RPGM - Completed - You Won't Take Her Away from My Side [Final] [Attis Game]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    its an alright 1 hour game. it has a lot of flaws like buggy gameplay, poor translation, incorrect graphics, clipping through buildings, and more. Artsyle is ok, the scenes arent animated and just stills with little to no audio. However game seems to have some passion, the story, though kinda predictable, is well made and can be improved upon in future releases. If this is the creator's first game, then i have high hopes for future games of this genre.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It is exactly what it looks like in preview screens.
    It's linear game in rpg maker, that looks like shit, plays like shit, with shitty story that is not translated in some places and with map where you can walk on walls/furniture with the ability get yourself stuck if you are trying to fast forward.
    I can say without any doubt that this is a waste of time to download and play it.