With all the discourse, what's the best alternative to Patreon?


New Member
Dec 21, 2023
I'm not sure if this topic is allowed here, but with the big April Fool's joke bringing my attention to the fact that Patreon actually just put out a large ban on a bunch of NSFW themes recently, I have some concerns...

As a game developer of a NSFW Pixel-art game, I had hoped to post my games everywhere for free with a Patreon link in the game in order to get support, but with some aspects of my games depicting consensual non-consent fantasies as well as anthropomorphic, I realize now that this method will get my banned from Patreon.

What's the best alternative as a means of getting support for NSFW games? I noticed a lot of people saying they were going to leave Patreon for Subscribesta, but Subscribesta doesn't take Paypal as a payment option which I think may dissuade some otherwise supportive users. Itch is also something I've thought of, but personally I've always relied on supporting other creators through Patreon, wheras Itch seemed to me more like a good site for simply game-exposure.


New Member
Mar 31, 2024
For paypal, you could look into itch.io Since you're getting support for games, you want a website for users to download your application. itch.io makes that easier as it allows that.

I would have recommended gumroad, as I had experience with that... But they banned all NSFW content on there. Though if you're curious you could still try gumroad.
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