Would You Play A Text-Only Erotic Horror CYOA?


Nov 27, 2018
Right off the bat for the TL; DR crowd, would you be interested in an erotic horror(slasher) choose your own adventure, with no images, just written text, and if so, what ratio of violence/sex would you prefer?

Having asked that, there's a chance that this should be in the Game Dev forum and not General, but none of the sub-forums seemed appropriate for this question as I'm just at the beginning stages of writing the game. If I've erred in posting this in General, I apologize and please feel free to yell at me to move the thread or have it moved.

So I'm a huge fan and patron of Devious Skooma's 'Devious World', an erotic CYOA I stumbled across on this site. The game is massive, however, with currently hundreds, possibly even over a thousand unfinished threads, and I'm looking to start off with a far smaller game. So I picked up Twine 2.0, learned the basics and have built the framework for a game that's manageable enough in size to finish in (hopefully) a few months to half a year, so that I can release it complete and for free while still working my day job (and without the rigmarole of Patreon).

Basically, it's a horror film that the reader can control called NIGHT NURSES. If I do my job correctly, it should read as if you're watching a late 70's, early 80's horror slasher, where you dictate the way the movie goes. You are not a character in the story, or to look at it another way, you are all the characters at one point or another. You dictate who the killer is (vaguely), who the main character is, when a jump scare happens, who is attracted to whom and when they bang, and sometimes who dies when and how violent that death will be. There will still be surprises for the reader/player, as you won't know exactly what the outcome of some choices will be. For instance, you may choose whether the killer is a man or a woman, a giant brute or a teenage psycho, but with most choices you'll still have a roster of suspects that may turn out to be the actual killer. Kind of like the video game 'Until Dawn', only more anal retentive and anal attentive.

But as I've lurked on F95 (a pastime I enjoy very much, this community is lively and opinionated), I've begun to suspect that the majority of players here may not dig this idea. Most people seem to want the Ren'Py visual novel aesthetic, and are none to keen on sexual violence, even if it's avoidable. So, for those that read this, would you be interested in a game like this, and what kinks would you want or absolutely NOT want to see in it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Hey so, if you want to do something like that, then you should! It seems you're on the fence about committing to creating this game. I feel like you just need a little nudge or positive mojo to commit; after all, it seems obvious that you have some enthusiasm to move forward as you've already decided what engine to use and have come up with some ideas about the game. Good on you!

As for me, I honestly do not mind text-only or text-heavy games. Several of my favorites in adult games are just that. However, for me personally, I'm not very keen on the idea of gory, violent (or guro-esque) games. That's just not my cup of tea. That bit shouldn't discourage you as other users are like that too; however, everyone has their own likes and dislikes which also includes the erotic horror genre. If you want to create a text-only game, then I say go for it! Other than time you'll use and people generating opinions on the game you create, you'll be doing something that (hopefully) you'll enjoy doing. So no big loss, right? Also, I really like the idea that you want to start off with a smaller game to see if you'll enjoy creating it while learning the ropes of game development using Twine. Good luck and have fun, I say!
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Nov 27, 2018
Thanks Back, the support is much appreciated. And yes, I'm enjoying myself quite a bit. I just realized I may be creating this for a niche of a niche, but you're right. It shoudn't be about the number of people who won't dig it for one reason or another, it's something I want to do. I'll just run with that.
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Nov 27, 2018
Thank you all for your replies! And, again this is my favorite part of this community, each of you had a different answer and opinion. Sure, it makes for a challenge in development, and I know I can't please everyone, but I am very happy I found this site.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
I actually could never get into pure Text-Games. There was one Text-Base BDSM Game that I played because there are really no BDSM Games where you get to have a Sub that doesn't play like a complete Satire. That was not bad, but it used Stock-Porn Pictures and that kinda killed the Immersion a little bit if you know the Pornstars on the Pictures.
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Jul 28, 2017
I wouldn't mind it at all! Unfortunately, a lot of people are not on-board with text-only games here which is a bit sad, but I absolutely understand it, it's basically like reading (interactive) books which doesn't appeal to everyone. I'm guilty of having been a book nerd since elementary school so it doesn't put me off in the slightest. I also browse Literotica quite a bit and have read some very good erotic horror/sci-fi stories there that are on par with actual books!

The idea of a CYOA horror game would be fantastic, there's not too many of them. Devious World is a fun play through but it suffers from too many ideas being not very-well fleshed out. Constant battling with routes ending halfway through gets a bit frustrating but the idea of Devious World itself with how much variation and twists and turns is quite a feat and wouldn't expect it all to be done quickly. On the violence matter, it definitely depends on where you decide to go with it. General violence I'm on board with, I couldn't care less. Sexual violence is very hit or miss, if it falls into gore (of a sexual nature), I'm not interested in it very much but I'm not really gonna close out of the game because of it provided the game itself and the writing is still done well. But that's just my take on it.

With that said, definitely give it a go! Kind of a niche project in itself but I'll definitely keep an eye out!
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New Member
Mar 27, 2019
I say 100% go for it. While you probably won't get quite as much fanfare for it, there's definitely a niche and not nearly enough of them have decent adult content.
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Jul 17, 2017
Devious World is one of my favourites out there too, with my only caveat to that being it's sometimes possible to accidentally stumble into the beastiality stuff. I would say given that you want to include at least some 70s/80s slasher-movie levels of gore in there, either go the simple route of making sure the disclaimer for violent content is up front and centre for everyone to see, or possibly have some sort of 'reduced violence' option?

There's a few Twine games out there that let you pick and choose what sexual fetishes you want to appear during play, so for a horror-themed game maybe there's the possibility of coding it in such a manner that when the 'Full Violence' option is on, there's more sentences/paragraphs being displayed?

Maybe even play it up a little thematically, so you have the '18+' version and the 'Video Nasty' version etc.
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Mar 15, 2018
Would I play a textbased erotic-horror CYOA?
There is only answer: YES
It isn't a matter of graphics or not.
If a story, a game, an encounter, a situation is well described, focusing on details, you can literally make it up for not using graphics. In fact it even offers the players a chance to imagine what they're reading, in their mind.

Ever since I've played manyeyedhydra's:
Escape the Arachne
Escape Volumpula, the Pink Jelly

I've been (I humbly and hesitatingly admit) desperately looking for more Erotic-Horror CYOA's!

PS.: If you guys are into erotic-horror then you might wanna look at this .
Especially manyeyedhydra is one of the most talented "autors" of such stories - look for him, you won't regret it.
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New Member
May 29, 2017
I agree with DualElites.

Do It.

If it is good, and compelling, it doesn't need pictures. It may be a thing where you don't draw pictures, but leave it up to the Fans to draw what they think the characters look like, then you could compile your favorites, and create a pseudo-legit Officially Unofficial Art Book... What I'm trying to say is this, if you aren't worried about the art - than don't be. Worry about creating an amazing game that people will want to play. If art is wanted, someone else WILL make it. I'm looking forward to seeing your work in the future. Best Of Luck!
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