TL;DR: Unless you're in a country where porn is illegal, then you're good.
Are you in China, India, or any country where porn is illegal? If not, then no. You're on a 'piracy' website where a majority of developers are the ones uploading their games for free in return for exposure. So, there's very little risk of you being hit with anything.
When you download a show or movie, a third-party company (often associated with said movie company.) will usually monitor all the IPs coming through. The 'torrent police', if you will. They'll see the content and if it violates DMCA, then you'll likely be ratted out to your ISP - thus them being required to warn you via an infringement notice. Though, you'll often hear that they're just scare tactics. Whether or not that's true, I don't really know personally.
All that said, Hollywood/etc. and a piracy website focusing on adult games are two different worlds. Most adult developers don't even make their rent back in Patreon/SS funds, so it's nigh unlikely that they'll be having someone hunt down everyone that's pirating their work. There's some that send DMCAs to any site that uploads their work prior to a free public release, but that's not even close to the same thing.