Would you be interested in a female NTR game? If so, what would you liketo see in it?

Dec 15, 2018
Hello, been basically a lurker in these forums, sometimes made some comments here and there. Currently I am thinking about practicing with ren'py and wondered about a genre that I don't see often: women getting NTRd and having their husband taken away. Sorry if it's not well-formated, for some reason the options are kinda bugged in my mobile device.

My plot is already there in outlines of what I want to do and what sort of characters I want to implement, some twists of why or how the husband is the target, how to end it, etc. But I want to hear about what things other people who are interested in this specific genre would like to see in this game, pointers to what they like in NTR in general, etc. Some of the things that are already in stone are this:
( FMC for the woman, MMC for the man, NMC for the girl doing the NTR to FMC)

- NMC will be a chubby (not obese) but cute girl. Armputee, MAYBE scars on face.
- FMC will be a cuck, as in she will come to enjoy knowing MMC has gone to have sex with other women.
- NTR will be unavoidable as it's necesary to move the plot forward.
- i am considering adding some extra Love(?) Interests for MMC Probably near the midgame when MMC doesn't cares about his marriage.
- MMC will be corrupted and go from good and lovin'husband to something completely different BUT it will make sense for the context of the plot and will not happen overnight, NMC will push him slowly to the abyss. That said, He will for the most part be an active participant, at least after the midgame point when something about FMC gets revealed that puts the relationship in jeopardy and changes how MmC sees FMC. There may be some elements of femdom but MMC is not getting raped throughout the game, and if it is it won't be by NMC.
- Some emphasis will be done to the story. I won't hype you up telling you that I will make Lord of the Rings (of which it's weird There's not more hgames, just sayin'), but I think the "oh no, this fat guy that I hated for the whole year has a nice dick, guess I will be his slave now"-type of plot has been done enough that even if I changed the genders it still would feel a bit boring (may consider doing it later anyway though as a test to ren'py systems).
- planned genres: at least 1 scene for hand/foot/blow/boob-jobs for NMC and some sides of loving femdom; some scenes of loving maledom as MMC opens up to NMC's interest in him; FMC is probably gonna get the least attention, physically at least.. this IS an NTR game, Maybe 1 handjob, 1 sex scene but mostly masturbation and some humiliation. Handholdin, handholding NTR, headpats and headpats NTR- yes, you read this right

So anyways, this is what I feel confident in putting out about the outline, plans, etc. Want to hear some opinions and thoughts, concerns, questions, things you would like in other Love(?) Interests to create more options. For all i know you want an ending where MMC believes both main girls are crazy and prefers to date the neighbor that has always supported him, or maybe you believe that all Women in MMCs life are wack and so the logical answer is dating the femboy catboy working at the convenience store at 2 in the morning.
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Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Do what you want for it really. The ideas sounds nice and I'm already intrigued just to see what comes out of a fmc ntr focused game.
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Dec 15, 2018
Do what you want for it really. The ideas sounds nice and I'm already intrigued just to see what comes out of a fmc ntr focused game.
Glad to know you are intrigued! And for what it's worth, I will mostly do what I want, but I just want to hear some opinions of what some people like and see if I can put some of those ideas in the game. Maybe it's something I would like to add but didn't think about it, since I was focused in finishing the general plot first rather than go without a plan.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
While not interested in unavoidable NTR or visual novels I can provide a simple outline for the story that can do a good enough job,:

Hana and Jessica are two good friends since their highschool days, they love to talk about many things but there is a point in which they totally disagree, and that is about relationships. One day they were drinking in a bar and the talk ended up about that point, Hana is happily married with her husband and believes that having a good marriage is what people should aim for, on the contrary Jessica loves to hang out and have casual sex, in her words this is to fully enjoy life. Then while discussing about it Hana ended up challenging Jessica to have her husband cheat with her, at that moment she thought it was a good way to reinforce her point but Jessica accepted the challenge.

At first she just tried to simply seduce him but unexpectedly for her it failed, Hana seeing some of the attempts was worried but she ended up being proud about her husband faithfulness but this situation actually sparkled the interest of Jessica, gradually it stopped being a game and she started to actually love Hana's husband, but she lacked an opening.

One day Hana and her husband had a big fight about something stupid which ended up with her husband going to a bar to drink with no desire to go back home for the day and he met casually Jessica there, which fully used his drunkness and situation to have sex with him.

