VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    So, just got done with this current build and so far I'm loving it a lot. The story isn't boring and I do think the MC is a bit of a power fantasy, it's a porn game. I want to be a power fantasy who gets all the girls, that's why I'm here, lmao.

    The only part of this so far I don't like is Millie. I genuinely dislike her so much, like really really dislike her. She's a giant hypocrite from what I see of her so far.
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    Other than that the story has been really great, My actual rating would be like 4.5-ish but I dunno if you can put a half star rating anywhere.

    Anywho, the good things, it feels like all the girls would be overwhelming and it can be at times yet I don't feel like any of them are lacking scenes at all. They get their time even though it feels like time slows down so they can have those scenes. I'm happy over-all and it was definitely worth my time playing, I like the fact the "Rach Girls" have a far more important position than you'd think in the story and that they found places to fit in that made sense.

    Thank you for my experience and I hope to be able to play the full game at some point.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have isolated your product as exceptional based on the use of graphics, storyline, length and adult content. Please keep up the great work and I will try to support your development. I am looking forward to your next release.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Has decent writing but I really just found myself repeatedly bouncing due to the homogeneity of the characters and the decreasing quality of the character models.

    The 'uncanny large doe eyes + kissy smile' that makes its way to basically every character just doesn't really jibe with me.

    The game has some great scenes but the renders just totally ruin a lot of the later scenes for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2539063

    This my absolute favorite game of all time!!! If you read all of the posts and read BD’s Patreon posts you realize this is a labor of love. It is real art that isn’t solely about the fap, even though there is plenty of fap inspiration. Be patient with the dev regarding the update frequency. Just know that when updates do come out they are significant and well worth the wait!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game makes no sense at all. How come the shy girlfriend with no experience suddenly wants you to flirt and have sex with other girls, every girls lives int he appartment and it doen't make any sense. Too much girls so you can't really catch feelings for any at all
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely loved the game, by far the most wholesome harem VN I've ever had the pleasure of coming across. Ended up binging the entire thing in one sitting and it was definitely worth it. The characters have enough individuality to remain interesting, the renders are all fantastic, and the plotlines are surprisingly engaging. 11/10 would recommend, this is going in my all time favorites collection.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    If you are for story, you might forget it. Its not here. It is "feel good" game.
    MC is good, MC is best. nothing goes wrong.. Its boring.. Game is bad, writing is bad. Randers are okish. constant POV view is not my things. Some Female model are ok while other are freaking me out, best example is GF.. Most of the dialogs and writing are forcefully long. I feel like watching Brazilians & Turkish soap opera. I seriously cannot recommend this game to anyone.. Even bloody sex scenes are bad..
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    There are 3 major flaws in this game that dont help me making the experience good enough:

    First one, if you played it already the element of surprise is lost, wich is my case.
    Second the sex scenes are not good enough for a big part of the game, even if in the last updates they improve a bit, they dont have the impact of others better done.

    Third there are characters that are there as part o the game but are unobtainable, which doesnt suit well with a harem game, specially if those are main characters, and the game tries to give us some teasing with some images. If you can not do it, dont tease it in the first place.

    With this said, the game is a harem, and you have a girlfriend from the start and she becomes the one pushing the MC to create the harem with the help of others. There is a decent variety of girls to choose from (except the ones protected) so there is a lot of content, if you pursue every path available.
    The game is basically about a guy building a harem and discovering some family secrets, thats pretty much it, so the complexity is as far as it goes.

    I dont like some angles that show weird shapes, I dont like POV and this game is quite pov heavy, i dont quite like some face expressions, but for some reason some girls expression look better. I dont like the camera work in sex scenes for the most part of the game, since its pretty default and its paired with some pretty basic loops.
    As for sex it lacks dynamics, roles and that stuff, its just way too basic "push and pull" and filling holes.
    Also many girls have sex the same way,, and pretty much the same "reactions" to the same things so in the end it feels repetitive in my opinion.

    What I like is how good some girls look (when not bending over or flexing) and the lighting i think is decent. Some situations and scenes are good enough.
    I like that there are some different body types, within DAZ limitations.

    Final thoughts:
    If you play it for the first time, and you are not picky, it can be 4 stars, cause expectations usually help if the game looks decent enough. For a second attempt you already know what to expect
    Still a decent first try, but seeing analyzing coldly it is not top quality, it gets decent in the later updates, but still average.

    2 stars that become 3 cause the amount of content and the improvement of the animations that were dragging the quality.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The initial premise of the game seemed promising, but getting through it is seriously just a slog. It has a million different story lines going in so many different directions, not to mention every girl pretty much falls head over heels in love with the MC in a matter of a few hours. With the exception of a few characters, they're pretty much all just the same.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    human deviant

    Don't listen to the haters. This game is currently one of my favorites, it has so many lovable characters, and so many heartwarming moments that it's more than worth it to power through the occasional bits of superfluous dialogue.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    1. No sound.
    2. The girls sometimes look really weird. Azel's "bending sideways" image right at the beginning of the game is downright deformed/scary. Jamie's sideways "duck face" is also bad.
    3. Poor writing. Within 5 min into the game, its style is already painfully obvious. Its main characteristics are "meaningless verbose" and "tell and don't show".
    1. The girls often look nice.
    2. Trans character at center stage. The creator really has balls to do something like this.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    WVM is one of the best games I've ever played... simple yet so beautiful:love:
    and I love every character in this game I'll be waiting for more content and the animations are great the story is so cool for me ..good luck dev
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Started off bright, interesting that you can allow Shauna to be trans (found this game wanting more futa content, as of now (mild spoilers) she never fucks another girl, you just fuck her, disappointing), and most of the character models are good.

