Others - Completed - Witch’s Forest [v1.01] [Fullfrap]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    Like others said, this is deadass, motherfucking everyday Mario gameplay. You stomp on the enemy, you run and jump through platforms, trying to not fall to your death. But if you think "hey that doesn't sound so bad, I love my bing bing wahoo but with the battle fuck element included", you'll be dead-fucking-wrong.

    - Gameplay -

    If you played SMB1 on the NES, you know how the gameplay is; one button is for jumping, and the other is for running/attacking. But the game really exemplified all its flaws and almost none of its merits from the era, of which hinges on one thing: turning. You lose all your speed when you turn, making running feel sluggish, and making readjusting your jump virtually impossible.

    You'll often slip and fall into holes or spike that's out of your control because of the momentum carrying you all the way to hell, which is exemplified in this one level (which I can't be bothered to replay):
    You stand on top of a platform, with next part of the level having you drop from a small hole onto the small block in the air. Sounds like a cake walk, right?

    The game calculated your momentum from moving towards the hole, so that gives you tiny right momentum as you're falling, just enough to make you miss the block the first time you're here. I tried to move left at the last second, but to no avail, and I fell to my death through no fault of my own because I'm used to Mario stopping when he hits a friggin' wall.

    But death is a non-factor, since you quickly respawn on the last platform you stood on, and you can buy hundreds of lives from the overworld vending machines on the map with dozens of diamonds you collected. So instead of making a fair but challenging system and level design, the dev just decided to make everything frustrating yet easy to playthrough.
    How enjoyable.

    - System -
    Speaking of the map design, you bump into everything and anything in your way, they don't flow with each other a lot of the time, and prevented this game from being valid for cool speedruns combined with the above "mechanics". And whenever there's a branch of paths like the secret exits in Mario, the whole level turn into a maze with tight gaps, enemies in inconvenient places makes it hard to dodge them, and navigation is so shit I literally did not find a single one of these secret exits. Which doesn't matter by much, since all they leads to are extra scenes and crappy extra levels.

    Enemies are all virtually just goombas of different heights and slightly different attack range or size, and they're always either extremely easy or difficult to manuver around for it; one that particular who stands out is a "rock girl" that throws rocks (real original), of which that follows the law of gravity and rolls all over the place, as expected, it deals damage upon contact. You can imagine there's a lot of cheap hits when it comes to this enemy.

    But what I find most BS about the enemies is that the game isn't a battlefuck like with other Fullfrap games. No, you have to go out your way and jump onto some platform to a high and maybe specific path of the level, find a specific enemy with hearts on their head, and wait for them to rape you. This doesn't really make things feel "awarding" or "accomplishing", just annoying, especially because you can accidentally kill said enemy. That enemy you took the time to get to? Bam, killed because you wanna see the other scene or pressed the wrong button, time to find another one of those enemy to see it.

    Of which, is completely needless, by the way. Since at the of the game they just gave you a castle full of these rapey enemies, and gives you a full unlock of everything. So what's with that?

    - Sexo -
    Like I said earlier, there are extra sex scenes on the world map if you take the time to play through certain levels and get to a certain path, sometimes requiring secret exits. Of which are all inanimated CG scenes with well-drawn graphic of the usual Fullfrap standard... but are short and rather disappointing. The actual animated part of the game is the 3D enemy rape in-game, which looks like shit even if you turn off the "pixelated filter".

    Honestly? I would rather the dev just create a new game with these high quality drawing or pixel animation than this shitty 3D animated fuck. I love the dude, but for something that took 5 years for him to learn and develop? All that time could've spent making a similar game to his previous ones but with better scenes and graphic.

    My conclusion? This fucking reeks, play other better platformers or battlefuck games.
    Likes: Lurkor
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This was...the most meh-tastic 2d platformer I've seen from Fullfrap. The 3D didn't really add anything to the experience, the content felt lacking even compared to FF's older platformers, the platforming itself felt a little slippery and floaty in a bad way, and the combat felt like a shoddier version of FF's work in Demon's Sperm.

    If you want a 2d platformer from FF, play Erori or Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. If you want a combat-focused game, play Juuyoku no Jousai or Demon's Sperm. If you want lots of content overall, play Shin sei Den.

    Just don't play this if you want a GOOD game from Fullfrap.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This feels like a proof of concept, like someone stretching their legs into the 3d space for the first time and finding nothing solid to stand on except for the tonal nod to Mario. Which, that's fine. I'm glad to see Fullfrap is making new games and am looking forward to more.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    itsa mario

    100%ed the game, i dont think there was a reward for hard mode or virgin run btw.

    it wasnt the worse experience i had, but i expected a lot more. number one complaint is that its very samey gameplay and rewards from beginning to end, dull all through out.

    theres nothing much innovative for a platformer, i think the game would have been a lot better if exploring secrets actually mattered. all the coin collecting was worthless, maybe if there was alternate clothes to grind for it would have been worth. a lot of levels feel like they serve no purpose if you dont value the coins. i also really hated how rare hearts were to find, why couldnt i spend coins to recover health or something??? was really annoying to get through levels with just 1 heart, without checkpoints.

    all the h scenes and 3d animations also felt pretty soulless, i cant remember if all fullfrap games had boring scenes like this, maybe ive just lost the nostalgia for one of my earliest games ;(

    anyways, not worth, just look up the cg or use a save if you are interested
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Compared to Full Flap's other games, this is extremely underwhelming in every aspect because everything is a significant drop in quality to anything this dev made like 10+ years ago.

    TL;DR: This is a very underwhelming game in terms of gameplay and even nsfw scenes. The few distracting bells and whistles it has in forms of betting and CG slideshows don't help to improve it in any meaningful way. In general it feels unpolished and unfinished visually, so I could not recommend this game to anybody even if you liked this dev's previous works.

