RPGM - Wolf of Shadow [v0.7.9] [VerehrER]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a game that has aspects heavily based on stealth and pvp then this game fits quite the description, you can also seduce npcs (limited to humans) to catch them off guard to kill them (or have a lil fun). This game has a variety of aspects that gives the game a lot of life and content into the game, the next update (V0.8 I think) is probably gonna be big and revamp the game (since its been quite while and lots of sneaks have been released for a few years) and make it so much better (art style changes and adding onto the storyline along with a few great changes that you'll have to check out when it releases), overall I'd give this game an 8/10 due its unique but really good art, personally I don't really like slimes and the flower npcs but thats really just my opinion, everything else is superb.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    The Slow Turtle

    The stealth mechanics and combat are fun, unlike most rpgm games. The artwork looks really nice, though at the time of this review, there isn't a huge amount of them. Overall it's a pretty good game and it will get better assuming we get more updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    -Review v0.7.9 dem-
    Stealth game is my favourite video game type so this game get my first look first. After I played, I like game mechanic, gameplay feel so diffirent from another RPG games. Characters is cute, especially MC, her appearance is make me remind about Najimi Osana in Komi can't communication but long and white hair. Most of H scenes are in developing, the dev still draw and improve the picture and the gameplay as well you should follow him on Ci-en to know more and keep track about his work.
    I can't wait for offical release, this game gonna be awesome. 5⭐ for this game, should be 4⭐ because it's heavy grind but that's ok omegalul
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    out of all RPGM's, this is one of the best since it takes more of what RPGM can do and innovates a few nice ways to enhance the experience. playing it doesn't feel like a chore to do. really enjoying the experience so far. Keep it up Verehr!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent demo.

    Stealth mechanics is new in this sort of genre, so I'll give that a plus.

    Skill Tree upgrades is a bit tedious, as I believe a menu would be a more efficient method.

    Combat mechanics feels good, as you'd basically be presented with two options - either seducing or assassinating - which definitely takes a cake for those who likes to strategize.

    The "seduction" and sex scenes are pretty good. Although it could use a little bit more variety, as it is quite exhausting to be viewing the same scenes over and over again. I liked the art style and some scenes are animated as well.

    The game also has a "pregnancy" tag as well, which is quite misleading since (as the time of writing) only slimes can actually impregnate the MC. A sad day for pregnancy enjoyers such as myself.

    In terms of fappability, I'd rate the game about 9/10.
    In terms of game mechanics, maybe a 7/10.

    That said, this is still a demo and it's actually out for free. I haven't noticed a lot of bugs, so that's good for a Demo. There's tons of potential for this game as well, so for now I'd say stick around and try it out.
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    Overall Okay, just fairly lacking to be more than 'okay'
    • Stealth is bad, there's no reason to use it if you can spam attack to kill faster for the same effect- stealth kills and basic kills after the enemy yelling "ASSASIN" add to the attention meter. Just murder is faster for point grind, points are for everything. Any deaths increase the warning bar, just don't reach max and reset. Not to mention you can just run through, getting spotted by all (but 1 type) enemies and wait to cool off.
    • Tedious skill tree- a specific area to access, then choose 1 of 3 sub-areas, then walk over to every skill just to see it with a very short description, a menu would have been much convenient. not to mention a fairly limited amount of upgrades.
    • Grindy and slow feeling - you walk slow, sprint gets you spotted easier, lock-on slows, exhibitionism slows, some enemies instantly tear clothes.
    • Area specific save-points are just annoying. That and absolute labyrinth maps. Pair them to get stuck (like castle section) without a clear way forward or back.
    • Also after death- sent to save-point with points lost, making it worse than loading and useless.
    • Currently selling yourself is lacking- weird to trigger, grindy requirements, lacking (progressive) selection options and all H actions have weird 'speed up' controls.
    • Seduction and combat feel exclusive, charm status is odd.
    • Delay- since different map sections are basically different worlds, there's no need to have to wait for stamina to regen and attention to fade.
    Needs content to fill gaps, balancing and more focus on actual stealth.
    Is okay to play if you don't mind repetition, getting lost and currently limited H, stealth and combat content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Don Tebjos

    Well this is just the beginning and it is already really good and a solid 8+ hours of addictive and simple yet not limited gameplay, with H stuff integrated nicely

    This game might become a classic, so keep in sight : p
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Frankly speaking, the mechanics of lanterns are not necessary at all if there is no opportunity to teleport from one to another, the accumulation of souls is useless, as there are no mechanics of pumping, erotic scenes are few, the opponents are not diverse, the mechanics of the dependence of stamina on health is interesting, but extremely stupid in fact, especially it becomes apparent on the last boss
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is honestly FANTASTIC. the art is all exceptional, the game's combat is actually surprisingly good (better than a lot of other RPG Maker games i've played--even ones that aren't h-games), and it blends its lewd elements into its gameplay excellently

    there ARE some parts which can be frustrating, like how the minecart controls for certain puzzles, and how some details can be hidden/not properly explained (for instance, you can't get one of the two parts of exhibitionism after you beat the main boss, even though the world is still open and the main boss has essentially nothing to do with the exhibitionism).

