VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Was probably ok when it first came out but hasn't got a real story just a constant stream of sex starved bimbos who jump on MCs cock. As he is the only non gay non committed man in existence. MC has no personality neither do most of his all too many conquests. Way to many women for a harem more like a small country. Think the developer ran out of ideas quite some time ago so just pads out each rare release of new content by introducing yet more characters. Shame this could have been quite good. Renders are ok but just ok by modern standards looking a bit dated now.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story: A complete mess. The narrative just meanders from one date to the next, to the next, where the MC just dates so many love interests that you lose track of them. The dialogue is as dry as sand and isn't interesting in any way.

    Visuals: Ok.

    Animations: Ok.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Thisits for sure a excelent game, the story its good , not something i call out of this world but fun to follow, but the girls not only how they looks taht its incredible but the personality , i have to say i really enjoy them , keep the good work and thank you
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    WVM's story is what I thoroughly enjoy. Coming from a basketball background WVM certainly caught my eye with the main character being a top recruit (something I wasnt lol). In the beginning WVM dives deep into what colleges could offer to top prospects. Leniency, housing, GIRLS! etc. Having the option for the mc to go into many routes with many women. The animations are also incredible and flow seamlessly. The amount of content that has been provided has been amazing thus far. I can not wait for WVM's future update.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright decided to rate that game.
    Was one of the first game I downloaded here on f95 if I remember correctly.
    So for a start, I absolutely loved it, even if it cringed me a few time but I was still astonished by the game.
    Like my other review , I'll separate my "critic" in different points.
    The Art/CGs, the Characters, the Story. And lastly the Choices.

    The Art

    So as for CGs, they are really good.
    Braindrop did a fantastic job with the models, environment, etc.
    The characters each have different appearance, they don't look alike.
    Each have different eyes, noses, mouths. I can't even fathom how much time it took to create them.
    I tried doing games, but unsuccessfully. So I really admire Braindrop's work.
    When I started playing WVM I didn't like Jamie's model at all.
    I found her really bizarre. But as I will say later, I eventually fell in love with her.

    The Characters
    As said earlier, the characters are all differents.
    And that doesn't only apply for the models.
    Each and everyone has different personalities.
    Some are timid, other are stubborn.
    Some are assholes, while there are ones with gentle and caring attentions.
    Like I said, at first I didn't like Jamie. But as I continued playing I understood why the MC liked her and why she was "The Girlfriend".
    When I learned more about her, and their stories.(The MC and Jamie's)
    I started to love Jamie. And let me tell you. When they finally did the deed. DAMN BOI never was I that happy to see people fuck.
    Anyway, all that shows how much skill Braindrop has, and how much time it took to make each character.
    So to come back to the characters. each of them feel, real.
    Personally I could feel how loving of a person was Azel.
    How much of a shitface was Ryker.
    All of them has differents talents and flaws.
    So to sum up. The Characters are wonderful.

    The Story
    I won't spoil, because the game truly is worth it.
    You play as a young basketball star who's going to WVM College. Even tho you could've went to any school in the country. You decided to go to WVM. That's when the game starts. As the game goes forward, you meet multiples character, some lovely (Dear Azel I love you!), some much less lovable(censored, fuck you). You'll have choices to make and will have temptation to either overcome or to let go and enjoy plenty of beautiful blooming flowers.

    The Choices
    As said you'll have choices. Some small, some that'll change your life.
    There isn't a lot of choices at first. but as the game continues. You'll meet multiples of them. Not much more that comes to mind. As I did with my previous reviews. I'm writing this as I feel.

    I simply love this game, the settings. The story. Their characters.
    If you're a fan of harems, you'll truly enjoy this wonderful game.
    As for me, I'll see you next time.

