Your realization time for "Patreon Acquires F95zone"


Feb 1, 2020
1st of all, Happy April Fools day.
Logging into the site, I'm sure many got a shock with the announcement.
I was no exception, my sleepy mind truly believing for a second that the 'acquisition' was real.
Then ofc I looked at the date.

But, what makes this a well designed prank is that there's a lot of details on the 'news' website that show it to be fake, from the fake menu
to the various typos & finally certain sentences/terms, which become apparent to be unlike a professional patreon release.

So share your experiences with this April Fools prank, whether you fell for it & for how long. Or just brag about how you were ready for it & were never fooled.
Either way, share your experiences & remember to wish everyone a Happy April Fools day (whether that involves getting fooled a lot or not falling for a single prank I leave up to each individual to decide)

I'll go 1st:
I was initially fooled (I was still sleepy & I don't usually have a big impression of 1st April).
But my realization came reading the quote from the 'Chief Coomercial Officer'. The typo, coupled with the wish of having 'colorful':ROFLMAO: ntr discussions - made me realise it was most likely fake, so I pressed the fake menu & got confirmation it wasn't a legit website.
After that I glanced at the date pretty much immediately & had a laugh.

It waa a good one :LOL:(y)
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New Member
Jan 27, 2021
I was really scared at the start... I mean, Patreon politics are... not good, but an hour later I did read the article and I came to the realization after reading the "including games, art, fiction, and various types of digital cuckoldry" ...that last part doesn't sound like something Patreon would say xD.
Here in my country we don't have April fool's day (we celebrate it 12/28) but I did learn some things from the internet haha. But yeah, I forgot anyway lol. Plus it was still 3/31 here, so it was cheating!
It was a good prank altogether. Happy April fool's Day!


Nov 17, 2018
Took me a solid ten seconds, then I clued in almost immediately.
And this after I nearly lambasted someone else for making a major game announcement at like, 11:30 PM local.


Dev FitB Games
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2018
I first saw the announcement on Discord, as I had an alert there. Knew it was a joke as soon as I read the headline. The staff here cracks on Patreon all the time, so I had no doubt this was fake.


Feb 1, 2021
Was supermad and disappointed for a sec but while naming the screenshot I suddenly remembered the date, then there was a big sigh of relief BUT THEN I clicked on the "nEwS" forum and got fooled once again cuz I didn't really read it and thought "damn it this isn't a April Fools' joke afterall". Then I finally calmed down once I saw the comments on a reddit post including the "Chief Coomercial Officer" part lol. Probably the best prank I've ever witnessed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
It took me a second when I read the announcement, but realized what day it was and laughed. This was a good one.
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Apr 16, 2021
Took me 30 seconds or so. It might not look much, but it looked like an eternity when I was flabbergasted. First april fools shit I fall for in years because I forgot the date LMFAO. The incredibly well-designed website certainly didn't help either(although my browser did warn me it wasn't really Patreon)


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
I read that Palworld Dating Game news and after that I already realized its this day again, so it took me like 3 seconds.


Oct 15, 2018
OK you got me. I totally fell for it for maybe 20 very, very long seconds. Then I was still anxious to verify it was a joke
for a while after that. Luckily sometimes the "denial" part of the "stages of acceptance" thing (shock,denial,anger,bargaining,
blahblah) actually works out. Making a whole fake web site for it with its own domain was pretty crafty.

hate you guys :love:


Jan 9, 2024
I was initially fooled.
I clicked on the link and read the entire thing but the more I've read the more it looked like that something was off.

I have to say, this was one of the best April's fools jokes Ive seen in a long time.


New Member
Jun 12, 2021
You got me, even after pranking several friends i forgot what todays date is entirely! :D
Hate you guys <3


May 30, 2017
yeah no it took me like 15mins. i was thinking about how that would even work and all the content that would be deleted. however, i figured they were tired of the site. then i'm wondering what site to replace this one with.
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The Sanguine Wolf

New Member
Feb 17, 2024
My first reaction as i logged in and saw the gigantic banner was... NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!:WutFace: NO!!!! F*** No!!!:FacePalm:
Then i started reading the article, when i got to the digital cuckoldry, i was like ehh?? And then i remembered today is April fools at Coomercial....!:HideThePain::HideThePain:
NGL, they had us in the first half... :WeSmart::LUL: