VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    July 2023 Update

    So obviously no-one's ever going to see this update, buried as it is beneath all the other reviews, but this one's just for me. It's mostly so that I can lambast myself for being an absolute fucking idiot when it comes to what makes a game good. 4 stars for this... I'm almost embarrassed.

    I've obviously replayed the game recently and I could barely get through it. The dialogue was grating, the pacing was incredibly erratic (I know the dev is fixing this and making it so each in-game day doesn't feel like a whole fucking week but it's still not in at the time of writing and it was supposed to come out early 2023 so it's fair game,) the girls are almost all one-note and boring, the MC is simultaneously the biggest pussy of all time and an absolute gigachad ubermensch, one of the only relationships I was actually having fun watching progress (Azel) is actually never going to officially happen despite being telegraphed harder than every other relationship combined, every other man is fucking braindead and/or a piece of shit, the sex is boring, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... I'm sure I could go on given enough time but I think I've made my point clear. This is not a good game.

    Combine all that with the dev's work ethic and attitude and it ceases to even be an average game. I was wrong to ever give it a pass and there are other games out there which also give off that simple, uncomplicated happiness I talked about in my original review without making the whole thing feel soulless and shallow.

    I said in my original review that this is a game I could play over and over again, and I couldn't have been more wrong. I'll probably never pick it up after this, and getting through it required actual effort on my part.

    Oh, and there's next to no basketball despite that being one of its main selling points. What a fucking mess.


    This an uncomplicated game. There are no real stakes or struggles, nothing close to meaningful conflict or hardship. It's a straight power fantasy, with the MC being a Gary Stu that can do no wrong and is loved by everyone.

    But I don't think that's a bad thing in this case. I'm not even sure exactly why, but this game just makes me feel good. It's a simple story where things go right and you get all the girls. There's no weird bullshit, no headache-inducing side characters to ruin the experience, none of the usual pitfalls in this type of game.

    Not to say that it's perfect or anything of the sort. It's not going to redefine the genre or hit me with a meaningful message that'll stick with me for the rest of my life, but it's a game I can play over and over again whenever I want to simply feel happy, no strings attached.

    And, personally, that's something I need.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    So what you're all saying is that i should like this game if i like unrealistic harem scenarios, where every girl in sight wants a piece of me? Then you're all wrong. I really wanted to like this game, but i can't. Not in its current state. After 2 years in development, WVM for me feels more like an introduction to a harem game then actual harem game. Very boring and far too long introduction with not enough actual porn.

    Don't get me wrong, i don't mind "plot" and dialogues but this is just too much. I dont mind talking with my girls, learning more about them, maybe helping them with their problems but not when that's 90% of everything im doing. An average hour spent with this game consists 50 minutes of mostly skippable dialogues and 10 minutes of sex scenes. And that's if we're lucky. The "plot" is all over the place. We're basically basketball Jesus going to some shitty college for no reason whatsoever. Everyone knows about us, everyone wants to deal with us and mostly everyone treats us like a god. The overall setting is completely irrelevant. There is pretty much no normal college life shown here. You could guess that we're going to play a lot of basketball but were not. Even the main character is noticing a few times that he is getting rusty. Literally the only reason i can come up with, why we're going to that specific college is that it would be harder to create a harem in more popular school. There are few forced drama moments and plots but they add nothing. I actually think that there is no need for any drama in a game about unrealistic scenario. MC pretty much every other night have weird dreams about his past (cuz he has amnesia or something, he doesn't remember anything from his childhood), those segments are just bad. Finding your long lost sister and mother was a promising storyline but it's executed in very poor way. All those serious, drama moments felt very fake and out of place. I love a good harem, where every girl is happy and is ok with sharing me but in this regard WVM is the prime example of quantity over quality. It's far better to have 10 fleshed out girls then 40 or idon'tknowhowmany generic and not interesting ones. Some of those girls doesn't seem to have any reason to live outside of serving main protagonist. There is no incest in the game but there are those awkward kissing scenes with MC step mom and maybe less awkward kissing scenes with other family members. What for? Are they only exists to stir up people? If were going full fantasy with the game then why not use the most obvious fantasy? It doesn't make a lot of sense. And because of that, those family related girls serve no real purpose. They're just there, doing nothing. You can't romance them, you can't put them in your harem. So what are they doing in harem porn game? If we're going full harem why some potential very promising candidates are being left out? Its a waste. It's like the dev is trying too hard to make a fairly realistic game but at the same time, he is creating something which doesn't feel real at all.