    By Ash
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I just can't anymore with this game. I gave it four years to mature and just now played through everything until the time skip, but if I keep playing I'm going to stroke out and fucking die. This game is a complete piece of shit in virtually every way, and should be held up as the definitive poster child for 1) Feeding infinite patreon shekels to an incompetent mor--ahem--dev, and 2) what happens when said idi--cough--dev fails to make a complete outline before sucking down dollars like one of these eighty bimbos sucks down gallons of cum.

    The good: The characters are great. They look good but do suffer from severe cowtit syndrome. The one or two with smaller boobs are compensated by having balloonass disease. I love all their personalities except for the part where 100% of women in this game are cock-starved sex maniacs.

    The bad: Literally every other thing about this turd. The entire USP of WVM is basketball. But there's no basketball. Four years and no basketball. What is there then? MELODRAMA. ENDLESS, ENDLESS, MELODRAMA THAT NEVER STOPS. What's that, the MC just had a huge revelation? Oh here's another revelation for that revelation while you fuck this revelation in the tits. Oh another one? Good here's one to keep that company! WAIT. NOT ENOUGH MELODRAMA, ANOTHER SIX THOUSAND REVELATIONS. Oh it's the end of today. Oh good morning it's the next day and I caREVELATIONREVELATIONREVELATION.

    Jesus FUCKING christ with this shit. Every day has at least ten weeks crammed into it. It's funny because obviously the dev realized how stupid he was after inhaling millions of dollars of simpcum and is going to....wait for it.......wait......oh god it's............HE'S REWORKING THE GAME. LMAO. LOL EVEN. I'm sure after this we'll get some more content* before the dev realizes the patreonbux are drying up, then he'll redesign the characters. When it's all said and done, in eight or nine years, the dev will "have a health issue" and cancel everything. It's the same story, every time. A dev gets air blown up his ass by people with too much money, he inflates and expands the scope of the game until it's too big to function.

    This game is irritatingly bad. Take the goddamn USP of basketball and go with that. I do not--nor does the world--require yet another endless harem AVN propped up by pointless melodrama. It doesn't matter if the characters are good if you keep introducing half a dozen a day that are all pre-addicted to cum.

    *Content in WVM terms means a one hour (real time) of conversation about childhood trauma, depression, abuse, violence, or something completely useless followed by eight or nine successive sex scenes, then another hour or more (again, real time) of revelationbaiting. I've had enough with this dumb fucking game and anyone who defends this endless sack of shit deserves to have their money stolen.

    PS. I got home from the hospital yesterday and wanted to chill out with an AVN. That's why I was so salty at this one: a bad mood plus a bad game is a recipe for anger. Thinking about it today, however, everything I wrote is accurate. One thing I forgot to mention is how the minute-by-minute gameplay is structured:

    1. Have a conversation with Bimbo A about Topic A.
    2. Have a conversation with Bimbo B, where you recall the entire talk with Bimbo A. B then reveals Topic B.
    3. Have a conversation with Bimbo C, where you recall BOTH talks with A and B, about Topic A and B. At the end Bimbo C sucks your horsecock then introduces Topic C.
    4. This continues down the ENTIRE list of bimbos multiple times every single day.

    I don't need a fuckin' recap of the conversation I LITERALLY JUST HAD, REPEATEDLY. My IQ is [allegedly] above 16, so I can retain information longer than one nanosecond.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried to like the game but damn.. endless dialogues. Spent 1 hour of reading endless texts without anything really happening (except one scene) and then turned it bored off.

    I also don't like that the game starts with me being in a relationship so I have to betray my girl all the time. This is not even really a game, you're just clicking text, linear.

    This is a classic example of why devs should start small and introduce you slowly into the world instead of guiding you through 200 places and 20 characters in the first hours, that's just hard to stay focused on.

