Tool Ren'Py Word doc to renpy code


Active Member
Jul 27, 2020
Hi all,

Made a python program that will allow you to convert a word document to a .rpy file.
It covers the basics but the more advanced stuff you will have to do yourself.

1. Click the open word doc button
2. Find your word document and select it
3. Click the select save location button
4. Select a folder to save your .rpy file to
5. Click the convert button
6. Done

Important Info:
1. Each line must contain a line otherwise it will throw an error.
2. Each line must start with one of the shortcuts below
3. Indentations are automatically added so don't add them yourself
4. If a line doesn't show in the .rpy file make the shortcut **bold** and delete then readd the following space
5. If you have any custom python code you will have to add that yourself to the .rpy file
6. Once you have finished putting everything you need into a menu you must use the end menu short cut


ShortcutWhat it doesUsageOutput
TCharacter text (with a defined character)T N hello there.N "hello there."
UCharacter text (with an undefined character)T boy hello there."boy" "hello there."
LLabelL Scene1label Scene1:
IShows an image with dissolveI image1show bg image1 with dissolve
NLoads the imageN act1image image1image bg act1image = "image1"
JJump to another labelJ Scene2jump scene2
MStarts a menuMmenu:
CMenu ChoiceC Look"Look":
EEnds the Current menuE
APlay audioA music.mp3play music "music.mp3"
ASPlay soundAS sound.mp3play sound "sound.mp3"
Vloads a video as an imageV act1video video.webmimage bg act1video movie = Movie(play="video.webm")
$python code single line$ renpy.random.randint(1,5)$ renpy.random.randint(1,5)

This is what the word doc must look like

N act1 act1titlecard
L stair
I act1
T J hello!
U Girl hi.
C Look
U boy hey there
J Act2
C Look away
U Girl Bye dude
T D asdasdasda!
T N asdasdasd?
J act3
J act1
This is the renpy code after ran through my convertor.

image bg act1 = "act1titlecard"
label stair:
   show bg act1 with dissolve
   J "hello!"
   "Girl" "hi."
           "boy" "hey there"
           jump Act2
       "Look away":
           D "asdasdasda!"
           N "asdasdasd?"
           jump act3
   jump act1
This is my first release of the program so there will still be some bugs.

Any issue or suggestions drop me a message or leave a comment.
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