Writing: Choosing perspective and verb tense for your game.

Nov 9, 2022
Without a Writing subforum, I don't know where else to put this:

I was trying to choose between second and third person perspective, and I did some reading and was reminded that there are a lot more writing perspectives in English that are rarely used. I thought about video game examples of each tense, and I ended up .

What's interesting is that each perspective carries with it certain implications on tone, likely as baggage from whatever genres of video game have used each in the past. Check it out if you're thinking about doing a particularly dramatic or experimental work, or even if you're just curious about how it can flavor your writing.

  • Want to hide the presence of the dev/narrator as much as possible? Use Third Person Past Simple.
  • Want to make the player feel like they're defending themselves in court? Try First Person Past Perfect.
  • Want your holestuck game to feel like a cold, tactical simulation where the player is in complete control at all times? That's Third Person Present Perfect.

Don't remember all this crap from English class and just want to write? for examples, tone and implications.

I hope this helps somebody. It can honestly add (or prevent) a lot of tone and flavor that seeps into your writing at almost a subliminal level.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
Very helpful, thank you. I will be studying this. Grammar is one of those things that are so important but no one takes seriously. Its a skill in its own right and probably more important than being able to come up with a story. Because if you cant tell it, then whats the point of a good story?