Others Work in Progress: Personality, and how sex would work in game, Advice needed


New Member
Feb 22, 2018
I'm developing a game on a custom engine and I wanted to try developing a way to have sex with NPCs without these points:
-'you control every single aspect of it'
-'scripted text that accepts no input'

Those two are extremes, that while have their positives with the first being fun and personal, and the second having a great quality text, I'm more inclined in letting your character be the one to lead the way.

What I mean is at the start of the game they will be inexperienced, the sex won't be great at first and it will show, so the player must strive to practice/train.

There will be some options at the start of the sex scene, the player will be given hints of the NPC personality or may get to know the NPC better so they will be able to choose something that pleases the NPC or rather do something the pleases the player regardless of the NPC feelings.

So I thought about a system, the personality part consists of two axes:
Dominant / Submissive
Extrovert / Introvert

The combination would be like
Dominant = Determined
Extrovert = Boastful
Introvert = Gentle
Submissive = Caring

Dominant + Extrovert = Bossy
Dominant + Introvert = Eccentric
Submissive + Extrovert = Easy-Going
Submissive + Introvert = Shy

At the center, which means not much of any of them = Indifferent

This would help determine what kind of sex the NPC would be more willing to do, or less willing.
There would be Perks which could contradict their personality, like a hidden trait. Adding a twist to a character that you thought you knew, but revealed to be different than you thought.

And then I would make one axe about that the NPC likes, what NPC wishes to be and what NPC is right now, going from Masculine to Feminine.
Likes Masculine - Likes Both/Neither - Likes Feminine
Would like to be Masculine - Would like to be Both/Neither - Would like to be Feminine
Is Masculine - Is Both/Neither - Is Feminine

Which changes how would a NPC interact with the player:
Is the NPC sexually capable to be attracted to the PC?
Is the NPC satisfied with their current appearance?
Is there something the NPC would like to change?

Which would open the possibilities of transformation, where the player could form a bond with the NPC by helping them achieve something they wouldn't be able alone.
The game is about collecting NPCs, in the form of slaves or possible employment contracts. A sandbox that you will be able to explore the world around you and then moving on to other worlds. With several standard DND races, furries, monster girls and possible alien of some sort.

Does that makes sense? I'm posting it here in the hope we can talk about it, find flaws or better ways to achieve the same result.
Maybe find a partner in crime. I'm a developer but I struggle while making game mechanics and I've been paying for art commissions since I can't draw.

Thanks for reading this.