HTML - Abandoned - World of No Morals [v.0.2] [RamyunKing]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Not really a game but a succession of hot scenes in a world would call Paradise...
    I liked it, it's perfect for a short break with a bit of porn fantasy and I hope the creator will continue to imagine new scenes and girls (particularly big titted Candy-like ones :love: )
    Certainly not for everyone but it's a decent 4 stars game for me and my perverted brain.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of fun so far. Very early, so my opinion is likely to change with time.

    Avoids many of the issues I often have with these games:

    1) It’s a sex world, but sex does not feel boring (yet). Really needs some direction/plot going forward, though. Otherwise, it will probably get old very quickly.

    2) The writing does not make my eyes glaze over. It’s not overly long, but describes enough. No obvious spelling/grammar issues. Scenes are varied, not repetitive.

    3) Movement is relatively quick. No huge amount of tedious sub-menus just to move around the world. No endless scrolling. Only suggestion I’d have here is adding a shortcut to choosing the options at the end of the page. Some games let you press number buttons instead of having to scroll and clicking the options. Press 1 for the first option, 2 for the second option etc. Would speed up some of the repetitive sections, such as farming stats.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    There's such a thing as too little grind.

    There's nothing here. You simply click forward and have sex with whatever character is present in the menu. You click forward and see a scene, then it's done. There is no progression because there is nothing to progress either to or from. Everything is available from the very start of the game.

    Which isn't to say that it's bad. The scenes are really well done and the writing isn't bad. It's dirty and hot and not cut copy pasted from generic brazzers scene #285. It's just that there are no stakes or management or anything.

    I never thought I'd say this, but this game could use some grind.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game, but as of 0.1, the game just feels hollow. Now, the writing in the sex scenes is decent, and I can appreciate the intent to make a game without the cockteasing/grinding of other porn games. But therein lies the rub; in taking out the grind, the dev hasn't replaced it with anything; the game just boils down to wandering around triggering sex scenes that don't have anything to do with each other. There's no escalation, no sense of progress or conquest, and so those scenes don't have the context that would make them feel satisfying, so all we're left with is the writing of the scenes itself, which while decent, isn't so amazing that it can carry the whole game.

    Even sticking with the game's stated intent, there are directions the dev can take the game to give it that context; maybe lean even harder into the maledom aspect, maybe have the MC conditioning his women into being devoted to serving him, or trying to rise to power in this strange new world, or whatever, just give us something to make these interactions feel like they mean something besides just going down a checklist of scenes. If all you want is pure porn, you can watch porn, where real porn games set themselves apart is in how they frame the context of their gifs and images, and I can see the potential this has to do that really well, here's hoping the dev can tap that potential.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy cow, what to say! This is a first release but there are some great foundations here. The content hits all my niches and can't wait for more content.

    Pros: Limited stat grinding, excellent 'content'

    Cons: Some minor typos

    So far, 10 outta 10, keep up the good work.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A few typos here and there, nothing earth shattering. Love the models, love the premise. 2 issues I see:

    1. Story MAY get very old and very quick. As you can imagine there is pretty much no grind, so as of now it is just a template for delivering porn clips, which brings me to ...
    2. No vids, only short GIF loops. Sorry, I'm not 14 anymore, I need a little something longer to satisfy "my anxiety" if you get me. 5-10 second loops, with no sound, just aint gonna do it, no matter how many you include.

    Nice start, but it's got a LONG way to go before this is worthy of support. Best of luck!
    Likes: Rauls
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Some minor bugs such as being referred to as 'name' and the wrong times for events being listed in the scenes menu. Other than that and limited content a strong first release. Wouldn't surprise me if this becomes a 5/5 star game in a few more updates once there is more than 20-30mins of content.