    Render quality is good and it's getting better later on. Its nothing too crazy, some others game have better renders but it's sufficient. Same story with animations. They're solid. The actual sex scenes however sometimes felt really emotionless and honestly not really entertaining. They're pretty basic, not too long and not rewarding enough. Very small attention to details. Dialogues during those scenes also could be better. There is one thing which for me is hilarious. In many renders we can see girls barefoot but there is almost zero sexual action with feets. What is this? Why they don't wear any shoes most of the time both inside and outside? MC should already developed huge foot fetish because of that but nothing happens. Huge pain. But then, out of nowhere, you can see girl wearing shoes IN BED! Girls models are a mixed bag, some look better than the others. There is some diversity in body types and some distinguished details so that's nice. But for my taste too many skinny girls. I have to mention that MC girlfriend Jamie face is very odd looking, sometimes borderline creepy. Her eyes are far too big and her mouth is just uhhh. For comparison sake, our second girlfriend face looks way better. There is no music and no sounds in the game. With this kind of funding this is unacceptable.

    I dont know, maybe in 10 years when WVM will be finished and more actual sex content will be aded this will be a good harem game, but in current state it's just a big disappointment. Right know this is more like a 20 hours long talking simulator then actual porn game with college life and basketball. This is not a bad game, there are few nice and/or funny moments and scenes you can enjoy but it's just not enough. But the plot and overall writing, they just don't help. I'm huge harem fan and if i don't like WVM that much that just means WVM does something wrong.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is a mess and jumps around, and there are too many characters that all get half a second on screen before the story moves on. This isnt an engaging story, this is a mess. I was hoping itd focus on the MC's basketball plot but it spends all it's time having the MC get introduced to new characters and receiving hugs. the game also flirts around with incest which was clearly intended but is left out for the usual reason with no patch in sight. Do not recommend
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has a lot of great characters, a lot of content, one of the few games i keep checking for updates, the plot is decent, school setting is already overdone, but thanks to the girls who actually feel unique its barely noticeable.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4215630

    Very boring, bad dialogs, bad story, and no real choices. The renders ok, but many girls face is... strange. But this is just a harem simulator for kids, nothing more.
    So this game is very overated, I am dissapointed.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Fellow F95 user who I trusted as a tastemaker over the last year pulled a prank on me and recommend me this so might just as well leave a review.

    First of all, not only MC is a boring lifeless guy with zero personality, it's a clear projection from a beta what kind of Chad he wants to be should he has a chance to be one. Dull dialogues with no choices that seem to matter. I was promised a sport centric AVN but this one is definitely not it.

    The girls look somewhat okay in the beginning but as I continued clicking they look more bizzare and ugly. They often have this lifeless expression as if they're being brainwashed. We've joked about how another famous dev reuse same three expressions in his works but at least the expressions are somewhat cute. Meanwhile nothing is cute about seeing multiple girls give you their lifeless stare as if someone cast a spell on them.

    The girls also develop beaks for mouth as I continue the "story", I actually went back and checked early version of the girls and compare them. I expected way more for something with over 2k backers.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the fact you dont see above the shoulders because they always look like someone you want to punch. This Male Protagonist is NOT short and scrawny like 99% of all other male protagonist in other games.
    The game knocked it out of the park with this decision. It might be because the protagonist is playing basketball but I would like see other games do it aswell. #StopScrawnyShortProtagonist #AtLeastBeTheSameHeightAsTheTallestFemale #AtLeast50/50NotBoth

    The story and characters are great, but In my opinion some female characters need to be redone visually for example Jasmine, Katie, Penelope and Talismah need to be updated. It not like we sex other girls because of their personality. Other than that I cant wait for the next update.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I guess I have a somewhat controversial opinion about this game, but I'll try to explain my reasoning below.

    First the pro points:
    Render quality is pretty high. You won't find any grainy pictures in this one.
    Whilst these aren't hugely important to me, the game does come with very well realized animations.
    Text quality is very solid, no engrish or anything as far as a non-native-speaker like me can tell.
    There's a lot of content, many girls, impressive playtime (caveats apply, see below).
    Lots of content also means lots of adult content, some of which is quite spicy.

