With which MC you connect most, Which Mc turns the player on?

If the story is well put, With which MC you connect most

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Feb 19, 2020
I'm not asking this question based on the characteristic stats of the Mc
the sole idea is to know which character's face and body is the one that the player likes to imagine himself into

as for myself, i prefer the unusuals, so the writer can insert funny stuff into the script, the taboo and perversion can be easier to be applied.
but it will be a big help to know what other players like so we can draw and create a character's inner and outer personality specially on long projects.



Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
it's well-known that people don't generally connect with the perfect supermen but with flawed characters and underdogs. flaws are the very thing that create sympathy towards your charater, flaws mean he's alive. perfection might induce shallow admiration, but it can never induce sympathy. it often even induces hate instead.

if your character is the NTR-antagonist, make him beautiful, rich and a winner. but make your MC a loser. maybe not a disgusting loser, but less than perfect. work in progress. fixer-upper.
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May 28, 2017
I went with other, I like the swipe-left kind of characters. If she saw you on Tinder for whatever reason, she'd go no. But that you can conquer that barrier by being smart/helpful/witty or in some cases well hung, but I like it when you can overcome initial judgement with your personality. And then once she's into you I don't care if you're horsehung or regular, that only changes the scenes, not the lead up.
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I voted for the fat lazy peeping old man, although that's not really accurate either.

My preference would be a typical middle-aged guy. Maybe slightly overweight but not obese. Neither super handsome nor ugly. Generally confident, or at least trying to be. Maybe a bit creepy but not a peeper (I mean, nobody over 14 should be peeping, come on! If you really want to, install some hidden camera's already...)
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