Unreal Engine - Yuna: Reborn [v0.3.86a Patreon] [Horn]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been enjoying playing this game and it's updates on and off for over a year. At this current point in the games development (0.3.68) it's a pretty decent game and I eagerly look forward to more. Something I particularly appreciate is the showcasing of multiple fetishes (and more than just vag and anal) without playing into / falling into the cringe that tends to come with it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting concept of the game with medieval, fantasy, and modern mix to it. As graphics and atmosphere is nice, the combat lacks balance and faster pace to it, especially for the player.

    — Graphics are great, expected for an Unreal Engine game.
    — Character customization is small, but adequate.
    — Vast types of skills.
    — Animations are smooth and subtle, both H and everything else.
    — Slightly optimized, can run it on high with 1080 and i7-9700k
    — Music is enjoyable, but not a lot of it in the game.
    — Intriguing inventory management.
    — Extensive crafting system which allows you to craft almost anything from junk.

    — Small inventory space, hoping for some sort of bag or backpack in the future to get more space with the engineering ability.
    — Unexplained controls, especially when grabbed, as the game doesn't show any tooltip on how to escape as grab.
    — No option to break instead of draining health/stamina off the enemy in H mini-game.
    — Overexaggerating amount of enemies, especially with how slow Judy is.
    — Enemies usually ignore any stagger done by the melee and gun ability that gets enemies staggered when their limbs are broken.
    — Inability to switch weapons while aiming.
    — Lag when camera collides with the character.
    — Lag when enemies are spawning in flocks.
    — Random freezes. Can't really tell why, but surely not a PC problem.
    — Nothing is voiced, but it isn't much of an issue.

    Overall below average as I found slightly more cons than pros, but the game is still enjoyable. I will be patient to see where this game goes, as this review will change.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Church the Cat

    Needs full controller support. As it is currently, only the left stick functioned. Gameplay looked like it could be enjoyable, if only us controller users could control it. Other than that, the H-scenes still need work. As they sit, they are short basic animations that remind me of the early SFM porn days. For now, a 3/5 is suitable, until the aforementioned improvements are implemented.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great dev and great game, constant updates and growing community. Bugs reports are taken seriously and communication with dev is quick.
    Dev focuses on good main story and h-animations which are done very well.
    Game is developing really fast taking into consideration that dev has worse conditions than many other devs that are doing far less work.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very fun game, full of all the fun fetishes and decent 3rd person gameplay. The lack of body hair options is the only downside to an otherwise stellar game. Since it's inception, the game as undergone several upgrades and has proven worthy of the 5 star review.
    Likes: Yabba
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun tech demo so far. You have a story mode with two missions and you can just screw around, do whatever. Then you have arena mode, which is an endless wave survival mode. There's also a character editor that lets you customize your female mc, my only complaint is that I wish the boobs could be made larger, but I guess it's so it doesn't clip through the clothes. There's quite a lot of sex positions with the zombies, you can take off any of your MC's clothes. There's a skill tree, which unlocks more health, stamina, and a lot more. You have a lewd skill tree, which unlocks sex positions, and makes sex more effective. What I mean by that is there is a little mini game that happens when you have sex.

    Once you unlock all the different types of sex moves, you choose which is effective against the zombie you're screwing (they have preferences) then you press A and D. After the bar falls to halfway, you can press space and it starts the second part of the animation and you can repeat pressing A and D.

    One down side is the game is not optimized that well, so you'll need a pretty strong PC to play the game on good settings. However, you can change a lot of the performance settings, so you can definitely make it playable if you mess around with them. Another con is that zombies can hit and stun lock you to death, it's very annoying. You can press V and make it to where zombies do grab only attacks, which makes it more bearable.

    In conclusion, it does have a lot of bugs and issues, but it has such good graphics and potential that it deserves a decent rating.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Character editor lacks depth, gameplay is painful, systems are boring, models look terrible, poorly optimized. I wanted to like this game since I enjoy shooter H games but there are much better ones. Leaving 2 stars instead of 1 because at least it seems the dev is working to improve the game, so things could get better but there is certainly A LOT of work to be done here.
  8. 1.00 star(s)



    it's almost funny how bad this "game" is, even with current patch as of 2023.12.20. it's not even a game. this will never be good and it will be soon abandoned because there was so many patches already and it's still utter garbage with same problems i said below


    patch 0.1.040 (16.09)

    as of right now this game is superbad.

    as with usual 3d fighter games, it runs very badly. slow, low fps. you probably need a supercomputer to run it.

