Unity - Completed - Yahtzee girl [Final] [Snappixgames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I love Yahtzee, not exactly this version of it but this can work. BUT WHY CAN I NOT SPEED IT UP, at least her moves. Sister and I play a game faster than me and a damn program. Just, let me skip and show me what she got in the end. Jiggling boobs and sounds get boring enough when you have to win a bunch of times to unlock scenes.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The AI is absolutely rigged, you gain almost nothing even from a win, and it takes like 3 hours before the first scene even happens. Think I won't notice how miraculously the AI gets a yahtzee every time I'm about to beat them?

    A loss gains you close to nothing and a win barely wins you more than the loss.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Its a chinese shovelware game. There isn't much content here and the AI cheats. The H scenes are also very limited and not worth the grind. On the bright side, it explains how to play yahtzee very well so its not all bad.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This looked interesting. I play yahtzee on cardgames.io frequently. I win about 68% of the time there, playing quickly.

    That doesn't happen on this. It took some experimenting, but I'm completely convinced this game has "rubber banding" for difficulty. The better you do, the better she does. If you jump out ahead too fast, she will get a yahtzee to catch up. If you play like garbage, she will too.

    Using my typical playstyle, I average one yahtzee every two games, which is better than I should be doing. She averages one and a half yahtzees every game, which is insanely lucky.

    Graphics are neat, but the core of this is throwing dice. (If there are H scenes, they're hidden behind hours of grind.) To the dev, you shouldn't have manipulated the RNG on a dice game. Shame on you.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Casual gambling game.
    Game play is easy, and repetitive. AI has a good algorithm and without a strategy or luck would be difficult to win it.

    Game has 2 female characters with Live2D Animations (each have action, stand buy, emotions animations, and 2 sex scenes with several steps in scene)

    To open sex scenes you need just play and farm points.
    I would be glad, if game will reward a player win by fast-forwarding a full segment for sex scene (like 1 win = 1 sex scene gained). But win has same impact as a loose — just adds up scored points.

    + Game was made with auto-translator therefore support many languages.
    - But 4gb for 2 Live2D characters and kinda poor gallery, it is too much...
    - No player effor reward, and mostly luck based.
    + May to teach you play a dice game Yantzee
    + Well make arts and SFX
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Yahtzee girl [Final]

    The game tends to be quite repetitive, as it consists of raising the affinity bar of the girl as you play, but this growth is very slow and is performing the same mechanics continuously, you can be 1 hour playing until you can see a scene H, in addition, you can not accelerate the speed of the game, and since it goes by turns, you spend half the game waiting without being able to do anything, which makes it very boring.

    The graphics are very neat, it is very nice to look at and the animations and lighting gives a positive boost to the game, although sometimes it takes a while to load the game.

    The hentai section is good, although unfortunately it takes a long time to get the scenes. Although it has little variety and quantity of images, it has good quality images, with animations and uncensored.

    I would say that the game is average, with a different and faster gameplay and a little more quantity of scenes it could have been a very good game.

    I give this game a 6.0 out of 10.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I would give it 2,5 star but because the graphic are pretty good.
    The main problem with this game is the amount of how many games you need to play. Yahtzee is cool but playing it for straight 2 hours or something because you can't skip animations or enemy rolling takes some time. Good part is you can lose and it doesn't rly matter because the points you got change to affinity with the heroine. If you have 2 monitors i recommend to make your turn and swap to second screen xD
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I think yahtzee is a pretty entertaining game so I didn't hate having to play some 15-20 rounds of it, but this may be a problem for some people.

    There is quite a limited amount of content (2 girls, each of which has a foreplay/3rd base scene and a proper sex scene) and it seems the animation was either poorly coded or was AI assisted as the jiggle physics are kinda scuffed.

    However, I thought the actual sex scenes you do unlock after playing with each of the 2 girls were good and I think they've been drawn decently.

    I have also experienced the last turn bug where the AI just hangs which is kinda annoying but I only experienced it once. Assuming minimum case I played 15 rounds, a 1/15 chance of it happening isn't the best but it's not deal breaking.

    Overall, not the worst way I've spent an evening but far from the best either.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The vast majority of the game's CGs are in the preview images of this post. There are only 2 girls, and you have to play like 20 games of Yahtzee to unlock everything. If you really enjoy Yahtzee, it's a fun little game. But it's a lot of grinding for very little content.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Not On My Watch

    This game is fairly underwhelming.

    I don't mind Yahtzee as a game and I can certainly see the appeal in making an H-game variant of one. However, the few rewards given by this game are insufficient for the amount of time you have to put in to unlock them.
    Now of course, regardless of whether you win or not, the points you accumulate at the end of each game go towards that girls affection.

    The biggest problem with the game is that there is a reoccurring bug that occurs on the AI's last turn. If their last turn has one of the bottom categories remaining (ex. three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, etc) and they manage to satisfy the requirement for that last category that in their 1st or 2nd roll, the AI is unable to make a decision to either take a score or reroll, and thus the game is softlocked. The occurs regardless of whether you are winning or not. In the dozen or so rounds I played, this happened at least 4 times.

    Considering the art reward to gametime ratio achieved by a lot of other simple puzzle and board games, this one feels lackluster in comparison.