This game is basically an interactive gallery.
SFW Art Quality
Backgrounds / Environment, Icons, UI, Character Designs (Depends), Visual Effects, etc.
Basically anything unrelated to the actual NSFW Content
3 / 5
It looks fine enough. The environments aren't bad, but they aren't particularly eye-pleasing either.
NSFW Art Quality
CGs, Scenes, Sex-Appealing Character Designs, etc.
Anything designed to get the blood (and hand) pumping.
3 / 5
While the characters are definitely appealing with good proportions, the "vagina stink" was off-putting, to put it bluntly. I also am not a fan of pubic hair, but I'm not really counting this since that's definitely a personal-taste thing.
That being said, perhaps I am just incompetent, but I couldn't actually figure how to get any NSFW content? I was able to get them to strip, and was able to rotate them and touch them a bit, but I couldn't progress past that. So I can't really comment on anything that was actually involved.
Animation Quality
How good are the animations?
1 / 5
Unfortunately, this game has the "animated" tag while not actually having any animations.
There are images of different "states", like talking has the mouth open, and there are a 2 or 3 frames for when they take off their clothes (I think), but this (in my humble opinion) does not count as being animated.
It's fine to not be animated, but it should not be advertised as such, since people use tags to search for specific things (which is how I ended up playing it in the first place).
If I notice that the animated tag has been removed, I will edit and remove this section of my review and update the score.
Audio Quality
Music, Actions, UI, Sex Sounds, etc.
Anything that comes through my headphones.
1 / 5
Most of the game is devoid of sound effects, and the ones that play are the default ones provided by RPGM.
Gameplay Quality
While a truly great H-Game prioritizes the Game over the H, I am more lenient than I would be with non-H-Games since we all know what we’re here for, after all…
2 / 5
The gameplay is lacking. You click on the characters, getting responses, and making progress if you click on the "right" thing at the time.
Points for there being interactions for different parts, and for there being a sequence / method, but it's really just a glorified gallery (if even that).
Writing Quality
Setting, Story, Dialogue, etc.
Pretty much any text.
3 / 5
Effort was made to establish and maintain in the premise. It is clearly translated, but I don't mind that.
There isn't much of an over-arching story, but that's fine for this kind of game.
SFW Art Quality
Backgrounds / Environment, Icons, UI, Character Designs (Depends), Visual Effects, etc.
Basically anything unrelated to the actual NSFW Content
3 / 5
It looks fine enough. The environments aren't bad, but they aren't particularly eye-pleasing either.
NSFW Art Quality
CGs, Scenes, Sex-Appealing Character Designs, etc.
Anything designed to get the blood (and hand) pumping.
3 / 5
While the characters are definitely appealing with good proportions, the "vagina stink" was off-putting, to put it bluntly. I also am not a fan of pubic hair, but I'm not really counting this since that's definitely a personal-taste thing.
That being said, perhaps I am just incompetent, but I couldn't actually figure how to get any NSFW content? I was able to get them to strip, and was able to rotate them and touch them a bit, but I couldn't progress past that. So I can't really comment on anything that was actually involved.
Animation Quality
How good are the animations?
1 / 5
Unfortunately, this game has the "animated" tag while not actually having any animations.
There are images of different "states", like talking has the mouth open, and there are a 2 or 3 frames for when they take off their clothes (I think), but this (in my humble opinion) does not count as being animated.
It's fine to not be animated, but it should not be advertised as such, since people use tags to search for specific things (which is how I ended up playing it in the first place).
If I notice that the animated tag has been removed, I will edit and remove this section of my review and update the score.
Audio Quality
Music, Actions, UI, Sex Sounds, etc.
Anything that comes through my headphones.
1 / 5
Most of the game is devoid of sound effects, and the ones that play are the default ones provided by RPGM.
Gameplay Quality
While a truly great H-Game prioritizes the Game over the H, I am more lenient than I would be with non-H-Games since we all know what we’re here for, after all…
2 / 5
The gameplay is lacking. You click on the characters, getting responses, and making progress if you click on the "right" thing at the time.
Points for there being interactions for different parts, and for there being a sequence / method, but it's really just a glorified gallery (if even that).
Writing Quality
Setting, Story, Dialogue, etc.
Pretty much any text.
3 / 5
Effort was made to establish and maintain in the premise. It is clearly translated, but I don't mind that.
There isn't much of an over-arching story, but that's fine for this kind of game.