HTML - X-Change™ Life [v0.21.7.1] [Aphrodite]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Love the style it's going for, but that's basically it for the positives.

    What little dialogue there is is horrendous.
    The vast amount of procedurally generated dialogue exhausts its "vastness" by changing "ass" to "badonkadonk" in an otherwise identical sentence the next time you see it.
    Extremely repretitive gameplay.
    Very little to do after you played for an hour.
    Extremely restrictive gameplay = Many choices when selected gives a "nope. try another one."
    I found the minigames /skill checks/dice rolls really annoying, but thankfully you can disable them via cheats.
    can only save and load at the start of days or in specific locations. Why?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [0.21.7] I enjoy quality. It's super nice to play something that so much thought and effort was put into. Let me add that I am not at all interested in gender-swap stories. But, I would prefer a really good game with lots of content entirely about magical, or pharmaceutical gender-swapping than a low effort game that (on paper) matches my interests.

    I'm sure this is an intentional choice or a mechanic that I missed (or something), but I for one would quite like to have a little bit more female-female content outside of pill-demonstrations at work. If I'm correct, there is nothing like that in the dance-club, beach, movie-nights, and break-room at work.

    This is definitely one of the very best html games. I can only hope that the world-content will extend more and more. May the devs never run out of steam.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    A great game, but the fact that you can't save your game for extremely extended segments of gameplay makes this the Dark Souls of erotic videogames


    Outside of that, it's one of the best, but it's extremely difficult for me to enjoy when I know I'm going to get locked in to some 30 minute segment without access to the save menu
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is hands down my favorite game on this site. Every update is a banger and keeps me coming back for more. Don't forget to check out the loverslab mods as well. There's a great community forming around this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings on this one.

    The game is rather well done as a game. Few game breaking bugs, has a good flow to it, repetition has some variance to it and some thinking involved with the work.

    But then, that's just it. It's work. Like actual work.

    The whole gimmick is to go from male to female and be heavily sexualized and treated like a sex object. Which is fine if you're into that.
    My issue with that is the setting and plot doesn't line up with that.
    If everyone flips genders day to day, the genders would be treated nigh equal. Not so heavily degrading to females. Just really took me out of the immersion and made me question why I was bothering.

    Then the time it takes to get anywhere just isn't worth it imo. Like hours to get a bit of action. irl hours. in game weeks.
    Even with cheats you can't get anywhere much faster.

    Idk. I feel like this one is too heavy on the day to day game cycle and not focused enough on the rewards.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea behind this game is a very fun premise. However, the dev is entirely way to focused on changing the MC into a woman. It feels less like the players choice and more like it's forced upon you by the dev. I mean it's okay if that is the way you choose to play, but trying to stay a male the whole game isn't possible. You are basically forced to do demos in order to further your career. I guess the simple meet and greet demos where you just talk to the clients is fine, but the other ones tend to be a bit much. There are so many ideas that could make this game appeal to more people and grow different branching paths, which will also up the replayability of the game.


    First I think you should integrate spiked fun into the base game. Being able to spike coworkers is a lot of fun. It give the play a fighting back chance at work. However there is no chance to fight back at the bar or club. Adding a way to try and get back at someone trying to spike your drinks could be a very fun game mechanic. Especially if you have already been turning into a girl and though it could be difficult, you also revenge spike him and it turn into 2 guys turned into 2 horny girls. This could have multiple branching paths that end up in girl on girl, a threesome with another guy, or more. This would also give more use the the backrooms at the clubs. Just imagine awkwardness when the both wake up the next morning turned back into guys, lol.

    The best friend at the beginning of the game:
    1. The ability to also choose what your best friend looks like. This will be explained.
    2. You and your best friend apply to the job together. Again branching paths at work. You dominate him, he dominates you, or you become best friend dumb sluts for the office. This also can give you the chance to get out doing demos yourself. He can also come to you to try and get out of demos himself. On particularly sexual demos he may ask you to go along with him. Branching paths: You can try and run interference to save your friend, you can watch your friend get taken advantage of, you can try and step in saying your "saving" your friend while also demoing the product. This can also be done in reverse when you take his demos depending on the his stats with you.
    3. Secretary. As you or your friend climb up the ladder at work a secretary is going to be needed. Are you going to take him with you to the top of the company or is he going to take you? Only one of you can be the boss and the other the secretary.

