Story 1/5
Never really been a fan of MC being the one whos getting raped, also hate forced LIs and this has both, if you could atleast kill the bitch that rapes ya or atleast make her a pure none sex slave since she apprently likes sex then it would be alot better, repaying a bitch that rapes ya with more sex seems completely idiotic, it dosent make it less idiotic that MC gets raped 10 feet away from the gang and not a single one hears a thing.
MC desides to let the bitch go and let her come for sex visit to hes house instend....yep makes perfect sense right?
This is a constant in the game girls jumps on MC raping him to see if they can tame him which they cant then they are rewarded with more sex from MC, but MC has 0 controle over them since they fuck around behind hes back none stop only with other girls but it would still be cheating on MC.
Its kinda weird since it starts out good where it tells you, you can controle how relationships will go by the color of your choices, but first thing game does is force a LI on you?? and to make it even more weird the girl that rapes you goes into the list of girls where you can gain heart points with them? i would say thats a bit fucking late when she already fucked MCs ass without consent.
As for the story plot its just yet another one of those where you have to gain power/tame people and only way to do that is by fucking people, so yeah mindless fuckfest yet again and without giving the players any choice, same goes for next girl in the atic you can stop her but then MC desides to tame her anyway? and ofcause she forces her self on MC the very next morning as well, so yeah this game is just pure kinetic and will force who ever on you so the hole relationship system is 100% pointless.
What makes it really idiotic is that in my playthrough i said no to the voice to tame more girls since you have no clue what the voice is about, and then MC keeps on doing it anyway it just makes no sense.
Also there is no real need to force sex scenes on you since just a simple kiss would be enough to tame someone and then let it be up to the player to fuck them or not, but for all the forced sex scenes its all about who cums first? dosent make much sense if a kiss is enough.
Quests seems a bit bugged, after talking to the fox girl and promiss not to say anything, he then say he has to go talk to rose about it? seems a bit off but the buggy part is that no quests shows up in log, same after talking to Rose about Emily quest log stays empty, so from there on out you can only start guessing what to do or where to go.
Your girls apprently also have lesbian sex behind your back since you walk in on them while they are going at it, feels waaaaaay off in a game where your supposed to be their master, so theres no way they should do that behind your back, but apprently all girls are BI and they all have lesbian relationships behind MCs back, its borderline NTR since MC never said it was ok for them to do have lesbian relationships without MC, at the very least all the girls are cheating on MC doing it that way and it feels more like they all got an open relationship fucking whoever they want and the MC being master means absolutly nothing since the girls fucks around constantly.
Girls 3/5
They look ok but noting really new or special and i have seen better even with this character type.
Animations 3/5
They are pretty decent for this type of characters.
Music 3/5
Its the standard background stuff but its decent so it dosent get annoying.
Choices 0/5
As for relationship/Sex there arent any, girls just trow them selfs on MC after 2 seconds, why game has a relationship system when theres 0 relationship to build up, i got no idea but they should remove that since its just idiotic to have when LIs are forced anyway.
Sandbox 3/5
It dosent feel so bad and for now there isent much grinding but it could change at some point.
Content 4/5
Quest log might be buggy but found that you can see how to progress girls by looking at their profile, so did manage to finish current content and there are a good amought of content and a shit load of sex scenes, only issue to me is that they are all forced, same for lesbian content and anal is forced so i expect everything that game will get will be forced to.
If you had meaningfull choices this game would have had alot more potential, but just following a kinetic set storyline just isent for me, and it really should just add the tag for it.
I proberly wont be revisiting this since i just hate forced LIs to much to try it again, but for people who just like everything it will proberly be a great game.