    - Basic graphics with no personality put into them. Everything is flat and uninteresting to look at. The ugly pixel filter can be turned off thankfully but this doesn't really improve things, because now you have to look at the very basic character models in all their blocky glory. The PC looks passable, human enemies look off in some way, it's hard to explain.

    - A grand total of two music tracks that sound like 20 second loops. I know nsfw games don't usually have music as their strong point but the longer you're in a level the more the looping 20 second track begins to get irritating.

    - Gameplay is miserable and frustrating because of bad physics. Weird floaty jumps with very slidey ground and air control makes getting onto slim platforms something that usually costs you a life, and levels will often send you down alternate paths which lead you to usually nothing, often levels without any interactive H-scene enemies at all.

    - Coins, but nothing of value to spend them on. Rather than there being a shop or merchant to buy stuff from, you go to the betting station and spend them on trying to get lives. This is a dull way of using currency, there's only one venue to bet on which could have easily been improved upon by even having several different minigames to get lives from instead of playing a bootleg Wheel of Fortune.

    - Most normal animations are pretty good, but strangely all the nsfw animations appear very jerky and unpolished, and lack any sort of meaningful impace. They're unusually sloppy and likely something the dev spent very little time on.

    - An almost completely useless futanari powerup that works on a grand total of two entities, one of which isn't even a proper enemy. The best part is taking this and keeping it locks you out of using the hammer that lets you progress into secret areas.

    - One reward the game gives you for chasing alternate paths is more sex scenes, the problem with this is that they're CG slideshow slop composed of 3-4 slides of the same pose. And a few of these paths add an extra 1-3 levels to your journey through an underwhelming game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I played the first two stages, and I found the game to be rather underwhelming. So, I decided to download the full save file to view the CG. The CG is okay, even though it lacks both quantity nor quality, but the writing is really quite poor.

    So I leave it at a 2/5 and I think that's about right.

    If the game doesn't start for you, please try the following method.

    The main reason is that the local emu is for 32-bit programs, and it only supports 32-bit programs. It is not a problem for 99% of the programs because most programs are backward compatible.

    For some reason, this developer tried to make the game only run in 64 bit mode (Which means if you are running a system lower than Windows 10-64bit version, this program will never launch)

    For the rest of us, the problem is that the local emulator is not expected to run a game that only supports a 64-bit system. Because it is highly unlikely that one of these types will be seen.

    The easiest way is to just change your system local to Japanese, play the game, and switch back if you're done with it.
    Otherwise, you have to use another emulator that supports 64-bit programs, one of it is called Locale_Remulator.

    I know a lot of people don't trust solo Chinese developers' programs that do not yet have any reputation. Truth be told, neither do I, and I am even half Chinese myself.
    So if you don't want to install that program, the only chance is to just switch your local setting in the system.
    Also, for those who don't know, it is not changing your system language, but change your region locale, change it in here. You can keep your syetem as English.

  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The question on everybody's mind is "Does Fullflap manage the transition to 3D?" No. Not at all.

    To think that this is from the same circle which made Demon's Sperm, Shin Sei Den, and so many other bangers. To deliver a slippery, extremely basic 3D platformer? What happened? Have they gone public and must appease the investors this quarter?

    The game is, as I mentioned, a slippery platformer. You have a jump button, a crouch that is useless, a dodge from crouch which you never need, and a run/attack button. There is only one item that changes gameplay (so far as starting the 2nd area at least) which is a hammer. You swing it and it attacks and breaks certain blocks in front of you. You can jump on enemies to defeat them. They all have so much telegraphing that you only get hit by them because you were fighting your own momentum. There's also clothing damage but the game showers you in repairs so you'd have to go out of your way to get Lily naked.

    Fullflap has a very distinctive style which works wonders in 2D, with massively breasted moe girls and rather round and soft characters in general. This doesn't translate well to 3D since you cannot hide a character's curves with posing and shading like you can in 2D. A GG cup can look like a DD from the front in a drawing; that amount of 'mass' will always be there in 3D.

    And why did this need to be in 3D? Everything looks basic since, surprise, making good models takes time. There is no gameplay at all that uses the third axis. You don't even go into the background and platform there like modern Mario games, which still isn't true 3D but it's at least something!

    I've only found one enemy that has an h-attack so far, a green goblin that at least has a different attack if he catches you facing him or facing away (I think, more testing needed.) But the animation feels very wooden as, once more, Fullflap never did any real animation for their games but did frame cuts.

    Oh, and this game has a lives system. You can bet rupees in a roulette minigame to earn more, the only thing I've found you can use your money for. So the game could absolutely screw you and you might spend all your dosh for no lives. I hope there's some failsafe in place. I don't know what happens if you lose all your lives, but I doubt it'll be fun.

    Also, the first VN-style h-event I found is the laziest rape scenario you can think of. Not even the dialogue is good.

    Overall, a really poor experience so far. I can see this having a smidge of potential for speedrunning levels, but with no level timer and the gamefeel being so floaty and slippery, I doubt that'll stick. Please, go back to 2D, Fullflap :c
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    okay everyone lets get it out of the way first: this game is no full frap, its a full flop.

    no this isnt a funny joke but sadly the reality.
    this is a VERY mediocre 2d sidescroller. the sex almost doesnt happen.
    the entire game is beatable in 20min.

    idk what to even write here its such a disappointement and so average/boring.
    the only reason its not a 1* for me is that most levels you can just full speed run and jump through, which is neat. thats it.

    sadly this is the 2nd fullfrap game in a row thats fullcrap, heres hoping for their next game to go back to their roots.