    But I didn't think "too much of a good thing" was a thing for lewd games until this came along. Everyone with a vagina (or not!) basically wants to bang the MC, which I guess is kinda fair since he's this bigshot basketball player - who never plays b-ball really during the whole game, shit gets ridiculous with the kind of sexual/non-sexual possibilities you have with the girls in this.

    The moment I went "ok wtf this is ridiculous" is the whole runaway princess just living in your basement. Everything always goes right for the MC, he's so nice, all the girls who fuck him don't care that he's fucking other girls, it's just a mad harem except nothing super steamy ever really happens, the most you ever do is a threesome. You wanna fuck your foster mom and then some random VERY ANNOYING long lost sister appears and then your actual mom appears and whatever blah blah blah.

    Lots and lots and lots of dialogue to sit through for pretty below-average sex scenes and animations tbh. Won't be revisiting unless something very drastic changes to this game, not counting on it though.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate that you can be nice to everyone.

    The character models are cute but I think the slider work is a bit overzealous here. Nothing wrong with smaller things...

    The story is of course unbelievable since this is a harem game, but within those constraints it works well and again, being able to be nice to people and affirm them is a good feeling.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Fucking hell. Read people calling this "a nice shut-down the brain and wank" game. If this is shutting down your brain, I don't want to know how dull these people are when their brains are working. Don't get me wrong, the game is not really trash, but the writing definitely is. The game is just so tedious to read and play through. I've given it as much chance as I possibly can at this point. It's just got so bland with some of the dumbest decisions i've seen. It had a ton of potential for a first few updates but has neither lived up to that potential nor come close. It's all gone downhill. Just check other games on this site. There's enough for a lifetime.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Dialog always goes on too long. Feels like 50% of it is just making appointments. Every trivial conversation needs to be mentioned at least 3 times before it actually happens. Not to mention the mc gets ganked 10 times on the way to doing everything, sometimes by more people just saying they need to talk to him later. Scene structure needs to have a purpose and direction, it can't be all over the place like this. The constant interruptions really wear you out after a while and you start just skipping chunks of dialogue because you can pretty much tell how it goes. However, there's always one or two interesting characters you want to stop to listen to, in part due to the infinitely expanding cast (for which screen time is its own huge problem).

    Mandatory hug intermission while the mc leans his face into 15 different people's shoulders.

    Everyone's faces also seem frozen in this perpetual, plastic, duck-faced smile that never fades even when they're upset. Upper lips look weird on every single kiss, which happen a lot, and it's extremely distracting. No facial expressions, not many different angles. Renders are otherwise pretty good, but animation is stiff at worse and slow at best.

    Despite all that, it's surprisingly easy to get into. Hell, it's kept me around for this long. Maybe because nothing ever goes wrong and life is perfect and everything is going to be alright. That might not make for a meaningful story, but it sure is enough to forget life for a while. Can't jack off to it tho
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    For some reason I had high expectations going into this game.

    But after playing I can say this game prioritized quantity over quality.
    Had it scaled down a bit on the content to provide high quality animations and better dialog it would have been a 5/5 game.

    Even with its short comings it still beats the majority of games on this site. How ever it cannot count itself among the best.

    Edit: After some more consideration I'm lowering my score by 1 star. I can understand that some people would find a 20+ something harem compelling. But in my case, it just prevented me from having any connection to the characters, as there is simply no space to have proper character development with that amount of characters.

    All the characters end up feeling too similar to each other because of this. And although some might appreciate the lack of jealousy between the women. With no further explanation why this is the case, it makes it feel that much more unrealistic. Of course a lack of realism doesn't have to be bad persee, but considering the lack of character development, having some jealous characters would have actually been good to keep the story from getting stale.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    it's nice to hang out in a world where problems are solved and everyone has got a pretty positive outlook. playing this is like watching an old timey sitcom where everything resolves happily in 30 minutes. the game is not perfect, but it is infectiously endearing. cynicism and hopelessness don't exist here. compared to other games that have the heroine sucking people off in an alley to pay for rent or medical bills within the first five minutes, this is a welcome and wholesome change, which is definitely unique among adult games. and no i still don't know what w.v.m. stands for.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an amazing game and story! I can really get into the plot - it's not just about sex, which is great. Don't get me wrong, I love the sex, but the game is great as a whole. Can't wait to play more!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Every wanted to go back to freshmen year of college and be a harem owner?

    Incredible game that I would recommend to absolute anyone. Play it with lube locked and loaded. Perfect! The option to chose between trans and f was a really creative touch.