    Especially if the story is this generic and all they talk about is how much they like each other because they know each other from childhood, your favourite food, your fear of going to highschool and all of that generic stuff.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game. I love the wide variety of characters--really shows the variety in the real world. Wonderful to have the option for gender fluid characters. Good writing and good sex scenes! Great job!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game I love. I highly recommend it for VN lovers. The charterers are fleshed out well and plot line has no holes that matter and the graphics are well... graphic ;) The sex scenes look very realistic and well thought out. I can't wait to see what the dev comes up in each installment.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Plot: Instant gratification. This is not a game, this is a sex simulator with a school setup. That's it. There is absolutely no story or scenario besides a three lines stub for each new girl that arrives. All are empty-headed mannequins that magically want your cock the second they see you. When a reward does not come after an effort, it's not a reward. It's a nicotine patch. If that seems like content you would still like, you're far better off watching actual porn with actual women than pixel heads with cringey unrealistic facial features and extremely poor artificial semblance of intelligence
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The criticism I've seen for this game is definitely warranted. The character models can look strange (especially close up which happen a lot), the sex scenes aren't amazing, and neither is the plot. I gave this game a 4 though because unlike a game I played recently called 'The Assistant', this game handled "progressive" subject matter excellently.

    At no point does this game get preachy, or hypocritical. Each trans or non-binary character is treated as their own person and not a walking virtue signal. Skye, for example, identifies as a guy and he explains exactly why and it never comes off as being shoved down the player's throat. Skye is just Skye. Because of that respectful inclusion, I'm bumping the score up to show my appreciation.

    Edit - After playing this game more, I'm constantly surprised by how maturely it handles certain plot points. It's really weird because I downloaded this game KNOWING it was a gonna be cheap harem porn and yet there are situations where they maturely address topics that other writers fail to address properly.

    Examples include mothers, abandoning children, men being sexually assaulted and the seriousness of it, girls feeling as if they HAVE to be sexually open for someone and the unhealthy pressure it can cause, and even the morality of harems in general and whether or not it can have psychological consequences on a person.

    There is one critism I have, and that is the character Veronica. Not that she's a particularly "bad" character, but her advice seems very "hand holdy". For example, she'll constantly beg you to compliment girls and you start to think "I dont need you to tell me that".

    I still think that everyone is right when they say that this is just a simple harem game, but I'm also starting to think that the writer has the potential to create something incredible after this game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I found myself liking this one more than I thought I would. While there are a lot of characters, most of them are well written and not easy to forget. There were only a few times a character was mentioned (specifically Lauren, who I'll mention in more detail) where I forgot who the name belonged to. The story felt good to read and the tense scenes actually had me gripping my seat.

    This is a longer read, like I was very surprised that all of that happened in 10 days pre-timeline rework. One month feels a lot more natural for a character packed story and will help with pacing going forward. The character reworks are nice, though the Lauren one caught me off guard because it wasn't mentioned like the Emiko one was. I'm excited to see more improvements/changes be made to the story as needed.

    A functional story with a superman main character that can be dramatic when it needs to be.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is a little dated for the time, and there are so many female interests that it's a little hard to keep track of everyone and the characters you do care about seem to never get enough screen time. Other than that it's a strong game with good writing. It's also nice to see games with genuinely likeable and personable main characters. You just want everything to succeed for this guy and to see him drafted 1st to your NBA team.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Sigh where do i start?At the beginning the dev may have thought about designing a ‘power fantasy’ game.Type of game which you are king of the world,everyone looks up to you and women wet themselves at the moment they see you.Which is not for me but there are people who love this genre so i could understand it.However even this type of games have different aspects so the player can see MC is not just a man whore,but a gifted individual overall.

    now back to our game,this game isn’t a power fantasy game.It is a mindless fuckfest.The dev really lives up to it’s name ‘braindrop’ because i have never seen this amount of meaningless sex in my life.And the absurd part is dev has created 50 different female characters for the diversity but it makes the game much worse.If you had a 5 women who you have sex constantly it would still be meaningless but at least characters would feel distinct.Now you meet a different woman in every 5 minutes without context or anything and in few minutes she starts to suck MC’s dick and this happens millions of time i mean enough is enough.