    Work: The basics are in place. I think it can be streamline into a more user friendly ui, but it's fun to play.
    1. Screw your way up the ladder. Go into work as a girl and walk into the bosses office. Depending on the action you take you would need less sales in order to get promoted. This won't help you get a better desk however. Looks like you will have to spread your legs for that as well. If you are dominating your best friend you could send him in for you.
    2. Sales team manager. You (or your best friend) are doing an amazing job and your boss in getting promoted. Someone needs to fill this role. You can still do sales calls yourself (if you don't want to do the demo, make one of your employees do it) if you want to but more actions open up. Motivating members of your sales team. Punishing bad sales numbers. Demo inspections. Firing and hiring new team members (could be a fun way to get better sales). Build the team the way you want too. Are they going to spike them to be your private harem who will do anything to make you happy, or are you going to turn into a girl and motivate them as men, or are you just going to send your best friend to motivate them. You could do it together. Or, your best friend could become the sales manager and you are at his mercy. You could become a piece of meat to be passed around the office. Your going to have to do a good job the get sales numbers up for you friend. Don't want you or your friend to get demoted? Looks like you will have to use the screw your way up the ladder function again.
    3. integrate spiked fun into the base game and add a function to turn it on and off at the start. It makes a fair playing field at the office. When you become a manager, there may be cocky guys trying to spike the boss.

    Bar: There are already many bar girl mods. Just add them into the game.
    1. Bar guys. Add in bar guys that you are able to spike (This can also help tone down the none porn star girls that won't talk to you). Be careful, if you let them get away, you may raise your suspicions with the police. Of course you could always just challenge them to a game of blackjack instead.
    2. Police. Be careful if the police are in the bar. You a higher chance of getting caught. If this happens you might have to bribe or fuck your way out of it or you will be arrested.
    3. Bar girls. Add a way to spike a bar girls drink. Make them horny and instead of taking them home, just take them in the bathroom. This way you can stay in the bar and enjoy yourself. Only take home girls you actually like.

    Home: The morning in the game is almost meaningless. Pretty much work out or clean. The whole blockbuster movie at home is useless. I am pretty sure there might be something if I turned my character into a girl, but no. This game is so focus on the girls point of view that any other play-through completely make functions for the game pointless.
    Sister: Paths: Love route (normal or cucked by dad or Bruce), you dominate her, femdom (you or sister if you are female), (you female) slutty best friends.
    Dad: Spike him and dominate him, friends (could end up split roasting sister), (you female) love route, (you female) Dom dad route.

    Club: Adding in club girls and guys. Some at the bar and some on the dance floor. This would also add more functions for the back rooms trying to find a secluded spot for some quick fun. This brings for functions to going to the club alsone as a guy or girl.

    Pregnancy: The basic function is there and nothing else. Girls just basically call you up and get rid of the baby. I do have a mod on so I'm not sure if this is the basic function or not, but it's pretty basic so far and could expained into so much more.
    1. child support. You have to pay for child support for girls that end up keeping the baby. This will help with excess money as you keep doing a better job at work. It also creates a bad end if you can't pay up. When the child becomes of age, the payments stop.
    2. Birth control suppression. This doesn't raise suspisions with the police as girls don't see the immediate effects. Girls on birth control will be okay with creampies only to become pregnant later.
    3 Later in the game. You end up going to the bar and seeing someone new (guy or girl). You end up sleeping with them only to find out there mom is someone you knocked up or knocked you up (in this case the guy would take the child and you pay support) earlier in the game... oops. Accidental incest could be a fun game mechanic for you as a guy or girl. Hopefully you don't have a new child support payment from this. Now that you know who they are you wouldn't do it again... would you? I mean want would happen if the mom found out?
    4. Perminance: I don't think pregancy should be the trigger for perminance. You should only be stuck as a girl for the pregancy. I do believe that the should be a way for perminance and if you play as a guy, you would have to avoid it being force on you.