    Now to the bad points:
    Asset selection is a bit over the place. I've been dabbling around with DAZ myself, so I know how hard it is to find the content you want/need, so it's not something I would lower the score for, but it's still worth mentioning.
    Many of the girls are flat out ugly to me (highly subjective, of course, so also not affecting the score). And there ARE some hotties.
    Choices are mostly of the boring "I wanna see that girl's content" variety and otherwise lack consequence.
    And now for the elephant in the room, which made me yawn and quit - something that shouldn't happen in an adult game, imo - the plot.
    Or, maybe plot is the wrong term, I don't have a problem with the plot itself, as silly as it may be, but it's ... extremely verbose.
    I wrote above that there are many girls, and that's definately the case, but here's an example of how there can be too much of a good thing.
    All these girls have their own threads in the carpet that is the plot, and boy, the author is going to make sure you stay in the loop. Even "downvoting" a girl often won't stop her from appearing again and again.
    It gets almost comical. You sit in a room. A girl appears. Minutes of talking. Another girl appears and joins the conversation. More minutes. Yet ANOTHER girl, the talking drags on and on. Cut to the next situation that plays out in the same fashion. Sometimes, between those dialogues, there's a kinky scene, followed by more dialogue.
    It's just too much. There's a nice Bill Burr comedy where he describes listening to a woman, and that's exactly how I feel in this game.
    Eventually, I started skipping the text, but even then, there's FAR too much of it. Even the skipping takes too long.
    In my opinion, a good adult VN should use the text to setup conversations that make what's happening more exciting, and not story dump an endless avalanche of inconsequential information on you. My gold standard for this is EvaKiss' first game.
    Obviously, quite a few people seem to enjoy the "slice of life" approach WVM takes, but for me, I'm out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has quickly risen through my personal rankings for top VNs, definitely has a place in top 3 I've ever played, might even take the number one spot when all is said and done. The models and characters are amazing, love the story, especially once it really takes off in the later days. There's already a lot of content there (9 days as of the time I'm writing this) but I kinda just want it to go on forever and not end xD gonna be a sad but amazing day when the final version comes.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I have completed this game twice: going full cheat route with woman friend and going full "never want to have relationship with anyone except my GF" with trans friend. v0.9.5.1

    I have really mixed feelings about the game and also about the reviews this game has. I don't quite understand lots of those reviews with same message "best game on F95" and "not a single game has same quality", but well... that's their opinion and here I will post my thoughts.

    First of all I want to speak about the flaw of this game, it is absolutely not natural. First 3 days are absolutely boring, bad written and made me want to ragequit at that point, but I wanted to see where it all goes and I really wanted to share my opinion, though, it may be hard to write and may be not really useful to some folks, but I hope it will for those who care! After that it begins to openup a little and gets better a bit, you kinda get involved and have the urge to get to the end to see what happens next. While on your way to "the story" thing you will be disrupted by a lot of events and bad dialogues.

    At first when you launch this game you feel like it is going to be that VN game where you have some kind of family story, driven by basketball topic and gaining fame, skill etc. while going through some events and stuff. So this is the first big NO here. This game has nothing to do with story and personal development of characters. If you ever wanted to play game where EVERY WOMAN wants to fuck with you every time you come nearby, to breed you children, to become your doll forever then this is a big YES for you.

    Big story short: you begin as a star, super popular, super famous, best basketball player ever in the history of that world who has just finished school and goes into high school which had 0 wins in previous basketball season. You have girlfriend, girl/trans friend (you can choose before the game starts) and step mom. You are kind, brave, strong, healthy, friendly, good man, responsible and many many many others good things these girls tell about you and this is a BIG NO or you could say BIG LIE. You are nothing but a living sexmachine who doesn't have his own mind, can't say no (because if you say no, later on somehow it will still become a yes) and you don't own your destiny. You follow what other NPC's have for you, you can't change events, your answers really doesn't have impact on your life, only on how many sex content you will see. (going for cheat route is the best btw) Somehow you can manage 20 different things to do during a single evening, fucking every single girl who wanted to have sex or who you wanted to fuck at that day, be "nice" to everyone, solving "hard life stuff" and "helping". Be aware, this has no meaning. Before you go and play this make your mindset for a harem, where every woman is your fuckable object and you are a sex monster. See a girl for the first time? Fuck her. She is shy? Fuck her hand then. You have lots of things to do and can't manage your time? Fuck with that, fuck everyone around you, you will get exactly everywhere on time and not miss a single minute out there. Heh... really had to say that, that's one of my disappointment for this game, because I had high expectations and they were ruined right of the bat.

