Your favourite game setting

Favourite setting

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Jan 27, 2022
I guess fanatsy, but it's such a blanket term for many things, I like it when it's something original, not just yet another Tolkien/D&D or typical fantasy Anime isekai rip-off. Something with as less as possible of all that fantasy setting Clichés, Which is hard very hard to find, so i guess the dark fantasy/grimdark setting would be second best then.


May 28, 2017
For me it would be modern day classical Europe, stuff like Lucca where there's streets that have been there hundreds of years, but also a club that just opened a year prior, it has a castle but also a busline. So basically a historical setting but not taking place in the past. Or Carcassonne, it has wide 6 lane roads, but also a city wall that's hundreds of years old and you can imagine knights patrolling the grounds and the walls, but it also has very modern underground parking garages. I think it could be a fun setting to be in a place where it's easy to think back to the past of the place, rather than actually being back in the past when all of it was new.

If I try to pick something from your poll, I would say family villa on the coast/on an island. Large pretty rooms, a sea breeze through open doors and a few steps from white sands with a few more steps into the sea/ocean. None of these settings truly bother me and I could probably enjoy a game set in any, but depending on the setting it may need to work harder to convince me.

And I remember what the girls were like at my college, and it was quite immature, to the point it felt like we were all just adult kids. So college girls do little for me generally. Now if it was about trying to fuck all the soccer moms in the PTA as the gym teacher, and you don't deal with any students during the game, or they are just there as a way to get to the mother/aunt/guardian/moms/social worker? Sure. Any setting can work, and nothing will work for everyone. But true originality can't be found in anything so broad as the setting, so you'd have to set it apart with mechanics, graphics or story, or a mix of the three.

What if there's a psychotic bitch that you want to hate fuck, and her love language is dead pidgeons? I imagine it wouldn't make for a great character, but it would be memorable at least, regardless if she's in college, a villa or on an island.


May 21, 2022
Dark fantasy / dark Sci-fi for me. Something gritty and real. I was just reading the Black Company books, and now I can’t get it out of my head for dark setting. Maybe from the perspective of one of the mercenaries. Or play as the daughter of an innkeeper and your life changes when dark forces come to town.
My head is spinning with ideas, lol.
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Dev FitB Games
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2018
Dark fantasy / dark Sci-fi for me. Something gritty and real. I was just reading the Black Company books, and now I can’t get it out of my head for dark setting. Maybe from the perspective of one of the mercenaries. Or play as the daughter of an innkeeper and your life changes when dark forces come to town.
My head is spinning with ideas, lol.
Black Company! Haven't read those in decades. Great series of books.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
For writing I enjoy Urban Fantasy a lot; the mix of modern day setting and a world of magic co-existing is a lot of fun, and you end up with fun ways various aspects of the super-natural interacts with the real world we all understand.

I feel high fantasy sometimes gets disconnected without something to anchor it from; urban fantasy lets you put down roots in shared culture and look at everyday things we all know in new ways.

I'm obviously a fan of books like Dresden Files, Changeling Saga, etc, but I think another (underrated) series that do something of the same from a different angle is Atrocity Archives by , about a young programmer that accidentally tries to summon Cthulhu, and gets hired by an exceedingly bureaucratic british magical management agency. Having to fill in form 32B-A before preventing the end of the world adds a sweet surreal touch to everything.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
For writing I enjoy Urban Fantasy a lot; the mix of modern day setting and a world of magic co-existing is a lot of fun, and you end up with fun ways various aspects of the super-natural interacts with the real world we all understand.
Urban Arcana was, no-joke, one of my favorite things Wizards of the Coast ever made.
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Droid Productions

[Love of Magic]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Dark fantasy / dark Sci-fi for me. Something gritty and real. I was just reading the Black Company books, and now I can’t get it out of my head for dark setting. Maybe from the perspective of one of the mercenaries. Or play as the daughter of an innkeeper and your life changes when dark forces come to town.
My head is spinning with ideas, lol.
There's a couple of decent Dark Fantasy stories on the site.

Roman-style dark fantasy, translates to Woe to the Conquered.

Seeds of Chaos is a story about the hero being enslaved. It's got quite a lot of optional NTR, but it's dark as hell

Kingdom of Deception charts a girl's journey from captured orcish sex-slave to warlord.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Hmm, a poll for our favorite genre, one for our favorite fetishes...

Are you expecting that the <0.01% who will answer your polls will open you the gate to the successful game ?


Game Developer
May 21, 2023
I voted for island, simply because it's the closest one to the content of the game I am making. "Historical" might be an option to add to the poll for games which may not fit into the fantasy setting, as they want to be historically accurate (as far as possible).


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
My favorite game settings? :unsure:
Music off and Text Speed on maximum!

That's what we're talking about, right? :sneaky:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
None of these are anywhere near specific enough to be interesting in their own right. For example is the island a Lord of the Flies type deal or just Mallorca? Does the "fantasy" setting have magic crystal smartphones or spaceships?

I just want to vote against "college" because it's boring and overdone, and probably "family villa" too because it sounds like a generic incest trope. But even there inheriting a haunted mansion full of horny ghosts could be a fun pitch while not really fitting into the "fantasy" bucket.
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