    I know I am writing from a different point of veiw as the creator of this game, but trying to play this game as more of a guy takes away the functions of the game and could be expanded. I am pretty sure there are a lot of events I am not triggering because I mostly play as a guy leaving the game feel empty and undeveloped. I hope I have given the dev or modders ideas to play around with. I like the premise of your game. It's a fun idea. I just want more paths for people to choose there path as a dom or sub man, or dom or sub woman. Of course you could loose a mini game and be forced into something, but that is just part of the game. I understand that. I didn't just write choices that would for me, but for others as well. A simulation game like this is fun because if you do something wrong it could have conciquences.

    Note: if there is a skill modder out that that wants to make try and implement this kind of narative into the game go for it. I am not a coder, not in twee at least. I won't mind writing the narative if you need help with that. I do like the game, but not so much the narative state it's in now. It's not bad, it just feels empty as a guy MC.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel bad for giving this a 3 star rating because the developer is very passionate and the game itself has resonated with many players who sing its praises. I just can't bring myself to describe this game as more than "above average" if I try to rate this as a game and not just a porn gif/video dispenser for bimbo/trans content.

    There are a lot of ideas here. Gender transformation (specifically MTF), bimbofication, exhibitionism, dating sim mechanics, exploration, sandbox, minigames-this list goes on. You start as a young man who lives in a world where you can take a pill to completely transition as a woman physically. You can work at a corporation which sells these pills to companies, and take part in other activities such as shopping at the mall, going to bars, and visiting various locations in the game world.

    The gameplay involves much of your standard lifesim stuff such as character customization involving stats and outfits. You navigate through the various options given to you like in a standard text-based RPG, but with the added twist of there being mini-games which determine the outcome of certain skill checks. When you get to the sex scenes there are a bunch of real-life porn gifs playing, which admittedly are integrated in a more competent manner than most life-sim games that choose to use real porn. This might sound weird, but I'd say this game has some of the best UI and text animations that I've seen from an HTML game overall.

    Ultimately my problem with the game is with how inwardly focused the narrative and roleplaying is. I realize that this is why so many people like it, but for me I would rather have more interactions and remarks from NPCs about what I'm doing as opposed to text descriptions of how my character is supposedly feeling (tied heavily to the game's masculinity mechanic). Note, I'm not asking for NPCs to be more openly transphobic or slut-shaming here, I'm just saying that it kind of breaks any sense of immersion when NPCs who have known you as a man make some off-hand remarks when they see you being a completely bimbofied woman fucking a bunch of guys every day. A lot of story text talks about how conflicted the player character is, but shouldn't the focus be more on how the other character's feel? I feel like how the player character feels should be up to the player themselves, otherwise it can create a sort of disconnect. I get that the dev wants to create a sense of progression going from masculine male to hyper-feminine female, but that's kind of hard to do when the game has pills that allow complete transformations in an instant (and complete reversals after some time depending on the type of pill). It's hard to be convinced of the player's struggles with gender identity when the player can switch back and forth fairly easily without much consequence to the story or other characters.

    What I'm trying to say is, if the characters I interact with don't really care about someone being able to turn into a bimbo, dress like a pornstar, and take part in incredibly scandalous events every day, then why should I?
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I keep coming back. This game has the potential for exponential greatness with how mod-centric it is. It just needs MORE CONTENT. So much moar

    I will say that the only drawback is inconsistency due to multiple authors, but on the other hand the use of AI makes it all feel much more samey.

    More hardcore fetishes would also be appreciated but it's a lot harder to do real porn for that
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Jaeger Deflated

    Hot, raceplay that's not just bbc AND gender bending? Aphrodite is MY goddess and I won't hear otherwise about her. A lot of content, all of it is great. Wish there was more raceplay, but other than that, 10/10
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Review written Dec 27. 2024, on version v0.21.3.


    I'm a fan of HTML games, but I've long avoided the "real porn" genre. This is the second or third game I have tried to play that includes it as its main sexual content, and I never felt it was executed well in any of them. Since I'm not really a fan of it, this review may be biased in that respect.