    but like, as of writing this review, i have five hours in this DEMO OF A GAME, because i beat it twice in a row. i haven't even tried buying many physical or stealth skills; i've just used the baseline and focused on the erotic mechanics--and despite that i've been having a great time

    the fact this is a demo is honestly shocking and incredibly exciting to me. this has more content and quality than the majority of finished H-games, and even if this game were to be abandoned tomorrow i would still recommend it to so many people.

    i'm hoping that it properly concludes, with all of the developer's ideas and love put into it--because if it does, then this will likely go down as one of my favorite H-games of all time.

    fuck those minecarts though they are really annoying
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    This game is really cute, it has actually functioning and manageable stealth and a bit of a Metroidvania feel to it as you do get new abilities with progress, allowing you to backtrack, fight, sneak or explore differently. I like when games that give you new abilities give you uses for them in combat. I hope it makes its way to completion I'll definitely be buying it. With that said, the review:

    - Very cute art, the main character's art is really cute, and the lewd content is sexy. Short ways into the game you get the ability to seduce and charm enemies and it has little portraits of the character exposing herself, each level has variants and that's crazy.

    - There's a lot of ambiance and personality to the environments. RPGM usually has "generic town" "generic forest" "generic castle" but the maps in this have secret passages, rewards for exploration, engaging puzzles, etc. Another surprise. RPGM games rarely get this involved.

    - Exploration is neat. Each screen is filled with nooks and crannies you can hide in, attack from, and run around. The main objective of the game is to get to a place and kill someone, very gamey there's nothing good or bad about that. The thing that makes it interesting is the few varied approaches you can take to that goal. There's the seduction option, or you can stealth by everything using the map design, or fight everyone, not advisable but fun anyway.

    - The combat is interesting. It's not turn-based, it's got a bit of a Souls/Sekiro feel to it. You have stamina, a limited amount of skill usages, and refillable potions. You can get perks to make these more abundant and regenerate though, which is nice. Also the currency is called "souls" so.. you know. You can also just seduce enemies so they don't attack you, they'll just molest you if you're nearby. Alternatively once they let their guard down you can kill them, although they do respawn when you Rest.

    - The exploration and combat are both aided with the addition of almost Metroidvania-like abilities. An example being the lightning blink dash you get early into the game. It allows you to jump over a tile and also does AoE damage, making it very useful to escape enemies, take an offensive approach, or simply explore more fluidly. It's unfortunately not that common that games with that give you tools like this make use of them in combat as well as general progression, it's usually one or the other, so that's a plus.

    - This being RPGM VX you can't change the window size without an outside tool, you also can't go fullscreen without your resolution being forced down to the game's. It's unfortunate but it is a gripe I had to deal with. Luckily there is the resize tool here: Github link to Magpie.
    - There is a decent amount of backtracking, the game being largely open-ended despite being kind of linear means you'll be retreading maps fairly often but you can make the maps safe by charming all the soldiers in the way later on so... mitigating factor there but still a bit tedious sometimes~
    - The keybinds are kinda weird and hard to get used to but once you do it's not a big deal or you can customise them.
    - There's no easy way to check your current stats to keep track of them and unlock new perks (specifically the lewd ones). Again not a big deal, it might be fixed later on anyway.

    Overall, really neat game, shows lots of promise, and once it gets finished I'll definitely buy it. I'm a big proponent of buying games you like when it's from small Indies and this game's being made by a single person from what I understand. If anything major changes I'll edit this review but so far I really enjoy this little game. It's not perfect, but it's pretty darn good.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 6.9, this game is an extremely promising project. The art is fantastic and the presentation of the H content is great. The sexual harassment and "exhibition" techniques show a great progression and show the MC's reactions adapting which is always hot. There's not much writing as of yet but the dev is good enough at defining their characters to show it's a solid foundation.

    Most importantly though, RPGM games suck because the combat system is always too similar to one another. This dev has taken the admirable path of building a stealth action game into the engine and while it's a work in progress it's miles better than "spam AOE magic". I've played a number of RPGM games that have been built as action games and imo this is among the best. It doesn't have as much of that clunky grid movement feel (experienced coomers know what I mean). Only downside is that it's hard to play one-handed.

    Good characters, good gameplay that's obviously still improving, fantastic art, great presentation. It's already better than most full games as a demo.
    Safely secures a spot at the top of my watch list.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid art, solid mechanics, looking forward to seeing the game being developed.

    As of this review, the developer is busy refining enemies such as introducing projectiles so I'm hoping they can do a lot with the combat further. Game is a bit on the easy side but hopefully that gets resolved in time. If you're curious about strats for any enemy it's as simple as strafing diagonally.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Rose emp

    A stealth hentai game, pretty interesting concept I must say.

    The gameplay is good. You can attack the enemies from behind to instant kill them, or face them and slashes them multiple times. Of course they will fight back so you just spam your attacks lol. Although there isn't that much in the game, I can see the potential to see it branch out more.

    Hentai scenes are decent and immersive. You get them by getting caught from the NPCs. You can break free from them easily by rapidly mash two buttons. They will strip you off first, then grope you, and then they rape you! You can also get threesome from having two enemies catching you!

    Overall this game is a
    solid 4/5. Sure there might be nothing much, but the graphics with the gameplay and hentai scenes all combined are really immersive so this developer done a good job on it. (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Loads of potential here, can't wait to see the finished product.
    Tons of hidden little features here and there, wasn't aware that the Harassers could fuck you once you went fully stripped, only wish there were some sort of control scheme to see how certain moves in the shadow place can be used.