Would a blog that compares the work in Indy games vs studio developed games interest you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I was thinking of creating a blog on another site and youtube . Each week compare a game being developed on patreon or that appears on this site vs one or more studio developed game.

The comparisons would look at quality of art work, amount of art work, how the art work was stored.
An example would be if one stored the parts to make the different images of a character or if they created lots of the combined images.
We can look at other aspects of it and how the images can be developed and time the actual time it can take the professional or studio.
In fact it shouldn't be to hard to get some feed back from some of the studios. So we could include the information they provide.

We can then look at actual dialog. Quality, quantity. How it is stored and used in the games.

We can then look at the game play and style. Well try to match games with fairly similar concepts.
Well look at code complexity, size, quality and how they solved the issues.

We can then look at the man hours it should take to produce and make comparisons on that.
We can use the same methods studios do to estimate and create production schedules.

We can also add in for fairness when someone is working on a learning curve and how early choices in development can force issues to consist through out the rest of development and so on.

Looking at the issues in the game we can then look at other methods or ways others handled it.
We can look at software and so on used and what was available that could have been used to help.

I think it would be a good way for developers to learn from others mistakes and their own.
It would also give others who are looking in from the outside wondering what is going on a bit of information.

I figure the developers who are interested in improving and making better products will have no issue having a spotlight placed on their product.
There probably will be some that do though.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
What is the interest for a blog that would state the obvious ?
"As you can see, this game made for a professional studio, by peoples who've gone to college in order to learn how to do their job, is way better than this one made on his free time by an amateur who never learned any of the competences he have to now use."

If at least you were knew for your impartiality, we could expect some values from such blog. But you're even worse than me on this side.