VN - Ren'Py - Yesterday's Crossroads - Chapter 2 [v0.3.1] [CHAQUINN0]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yesterday's Crossroads blew me away. Correction: It is still blowing me away because I'm still playing/reading it! I was simply too impressed and excited to wait so I am writing this review now before I forget. The writing is simply stellar. The dialogue is realistic and well thought-out. There are no silly VN tropes here. CHAQUINN0 is a pure professional. I cannot praise this story enough!

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually judge visual novels on: art, story and character development, music and animation (in that order). This scores highly in each of the buckets! Only wished the updates were a bit faster. One of the projects that I am supporting at the moment!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't wrap my head around this one.

    The renders are looking pretty, but the sex scene I witnessed with my Asian love was dull and uninspiring. I'm unsure if it’s because of the animation being laggy or just… because?
    The same feeling I have is with the story, too – yes, the level of English is great, but… how do you think you’d feel when your loved one comes back a year later with a sob story of a cruel papa not letting her date you? Boo-hoo. I know, right? Boring… Cliché.
    Why was the scooter introduced? Again, another cliché moment – you’ll probably be giving it back to your precious loved one next chapter.
    There is something “anti-hot” about this game and it just kept nagging me while I was writing the review. It wants to be a lot of things, but somewhat fails to deliver that currently.
    The MC is surprisingly… not irritating. At least, he doesn’t seem to have an erectile dysfunction *coughs*
    Anyways, I’ll let the dev cook it further, but as of now – could have been more spicy and interesting.
    Four stars just because I'm curious about the next chapter, but honestly should have been a three here.

    (As of v0.3.0)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So far top class, top notch animations , very good story. Well made renders , feels like being part of it. Looking forward for next updates. Deserved 5stars. Wish you all the best, tons of ideas and perserverance in making it till the last render.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Above average, but that's just chapter one, it could get worse or better.

    It's at the beginning, so there aren't many points to be evaluated.

    Good graphics and renders.

    The story seems to be innovative and unique.

    However, kim and keyla ruin the game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    In all aspects, this is a rather well made game, but in all aspects imperfect.

    The story is rather decent, mostly interesting. But after the prologue and chapter 1 I'm still not in love with the game (or with any of the characters really). The 1st chapter feels like it's still Prologue. Girls and events are still being introduced, but not much captivating development is happening.

    The characters are mostly lovely, but not quite so. Keyla's behavior isn't well justified (though later I might figure that there could be some dark-ish emotional reasons there). And another woman, seriously, who would sacrifice real love for career? I don't know about Korean workaholics, but in my Fatherland she would be considered a crazy bitch who doesn't know love. (Though again, I can understand: maybe that love was not as mutual as MC thought).

    Models are pretty, but what's that with Kim's nose? Most of models seem to lack a bit of final touch that would make them truly beautiful.

    Renders are OK, but there are few blemishes like black visual artifacts on a face etc.

    Animations are short and shot from bad angles. 3D modeled semblances of sex organs moving a bit back-forth is not what I call a sexy scene.

    All in all, it's a lot of good job invested, but not quite enough. Still, I'm thinking it's an interesting game and waiting for updates.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good start. The renders are of very good quality.
    The music is well chosen and not the stuff you hear everywhere else.
    But the real winner is the story. It is top notch and well told, very emotional.
    I will rate the first chapter 5/5, because I really have nothing to complain.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game with heavy stories. It was pleasant read. MC is smart, handsome and interesting. its rare to have a such good MC in AVNs. LIs are also interesting and beautiful. Each of them have a heavy background and we still don't know their stories yet.

    On technical side renders are top notch and osts are perfectly selected.
    My hope would be, that we can shape MC career path as well
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good game. It will hit you in the feels at multiple points. If you've had any family pass from medical issues, be ready for this.

    The models are attractive, the story is well written and I'm looking forward to more. Definitely subbing to their Patreon.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good and promising that made me write my first review. This is actually what I've been searching for a long time, this site is full of games that revolve around incest and harem, and Yesterday's Crossroads is something totally different. This is a story about a guy who has suffered some trauma is his life and is just trying to bonce back from this trauma, and in this road to recovery his going to find some beautiful girls that you can have relantionships with. The game is still early in development but already have so much good content and a good amount of choices. I wish the developer good luck in this project, this game has everything to become one of the best games of this site.
    PS.: Sorry for any grammar errors, English is not my native language
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 207916

    Chapter 1

    For its first release game is really good. I would give 5/5 score but that i might do later. The story element is really well done that, even this game is in early stage, i recommend everyone to give it a try. Character models are also fine but to me personally i do like when MC looks fine as well, not generic or where other male characters look better than MC. The game is choice based so it's up to you how you want to play it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't normally touch harem titles but this one looked good so I jumped in. Like all harems you spend a lot of time meeting gorgeous girls that are almost all single and all have a crush on the mc... The one that isn't single is in a relation with you best friend and also loves you... Everything is so obvious it breaks the immersion for me and that's why I don't touch harems.
    Personal feelings aside, the dev at least gave us a good story and everything is clean.
    I simply can't give it 5 stars as I think it's a waste of a good story.
    I'll probably check the next update too.