The next day he felt deep regret about having sex with Jessica, but at the same time he felt a wildness that he enjoyed a lot, still he decided to let reason dictate his actions and told Jessica that it was a mistake and that it won't happen again, however this mistake broke the most important barrier between them, here is where the story starts to have options that will dictate towards the possible endings:

-Ending A (true love): The husband ended up telling Hana about his infidelity that night, Hana was mad at first but ended up forgiving him, Jessica never had a chance for a second time. A few months later Hana and Jessica had another drinking night same as the origin of the story, however Hana refused to drink alcohol this night and told Jessica that tonight was to celebrate that she was pregnant, Jessica was surprised and felt a bit regretful but overall desired her the best and she commented that Hana was right about their previous discussion and that she is going to try to find her perfect match too.

-Ending B (Shared love): Hana discovered her cuck fetish one day after discovering her husband and Jessica having sex, at that moment she felt betrayed but at the same time excited, trying to find a balance between her love for her husband and this new discovered fetish the situation ended in a strange agreement between Hana and Jessica in which they will all live together and they will share the husband, they had individual sex with him, sometimes threesomes, in the end it sort of ended into a weird but stable relationships.

-Ending C (Love slave): When Hana discovered her husband's betrayal gave in to her cuck fetish and started to masturbate thinking about them having sex, even trying to spy on them when she had the chance. One day she was discovered by Jessica who started to tease her about it and asked her if that was her original intention that day, having her husband cheat, she denied it but the conversation ended up into a weird agreement in which Jessica will always tell her when she is going to have sex with the husband, the situation kept scalating until Hana was fully submissive to Jessica and enjoyed being teased by her about it, by the end of it Hana and her husband divorced, he married Jessica and got her pregnant, but Hana was still in the relationship doing demeaning stuff such as licking Jessica's feet while they were having sex or even licking her clean after another creampie.

-Ending D (Stolen love): Hana remained oblivious towards their relationship until it was too late, one day her husband asked for divorce and she was surprised about it, she was in denial until Jessica appeared and to let her understand it they started to have sex in front of her, Hana left in total shock under their moanings, she felt a deep contradiction about the betrayal and the excitement she was feeling, after a few days she contacted Jessica again and had a talk with her, Jessica was feeling bad about what she has done but there was no way back, however what she didn't expect was that Hana forgave her and only asked one condition, she asked Jessica that each time they have sex she filmed it and send a video to her, Jessica was surprised by this but agreed, in the videos she kept developing a teasing attitude towards Hana while she fully masturbated to each video. They managed to maintain a good relationship even on this circunstances.

-Ending E (Secret ending): Life is a big irony, a situation that was supposed to be a point of conflict served as a way for two friend to end up as lovers, when Hana discovered that Jessica was having sex with her husband she was shocked and excited, but gradually she felt confused about who was the person that caused her excitement, slowly she realized that the person she actually loved was Jessica and couldn't help but start to distance herself from her husband, on the other hand Jessica noticed this situation and couldn't help but feel less and less interested in her adventure. Gradually they both understood their feelings and they ended up together, the husband in a fit of rage told them that they are both crazy and left to never come back, going back to their relationship they ended up being truly fit for each other, Jessica kept her normal lifestyle of enjoying life while telling her wife about her adventures, sometimes with videos about it, while Hana truly enjoyed the stories knowing that no matter what she did, she will always come back with her.

Overall I would say this is a basic outline for a story of these characteristics, hope it can serve of inspiration.


Jun 1, 2022
I'd be open to this with a yandere twist: you can go crazy and get him back, join them in a cute poly relationship, or move on and have sex with lots of other people. maybe?


Apr 23, 2019
And what about a more interesting twist, with the husband taken away by... another man?
She doesn't suspect a thing in the early stages of his seduction and even thinks the second man is getting closer to them FOR HER... She feels so flattered, she even believes that it will finally make her husband put more effort into their relationship now a competitor has shown up.

She gradually becomes aware this guy has no interest in her. He's polite and charming at first, but he later makes derogatory remarks from time to time, mocking and belittling her, excluding the woman from their buddy activities. He doesn't want her to get dirty, hurt herself or force her to accompany them while they do their "boring man- stuff". He regards women with nothing but thinly veiled contempt. Men make way more suitable companions... for any activity.

Only then does she start to suspect the real reason behind such a close friendship and paranoia takes over her. She becomes obsessed, annoying her husband with her pleads and hysterics, making him grow even more distant.
But truth be told, she's right. And it's already too late!:cool:
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