    Next is visuals. They get better from day to day, last 3 days have really nice stuff to look at, first days are not that good. What I don't like throughout the game - you are obsessed with boobs and asses. Every time you can you try to look at one of "sweet" spot. Every single damn time. It is so tiring. Also, lots of same frames with girls' faces turned to you, they don't feel realistic at all, when you see same face expression almost every minute. Talking about nudity, penis feels unrealistic at all, no pre-cum, as big as elephant's thing, every scene you have is finished with 1 or 2 animations and almost everytime it is just put your dick inside, one-two-three, cum wherever you want, sex scene finished. No foreplay, no dialogue, no love while having sex, nothing, it is just plain put in, fuck, cum, put out, get dressed. Really disappointed with this, because after playing some others less popular titles with much better sex scenes and character development and storyline... I never had a thought such a game can become a hit, because it lacks all of that in comparison.

    Girls. There are a lot of girls in your life, they pop out everywhere, they are hungry for your cock and you choose whether to give it to them or not. If you want to have pleasant gameplay and get more good emotions go for having every single of them. (cheat route) I really hate original GF, both in how she looks and her personality too. I wish Shauna was GF and the GF (I have already forgotten her name, damn xD) was that friend. Shaunda is more beautiful, has better personality and better story so far and I kinda like her. Don't like Jamie at all, she makes you to fuck Shauna later despite of which dialogue options you choose, you can't change that, it is written so that you will have threesome any way you play this. Jamie is a psycho - wants you to fuck and breed with everyone around, because if you make happy others, then she is happy too. Ye ye. Such a silly stuff is everywhere here. I really loved the renders for Shauna, Natalie, Zoe, Cedey, Rainn, Mabel and Belle. There were 3 or 4 women I absolutely hate both for looks and for how they interact with us, but I haven't remembered their names, so, just saying, girls are good and beautiful here, though still dummies for reasons I have described at the start of review.

    At first I wanted to rate this game as 4 (actually 3.5 would fit better) but after replaying it with extra loyal path and Shauna being trans I had to remove one star. You get absolutely same content with less sex scenes (because you refuse to fuck everyone or even date) and you get all the same scenes with Jamie and Shauna (now Shaunda has small dick instead of pussy in every sex scene). Your choices doesn't change story, they don't even make some events to not happen on have a different result. This hurt a lot.

    So, tl;dr what we've got here:
    - bad personality of characters
    - bad dialogues
    - lots of simple sex scenes
    - no impact on story when going different choices
    + good girls renders
    - you start game already beinga star
    - very little basketball content
    - girls are just a fuckable objects, not meant to have some story and impact on your character personality
    - MC is just a fucking sumerman machine, without emotions, feelings and flaws, which wants to make everything with his own hands, kinda of a hero for everyone, but still nobody is hero for him

    So, as you see, I got lost of minuses and only one plus. Yes, visual stuff is the only one that you can expect to be not bad here...

    What I want to be changed/added/remade bu dev are such things:
    - make MC alive, he deserves to be more alive and feeling both in dialogues and in sex scenes too
    - there is a scene where Shauna pulls her "dirty" hand toward your face and says "you can lick it" and I wanted to do it at that moment, but you don't have an option, just joke her around and no action can be done to change it, you have to had an option to do such small things with girls
    - make girls do something in their life, not just going everywhere with MC and asking for sex, it felt that they don't have life, only MCs dick in their head and life
    - add scenes with cuddling and spending time with girls without sex scenes and nudity all the time, give them some life, not just nudity and baby baby baby stuff

    Probably I just felt betrayed with how this game seems to look and how it is really inside. Still I recommend to try it out for everyone who loves VNs, just be careful not to misjudge the game by its cover, inside is not that bright as it may seem.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    [reviewed as of Day 9, v0.9.5.1]

    TLDR; This is my favorite game on this site. 5/5, play this game if you haven't already.

    To get more into the details, I'll go over my positives first before ending off with the negatives.

    • Renders: The renders in this game are gorgeous. The girls are all hot, none of the bodies look absurd except for Rachel but that's just my opinion, I'm sure she's someone's favorite because she's still pretty hot. The renders are all varied and cover lots of body types and looks, I will touch on a specific aspect of that some more with my final Pro down below.

