girl here, so in terms of variety there really isn't any. Seen Hermoine naked once, seen them all.
So do I recommend this? Id have to say yes, because I had a blast with it, despite its many imperfections. The real deal of this game, and likely why Akabur has so many fans at all, is because he demonstrates his passion for this projects and he's really good at writing dialogue for his characters. In fact, take away the writing and this game is trash, very low shit.
Its such a shame that Akabur never fully embraces his talent as a producer rather than creator. His artwork is good, above average, but thats dime a dozen these days. His ability to code can be seen in his games - not very advanced at all - since most of his games dont tend to be complex, or feature non-linear storylines. But his ability to write dialogue is perhaps second to none. Its kinda weird how despite the length and the plentiful textboxes Ive never gotten bored or impatient, and if I ever play this more than once it'll likely be because the writing is just that good.
And another thing. Someone ought to just tell Akabur that in 2023, people just flat out use digital tech to draw, not traditional ink thats remarkably slower. He is not Michelangelo, hes just a guy that likes to draw porn art. If I must guess, one of the reason why he tends to be slow, lots of chibis subsitutes, or reuses his art a lot is because it takes a fuck ton of time to draw, ink and painstakingly paint each of those CGIs. I really wish he concentrate on one game, and just flat out hire a coder to do the code for him, while he concentrates on what he's good at - vision, and writing.