    X-Change Life presents itself as the archetypal Twine simulator game, kin of which you've scrolled past thousands of times as a casual browser of this site. If you've played one of those, you probably have already played this game in some form or another, and you probably know what I'll complain about here.

    X-Change Life feels less like a game and more like a vehicle for porn GIFs and erotic sound effects. This is a fine purpose for a game -- not everything has to be intricate or have Shakespearean writing. The reason I've rated this game as low as I have is that X-Change Life takes porn and takes simulator game mechanics and puts it together for something that's less than the sum of its parts. Its game mechanics detract from the porn to the point where, even as a player of erotic games who prefers it to porn, I would prefer to just watch the video presented instead.

    Gameplay: Less than the Sum

    The mechanics of this game are your typical Twine fare. A few main stats (Fitness, Charm, and Intellect) define your character's strengths and weaknesses, allowing you better odds at passing d20 skill checks and granting you points to spend on in-game actions. I found the resource management of these points compelling - spending a Wit point from your Charm might make someone like you more, spending a Willpower point from your Intellect might allow you to resist temptation and focus on work, and they're impactful enough to make you think about whether you'll regret not having enough later.

    However, I did mention that there are aspects of the gameplay that just detract from the experience. "Good" gameplay and "bad" gameplay is a little bit of a fickle thing to explain, so instead of trying to be a game designer about it, I'll have you participate in an interactive exercise.

    I'm sure most of you reading have played Wordle before. I'd like you, for a moment, to open Pornhub on your phone and fire up your favorite video. Have you done that, yet? Good. Now open Wordle on your PC and start playing. Make sure to keep your dick in your hand.

    ...I hope this demonstrates my issue with the game's "minigame" design. This is a real minigame from X-Change Life, the one you play as an office secretary. I didn't play for long enough to witness the other ones, but based on the initial character creation settings of the game, one of them is Tetris. Right...

    Writing is Hard

    I get it. Writing compelling smut is a tricky thing. That being said, I enjoy the world of X-Change Life. Male to female transformation itself is something I'm neutral on. I enjoyed the idea of it as presented in the game, and I took the "X-Change pill" path to transform into more of a woman (you may only be an originally male protagonist) when I played the game. I've always been a sucker for the urban trope of a city with fewer laws and regulations in games -- I was a fan of Cyberpunk's Night City. It's no wonder that X-Change Life's modern, trendy, Florida-inspired (as I read it) Summer City initially pulled me in and immersed me.

    However, this brief immersion is deafeningly shattered immediately upon arriving at your relative's house where you'll be saying, with the corny-porny female voice-over blurting, "Wow, stepbro, you made it!".

    From here, the idea of Summer City quickly disintegrates away and you're left with writing on-par with or worse-than Pornhub. I suspect the game is so highly rated because, unlike most HTML porn-rips out there, this is porn-level writing by an English-speaking native rather than Cyrillic passed through Google Translate. Nevertheless, it is still porn-level writing with porn gifs in the background, and this fully kills off the point of the game for me. The only thing that X-Change Life adds to the porn (besides Wordle and Tetris) is the idea that the woman you're seeing get railed was originally male, so if you're into that enough, you might enjoy this game. I'm not, so it didn't.


    In conclusion, X-Change Life (despite its high rating and native-level writing) is the same linear realporn slop of which hundreds are published every month. I can recommend it to you if you're into MtF transformation enough that the other aspects I mentioned can be overlooked. But, for the average adult gamer, I recommend finding old-fashioned video porn (or finding a different game to spend your time on).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello. the game gets better every time. When i come back for every big updates. even the mods for the game too. its a great game. keep the good work up. cant wait to see how it will end. also if u are reading this all i want to put the game is good and its gets better. started at 1 tell now and its still getting better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game. The minigames are interesting. Imho a little bit more difference with the sex scenes would be much appreciated. Maybe several strip scenes or sales scenes. You should go away from one girl one pill, that would be solving this problem. Different scenes for the different minigames is the way to go. :)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I'd been avoiding the game since TSF/sexchanging is a big turnoff for me. Despite the prominence of X-Change, you can leapfrog almost all of the genderbending content via the included cheat menu by maxing femininity and play it like a Female Protagonist game.