    Chapter 1 [v0.2.1]

    Thank you and good luck.

    P.S. I think the MC dyes his hair black...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Another Game that looks really promising. Obviously there isnt too much to say yet since its only the first Update but so far i enjoyed it a lot.
    The Visuals are pretty great the Game overall has a good look to it and seems to be very consistent in quality. The Women do look very good and there is variety so you can go after the girl you like.
    Storywise it will be interesting to see where this goes, the start so far is really good filled with emotion glimpses of future events and an overall wonder how the story will progress. With that kind of story there is the possibility that it could get boring or that how the breakup thing is handled will be bad like her just coming back or her not playing a role anymore at all. But it also has great potential and ill be happy to see where this is going
    So far there arent any choices to make so we will have to wait and see in what way you will be able to influence the game. The Soundtrack is great tho.

    So overall id say definetly worth checking out this could become a great game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    ok it started pretty good, so good that i added it already on my fav list but the more i see from it the less i like it. you have no real choice or changes in the character behaviors AT ALL!

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    either remove the small amount of decisions and give it a kinetic novel tag or make it visible that the choices the player picked get noticed by the characters!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like everything for now but I hope there will be no ntr or abandon.for story.. I don't know. I surely want some wholesomeness. I think that's all. I don't necessarily need quick updates but at least I hope this doesn't get abandon or on hold.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    There's not very much to rate here, but leaving 5 Stars because I think this has some great potential and should gain some traction. A gloomy start but promises a strong story moving forward.

    • Renders are really good
    • Animations are also on the higher end
    • Story seems very promising, looking forward to reading more
    • The LIs that are being teased look absolutely stunning, can't wait to really meet them
    • Can't really point out a negative, guess there are no choices yet but that's hardly a problem
    I definitely have this one on my radar, could see myself as a patron of the dev if the next update is as good as this one.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked it the tone and pace was great. Renders are solid and I'm just really digging the vibes.

    If the game sticks with the LI's introduced so far would be good balance to give enough good depth. Too many LI's not only is less believable but tends to make each one more shallow.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I have high hopes for this VN. The dev chose heartbreak as the foundation for their VN. I'm surprised that this isn't more common in a medium based mostly upon romance. I love the characters in the limited time we get to see them in the prologue and would love to see more of them.

    There is a lot of content for a prologue and it sets the tone & expectations well. As for the technical aspects, the character models look great, the lighting is very well done and the whole thing looks excellent.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely a cut above your average first release, several cuts even.

    The visuals are stunning, it's probably one of the best looking VNs out there. The girls look great, no exaggerated proportions or uncanny valleys, even the men look realistic and grounded.

    The sound is fine, I always find it hard to judge audio but if I had to give it an adjective I would use "adequate".

    The story seems intriguing, if a bit cliché. Still, I was interested the whole way through and I'm invested enough to keep an eye on the version number. There are, however, definitely some pacing issues. Scenes begin and end without any sort of lead up, which can be quite confusing. That's really the reason it doesn't get 5 stars; there's a problem with the flow of the story, it needs a few minor scenes to interconnect what we're seeing.

    Still, none of this should dissuade anyone from trying it. I thoroughly enjoyed my time, I just think it can be even better.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Canto Forte

    This game is fast paced and still a jigsaw of small interactions and tid bits of action laying the puddle of low self esteem and auto-pilot friends from where the player character would rise and make something of a story worth gaming.
    Good looking people, nice proportions, intriguing honeys, mean social interactions, girl supremacy - there is even a black widdow, in your face, female spider on to eating MC up scene in this game.

    MC has a dagger in his heart, because girls seem to only use him,
    jumping ship at the very first whim - one dumped him for a guy, the next dumped him for a job, pretty clueless the MC is not engaging with anyone outside of blending in.

    The bum joke is really hurtful why she chose the other guy,
    but then he was strung along, but the fact in a group some broad chooses some guy, not the other, well, the other is left outside, alone, the plus one who would never find anyone meaningful, because everyone found somebody else in the group.

    Finding enough lack of self esteem to still be around people who clearly do not value him,
    MC needs to put on his big hung chad pants and start looking around making his own plans,
    being the +1 in some broads plans left him hurt and alone thus far.

    Something to look forward to in the next installments.