      Importantly, the game also doesn't skimp on the MC render either. They avoid what I will call "Hideous Main Character Syndrome", or HMCS, that so many games suffer from (looking at you Midlife Crisis). They do this, not just by not even giving the MC a face, but they also make him tall, muscular, and give him a giant dong. Nothing turns me off like playing a character with HMCS.

    • Character Writing: The character writing and dialogue is not perfect in this game. I will bring it up again in the cons section but for now, I want to mention some things I appreciated. First off, I like that it's actually somewhat believable how the MC attracts so many women. Is it taken to a level of absurdity? Yes, it's a porn game. But the fact that the MC is kind, caring, confident, smart, attractive etc... makes it believable that people would fall for him.

      So many games have MCs who are fucking braindead morons with HMCS spouting nothing but memes, and women drop their panties at the first sight of them. I also appreciate that there are some decently written male characters in this game, though they admittedly fall by the wayside as more LIs are introduced.

      Finally, I really love that the LIs are all aware of the Harem. No forced and trite drama between LIs trying to be the MC's favorite or arguments caused by someone in the Harem not knowing about the other girls. Clear communication and boundaries are the keys to poly relationships in real life, and this game knows that (although it's dialed up to 11 because porn game).

    • Setting/Plot: A lot of games are set in high schools or college, but a lot of them just kind of follow the same boring structure of the MC just trying to make his way through classes and somehow attracting a Harem. The added twist of the MC in WVM being a star celebrity athlete on a full-ride scholarship is really interesting, and I found some of the aspects that dealt with that side of the plot to be some of the most interesting. I hope future updates will finally get into it a bit more.

    • Content: This game has a boat-load of content. There are hours and hours of game to get through and many faps to be had along the way. Even if you skip all the story and dialogue (I don't recommend it), you'll still get value out of this game because of the volume and quality of h-scenes. And unlike Honey Select games, it's not just the same 3 sex positions and camera angles for each scene.

    • TRANS CONTENT: Finally, I want to gush about the Trans content in this game. I'm so fuckin' sick of games on this site that have the futa/trans or trap tags and little more than zero content for it. It's so frustrating when you download a game with that tag and, in 6+ hours of content, there are only one or two renders (not even a full scene!) of futa/trans content -- sometimes even in completed games.

      This game, assuming you opt into the trans content, has not 1, not 2, but 3 trans characters! One of them being one of the main girls in the game with some of the most content out of everyone. This is such a fucking treat and it's a big reason why this game is one of my favorites. Shauna and Penny are best girls.

    • Writing: Okay it's not all pretty. I said I would get into this a bit in the Cons section so here we are. While most of the time, characters behave believably, there are some moments where this game's writing made me cringe. Particularly at the beginning of the game, when Shauna, Jaime, and Azel just stand around the MC and talk about how amazing he is. They just shower him with praise for things the player had nothing to do with and it's just cringy. You can write characters who love eachother without just telling the players directly how much and why they love you at the very beginning of the game. This happens a few times over the course of the story where characters will just sit around and praise the MC for even minor things like just not being a total dickhead. It's a little much.

      I also wish the MC had at least 1 more character flaw, even just a minor one. He seems a little too perfect aside from his occasional mistake like:
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    • Misc little stuff:
      • The release schedule for this game is pretty slow. Before this version [v0.9.5.1], I last played this game like more than a year ago and barely anything has been added. I ended just before the pool party started, and now over a year later, the pool party is basically just ending. That's way too slow and this game will lose a lot of support if it keeps up that bad release schedule
      • It's a little weird how this game has no incest but constantly has the MC kissing his relatives. Like I'm fine with no incest in a game, this game has so much content and so many LIs that it's not needed. But if you're not going to have incest, maybe don't have your MC make out with their mom?
      • I mentioned this before, but it kinda sucks how many of the male characters get tossed aside. I really liked Ayden and I liked Damien at first as well. Dubaku seems nice but he's quiet, and I basically forget that Lee or Mackey exist until they are on-screen. This game has some decent male characters but they have no screen time except for the ones you're supposed to hate.
    All-in-all, the positives far outweigh the negatives for this game, and even if it literally never gets anymore updates and the dev abandons it, I would still consider this a top 5 adult game. It's that good. Play it.

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  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Other than the Godzilla dick and a few personal opinions on the models, the game is very good.

    The story is strong and has good flow. The backstory has good depth as does the backstory for the girls.

    Honestly the only reason it took me so long to try this game out was the main girlfriend model. The lips just are weird.