    That said, the majority content in a "female playthrough" mostly constitutes either attempting to avoid or become the office slut. Your stepdad is pretty much the only single-dick event path in the game.

    What I did like was that it at least tried to use consistent character art via preset appearances which included things like appearance and race in character interactions which made it feel less superfluous in choosing your character's appearance.

    Maybe if it lets you just do a female character start and more non-slut/ification content I'd check it out. Otherwise, there wasn't much for me in it.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Sum Gi

    Want to love it but the writing is so dumb and "porny." I've just never understood why that's the default for so much western erotica. If you're just there to get your rocks of watching some people bone maybe that's fine, but if you actually have fetishes I don't understand why you wouldn't put the bare minimum effort into not smashing the fourth wall with stupid bs at every available opportunity.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    (4/7) Large collection of real life porn and a functional daily life simulator but no real long term character development

    You play a man in a city where there are pills that can turn you into a woman with various side effects.

    As far as MTF games go this one is remarkable in that it actually has several mechanics that deal with your acceptance of your transformation, although they don't really have a huge effect on the game they are nice from a narrative point of view.

    The game stands out because there are truly a lot of images. You can choose one of 8 or so characters to play, and each will have a corresponding female version which is a different pornstar fully implemented with images for clothes, sex scenes and daily life activities.

    You can also play as the other female versions by using a special machine. Some sex scenes are specific to a certain character.

    Unfortunately the game has some issues with progression. The main game loop is to go to work selling transformation pills where you will be required to sometimes try the pills to make a sale, each different pill giving you a minigame as a character exclusive to that pill.

    The second half of the game is a usual daily life simulator which you can play as a man or a woman depending of if you took some pills or not. The issue is that these two halves don't really interact and although you can become more okay with being a woman it doesn't really effect which sex scenes you get or unlock any new paths in either the work minigames or the regular life part of the game.

    Once you've played a minigame once you've pretty much seen all it has to offer. That includes the regular sex with strangers in the real life. You can unlock new positions but there's no real fetishes or even gloryholes to enjoy. You can pretty much see all the variety the game has to offer in that regard by sleeping with 1 guy.

    The developer also has an obsession with sticking minigames everywhere and almost all the work sex scenes have some bizarre puzzle to progress. You can disable most of them in the settings but a few are still forced on you.

    Overall I would say this game is worth a play just for the sheer volume of content it has fully animated and the overall production quality, but it's hard to see that it will become some masterpiece with another N minigames/scenes.

    Review for v0.21
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the cream of the crop when it comes to HTML games. The filtered and curated images make it feel less low effort than other HTML games and it features actual gameplay and multiple characters to choose from. The mods also enhance the experience and they come from a surprisingly active community.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    X-Change Life is a wild ride through body-swapping chaos and steamy romance. The art is vibrant and eye-catching, bringing its quirky characters to life in a way that’s both charming and a little cheeky. One of my favorites!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A good and interesting game.
    The concept is quite amusing and clearly targets certain fetishes.
    Mini-games and video clips fit perfectly into the gameplay.
    The only serious drawback is the tedious repetitive work, which also requires nerdy studying of different companies' "products" and customer requirements. If this part were more fun, it would be a true masterpiece!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    really good game, i follow it for some time now, and i love how it evolve and progress to become a really good game. Plus, the modding part after you play un bunch of time to avec a relly cool different game is also very cool
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Non-con lovers stay away, this game has none of it despite having options for enabling it. The pregnancy is also less satisfying than a game over CG. What little it does have in those areas hardly qualifies. There's also very little content for its age, especially given it's a paid subscription game using the easiest forms of art real porn, ai, and deepfakes. What you'll get is a very limited way to explore where you choose your destinations at the beginning of the day. At those places you can meet random hookups which play the same scenes. If you do what little exploration you can through dialogue then you can find one of the few unique scenes.

    Girls life is waaaaaaaaay more complete than this and I'd still rather play it after seeing everything GL has few times over already. I like that you get a consistent look and portraits, but it's not worth the lack of content. It falls apart in many places anyway such as the secretary job, or the maid, where you're forced to transform into a specific person.