    If i could give this 0 i would,i am being entirely honest here.Yes renders are decent but these days anyone who is interested in 3D models can create this type of renders with DAZ3D easily.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't think I'd ever question it, but is it possible to have too much porn? It is with a heavy heart I give this a 2/5. A 1/5 would be harsh as it's not like the developer is incompetent and there are no redeeming features. The best visual novels balance plot and porn. Feels like WVM has leaned far too heavily into the porn side of things. With a tighter narrative and more fleshed out characters rather than purely more characters, this could have been great. As things stand, I think it is a below average visual novel.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of ‘S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 3’…

    I really like this game, although it does have some issues which I’ll get to.

    The writing is good. A couple of spelling and grammar errors, but they are few and far between. The characters have differing personalities, and I like the interactions and internal dialogue.

    Unfortunately, the character body types aren’t as differing. Most of the girls have thick thighs with big bubble butts, and more than a few suffer from giant fantasy tit syndrome. Yes, I know there are girls with tank ass and some people like that, but you never see them all in one spot to this degree. There is even a scene in the game where you have a mock butt judging contest where the MC must describe each butt and almost every description, he gives includes the words “big, plump”. I hate the word ‘plump’. It’s just a PC way of saying ‘fat’. I can overlook a lot of this because I’ve seen it done a lot worse in other games, but it was enough for me to knock a star off.

    Anyway, the only girl with a realistic body is Bailey, and maybe Harper. Other girls have realistic breasts, but they suffer from the tank ass problem. They look like their bodies are disproportioned.

    I like all the characters. As I said the interactions are done well and there is some surprise drama and even some feels.

    The game is also pretty long which I appreciate. It lets you get to know the characters and flesh everything out.

    When you reach day 10 you get a message from the dev saying day 10 is now day 31 since they are going to go back and retool the game to take place over a longer period of time for which the retooled version should come out early 2023. Which I thought was a good idea since the events of the game felt packed and rushed for only being 9 days. But then when you keep playing you run into characters you (the player) have never seen before, but the MC speaks to like you’ve met them before. And there are suddenly new rules in the school pertaining to the MC which everyone seems to know but you (the player) have never heard of before. And out of nowhere you are going to Florida the next day for a photoshoot for the charity and everybody talks like it’s been planned but this is the first time you (the player) are hearing about it. I imagine this is all added to play into the retooling the are going to do, it’s just a little jarring. It’s like they skipped from day 9 to day 31 and you missed all that happened in between.

    Regardless of everything I really do like this game. I was sad when I hit the end of the build. I look forward to the retooling they plan, and I sincerely hope they complete the game.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense


    Convoluted story
    Fake teases of incest
    MC'S dick
    Limited actual basketball play

    This game quickly fell out of my favor, it started out cool then fizzed out like a cheap soda. A lot of things got redundant and fast, I thought it was cute how he was the guy at first but then it became too much, no real relationships. No consequences really everyone just loves him unconditionally. The fake incest is also one of the things that really ticked me off because the teasing is almost blatant at this point. You almost forget basketball is supposed to be played which has become a running gag.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This was recommended to me under the context of having an advocate character, yet after the first few sex scenes that still has yet to show up so while that's not the developer's fault it still sours my impression. Also the context of the first few sex scenes is also not to my taste.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    S1 I haven't commented because I think the character design is a bit weird , S2 is a lot better . Many of the designs that I didn't feel comfortable with in the first film were clearly toned down in the second , such as "Futa"" male prostitution""muscular women who can't have sex" . S2 makes some of the special designs more reasonable in a plot progression way .
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    If nothing else, WVM will at least go down as a teachable moment for the concept of "less is more." If you are going to attempt to make your own adult visual novel, treat this one as a cautionary tale. Focus on a relatively small, manageable number of love interests who all feel distinct from each other and fully fleshed out. If you're in double digits, you've probably gone too far.