    My main complaint is the aforementioned Godzilla dick. I understand wanting to not put a grub worm on the main protagonist, but damn make it somewhat realistic. It is actually a major turn off for me and if it was not for the story and other girls, I would probably have dropped this game already.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    *MC can be played in a way that actually shows concern for his romantic partners.
    *Game has a well conceived and executed view of consent.
    *LI are cute and somewhat diverse.
    *Romance is taken seriously in the game and it gives you those positive feels.
    *Taking a hard stance on not including sexual content for Incest content but still allowing for some sexual vibe b/t those characters creates a fun tension.

    *Not a lot of actual game elements
    *Plot lacks enough hooks to be interesting on its own.
    *Loyalty route has less content than cheating
    *Lack of consequence.
    *Games pacing is very sporadic / nonsensical

    *Enhance game elements like stats points or currency.
    *Provide a larger benefit for the loyalty path play-through; (I.e. one super cute and innocent gal who will only join you on that path.)
    *Add some benefits and consequences to both routes
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with an excellent story. Characters with a good background and good development so far. The game introduces a mix of romance and sex, along with drama that doesn't make VN too repetitive.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a general microcosm of the world we live in. Everyone gets a participation trophy, everyone is special, success is guaranteed and there are no consequences to your actions. VNs all have a degree of escapism and separation from reality but this takes it to another level. Every woman is docile, willing to sacrifice her very personality at the altar of sex. The MC has no flaws, overcomes all issues and is a general plank of wood.

    I know the response to this is that it is one of the most popular VNs out there so I have to be an idiot to not like it. I actually see all the popularity in this game as a symptom to the bigger problem of a world where no expectations and instant gratification is all that matters.

    I will say the initial story had somewhat of a decent hook but now it is just plain garbage. Renders are cute and unique so it was worthy of 2 stars but man people, develop some standards and stop throwing money at garbage you only incentivize more garbage.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just fantastic. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it up the first time, but it became one of those games that was impossible to put down , like a good book. I don't know at what point I stopped even caring about the amount of sex in the game (and there is a lot) and became engrossed with the story.

    Anyone giving this game a bad review is doing so based on very specific complaints because the overall package is one of the best ive played on this site.

    It's not going to win any awards for "most realistic" scenario, but the amount of heart in this game makes it stand out from the pack.

    That seems like an odd thing to say about a porn game but at some point I stopped viewing it as a porn game and just got wrapped up in all the characters and how heartwarming and uplifting the way they interact with each other was.

    Found myself genuinely caring about each of the girls and the MC is just an all around great guy which was refreshing. yes there are a lot of women throwing themselves at him, yes its unrealistic, but the MC is likeable enough that you can suspend your disbelief. Just the three in the promo graphic at the top of the page are enough to make this game special.

    And Jaime, at first was rolling my eyes a bit "oh here we go, stuck up prude girlfriend" and then bam out of nowhere she is winning "Best Girlfriend Ever" contests all over the place. Just absolutely the best girlfriend character in any game ive played on this site.

    Shauna is also just adorable as fuck, could totally understand why she is the MCs best friend (and more), shes the kind of girl anyone would be lucky to have in their life and that most people would hunt down and kill anyone who hurt her.

    and Azel (hated the name so changed it) is just the most caring, selfless, loyal, kindhearted and warm character that its impossible not to feel what the MC feels for her. if everyone had a mom like her the world would be a better place.

    The game just makes you feel good after playing it, the characters are lovable and the story is upbeat and happy even when dealing with some heavy subjects. Yes there is a lot of suspension of disbelief required over certain topics. like im pretty sure the game is set on Mars given how long the days appear to be based on how much you fit into each day. but after about 15 minutes into the game you stop caring.

    This game was nothing that I was expecting when I downloaded it and has become one of my favorites to date. with so many characters you would think it would be confusing to follow them all or easy to find a favorite, but each one of the girls is easy to find loveable and memorable in their own way even the more side character ones who have had some time to develop are lovely.

    Just such a refreshing upbeat heartwarming change from all the darker and grittier stories a lot of the better games on this site go with. Not something I generally expect in an adult VN
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1957140

    The Most Overrated Adult VN on Patreon(and here) PERIOD

    Given how insane amount of money the Dev makes and how much people love this game almost unanimously; I had to write this review knowing that people won't like my views at all. Well everyone has their free will.

