VN Ren'Py Writer looking for Artist to make Metal Music/Urban Fantasy VN


Jul 8, 2018
Hi, my name is Shawn. You may have seen me around a bit here and there, or perhaps read some of my work. If not, that's fine, too.

After reading through various visual and kinetic novels at my own leisure, and being disappointed with the writing style of each, I've decided that it would behoove me to create a masterpiece of my own. I'm looking to make a more active VN with metal music and urban fantasy themes, since I've not seen anything including these elements in any game here or abroad (other than Brutal Legend, but that's post-apocalyptic, not urban.)

In case you're wondering, I AM looking to make it a sexy, 18+ VN, not just an adventure.

I am looking for a competent artist to either hand-draw, digital-draw, or model and render out scenes and characters for this game, and to help make this game a reality!

I would prefer Honey Select or drawn out characters and scenes, but that's something we can discuss interpersonally through DMs.

As for my work, here are a couple samples:

-- Original short story

-- Original work from commissioner
-- Edited work

Just post a brief introduction, and a couple samples of your work, and if I dig it, we can chat through messages here for now. If we're good, we'll get started on the meaty part of the work.
Hope to hear from you!
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Personal endorsement from myself. Ultra is my Game master on a couple of tabletop games, so I know from personal experience he's reliable, and an amazing storyteller.


Jul 8, 2018
Further Update: Over 1200 lines of script written and coded, and 8 full scenes completely done. Still much more to come.


Jul 8, 2018
Chapter 1 (Intro) writing and coding is done. Going to start working on placeholder visuals for now. If interested in helping out, just write up a brief post!

Otherwise look forward to more on Cor Tenebrae soon!