    The game started off as a bit rough at release, specially the renders and facial expressions. But I understand that this is Dev's first project so I overlooked those. Since then the renders have become a lot better in recent releases. Dev has learned a lot and the twin Titan RTXs help. Now the renders really shine and that's why my rating is not one star but two.

    Now onto why the other 3 stars are missing unlike almost every other review.

    1. Every single girl/woman in every single render has one expression. Puppy eyed brainwashed face looking for the master to throw a bone. It creeps the hell out of me. I wish it had magical mind control in story to justify that but no; it's just MC's personality and his dick. The Earth revolves around the latter.

    2. Zero consequences. Seriously, this is not a game of choices. The only decision making this game offers is whether or not you want to sleep with a girl. THAT'S IT. And speaking of consequences, SPOILER ALERT; MC's starting GF and later childhood friend turned GF, both become Pimps. There's no other way to put it when they literally ask you which girls you wanna bang and they are super excited for that to happen. Only the money transactions are missing. Oh wait! MC impregnates women for money. Ah Doi!

    3. So you got every single girl and everyone is happy with you banging literally(Wait, not literally cause read later points) everyone else. YAY! Awesome. My counter is that every Honey select based Japanese style Harem game does it hundred times better with a mild sense of believability sprinkled in. Here, please turn off your brain and imagine you live in a different galaxy where all women live only to please you. You are the Alpha and the Omega. The only girl I liked was the purple haired girl that was bitch to MC at start but then she became MC's sister and her character was murdered and turned into a mindless drone like every other girl in the game. People talking about different girls having different personalities is the biggest load of crap I've ever read in my life. Also a harem which now seems with 20+ girls??? MC having sex with 5-6 different girls in one evening, even though he was physically injured and recovering? YUP YUP YUP! Absolutely believable.

    4. STOP overly sexualising the two mothers and long lost sister if you are adamant on following Patreon rules. Those kisses are not innocent. They are getting creepier each time they do it. And what's with focusing on their boobs and butts all the time if you are not doing incest at all. Reminds me of Will Ferrell making out with his Dad in Daddy's Home 2. I guess the game needs a Comedy Tag.

    5. Finally the story. Well nuts to that. I started skipping when I realized nothing matters. When the game started I had so many theories running in my mind. "Is MC gonna cheat with his best friend?" "What will be the consequences?" "Will his first GF leave?" "Is this going to be cheating vs being good guy kind of game?" dot dot dot As I said, nothing matters. Add a Princess who lives in a basement and whom you'll bang in future cause that's exciting, right? Also what's up with all women sleeping with mc on one bed clothed? The mother of a kid you once played basketball with is there too? Is it just the craving for warm flesh grinding on top of MC? I had wet dreams like those when I was five. Here again, it's just creepy. And that's the one word I can describe this whole game with, "CREEPY". Not a single older woman has a husband(or they don't care) and all younger women unlocked their chastity belt just for MC. So cool.

    Conclusion: This is the VN equivalent of "TWILIGHT" or "Fifty Shades of Grey". Sex sells and people pay for it more when it's overdone. The game is popular in the same way "Billionaire Handsome Vampire/Warewolf" based romantic books make the highest amount of money cause women love those. Same principle is applied here. I guess this is what men(and also some women) like. Sigh!
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game started very nicely, ive been playing since the first release and it was one of the few ones i waited anxiously for the next update; but lately quality dropped a lot and more than that, it became really boring. Some scenes from the recent updates are laughable; plus every girl throw themselves at the mc like he is the only male on planet, everyone loves him and cant live without him after a couple days.
    Recent updates made this game below average and forgettable.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant VN game.
    Just Amazing! This is now my 2nd favorite just behind Being A Dik but has way more sex scenes.
    So many girls, what's not to love? Thankfully the MC has unlimited energy so no one gets left out.
    Great story and great girls!
    Anyone who doesn't rate this 5 stars seriously needs to re-evaluate why they play these games. I'm sick of people complaining about lack of realism, if I wanted boring real life and an average penis I'd just look at myself in the mirror. This is highly enjoyable escapism at it's very best.
    I salute the dev BD, you are a genius!
    Can't wait for the next update.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Hanma

    - Diversity of models (for all tastes ;)) i really appreciate this
    - Great characters (Each one with his own style and personality)
    - Good story
    - Overall Excellent game for me

    Excited for future updates.
    (Hoping for some action with Azel, Harper or Wendy :BootyTime:)