    the game is so bad, i can't wrap my head around how bad devs are at making porn 3d shooter games. no tutorial/info about controls(or it's hard to find), you cant see your remaining ammo clips (or hard to find, it's not shown on your main screen). ofc you see your "ammo" but not the clips, so you dont know if you can reload or not. ammo is scarce. you start a new game and you cannot even get much further a million zombie and barely any ammunition.

    boringly few enemy types, at least zombies have 4-5 (or more?) scenes. but so far all solo scenes. (sometimes you can click for other zombies to "join" but a lot of times it doesnt pop off)

    anyway, gameplay is 0/5. less than 1/5. unplayable. so bad.

    sex scenes are okayish, but with how badly the game is optimised, not worth the effort. camera control is garbage too, restrain escape again no explanation about it and it's bad. (ok during game there is a small "?" mark and it explains the stuff during the rape WHERE you are supposed to fast press A-D etc... here it's different.)

    you cant even see your HP. this game is just utter garbage. if this was the FIRST release, i would be like: fine, seems like it has good potential. but this had many patches and the game is in such garbage state still, so there is no potential here. game is just utter trash and dev has no idea how to make games despite even 5 year olds would know that main screen should show hp and ammo and ammo clips. fking basics which 60year old games could even manage to do but these modern porn game devs cant seem to get.

    i wish it was possible to give this 0/5 because it's so ass.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: Base 0.2.65a, PATCH: 0.1.040a public

    REVIEW: Apocalypse sci-fi zombie survival shooter game with sex (rape?): 4/5. Comparing to other games "of this type" on f95 and having in mind this is Early Access.
    Game has nice char editor, story mode and actually good arena (enemy waves) game modes. Includes "gallery" mode to view selected porn scenes. Solid foundations with interesting mechanics both in combat and porn section. Sure, things can be improved - as they seem to do because dev does provide regular meaningful updates. Fact is the shooting/survival is already relatively good, and the porn delivers what you need ;) Honestly looking forward to next updates and more content. Stay safe and please continue developing the game!

    Below are some thoughts and feedback about the game. In no particular order. Free flow notes whilst gaming over several days. Not a finite list, but it grew way too large already anyway. Hopefully some will be useful.

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  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I have been looking for a game that is like this for a while. A bit of time in the oven and some polish it'll be amazing. All in all it is fun. Cant wait to see where it goes.

    The good:
    Hit boxes are fine
    shooting is good
    inventory management is realistic
    H scenes are good.

    The unpolished:
    Voice acting would be nice.
    Better SFX would be great.
    More questlines and stuff related to skills would be great.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    What is this ?

    It's a combat focused game where ammo is scarce so you have to make your shots count.​
    Enemies will either try to hit you (lowering your HP) or grab you to initiate an H scene. Which out of the two happens is based on random chance and enemy type (You can enable always grab).​
    While in an H scene the enemy will begin to lose HP and will become "stunned" after he orgasms, making for an easy melee kill. You can speed up this process by tapping A+D+Space, it will however cost you stamina.​
    There are two game modes, Story and Arena:

    This is your classic "kill waves of enemies" where every wave has more and stronger enemies to deal with.​
    There are 3 difficulties to choose from and it serves as a great way to learn the combat and leveling up mechanics.​
    Ammo is scattered all across the map and respawns frequently, so you don't have to worry about it as much as you do in story mode.​
    Killing enemies in his mode gives you currency with which you can buy better weapons and armor.​
    You can quit at any wave you wish, the game will remember the last wave you reached.​

    Story has quests and (big shock) follows a narrative. What's different here however is now you have to keep an eye on your ammo, as you will quickly find yourself without any, especially in the beginning.​
    Unlike Arena, you will have to scavenge scraps for parts to be able to craft more ammo.​
    The story is being still a work in progress, and there aren't a lot of quests, but currently there's a good 3 or 4 hours of things to do.​

    The Good:
    • Character Customization
    • Gameplay mechanics are deep, multiple skill trees, abilities, crafting
    • H animations have quality and variety (holes actually stretch instead of being clipped through)
    • The graphics are good
    • Game has FSR for lower end systems
    The Meh:
    • Breaking free from enemies is not a consistent A+D button tapping, it's randomized. So instead of looking at H scene you look at buttons
    • There are still some things that need to be fixed like quest waypoints showing strange/wrong path
    • I wish there was a small tutorial explaining how some things work
    • Only one Arena map so far
    • Story mode in the beginning has more enemies than there is ammo, there needs to be more balance or difficulty settings IMO.
    The developer constantly drops updates and fixes, I think it has potential!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Mixed feelings about this game.
    There are many bugs that can ruin your experience so I'll start with bugs and cons.
    The bad:
    - the MC's face, unlike the body, is just ugly. There is a character editor but I couldn't create something decent-looking.
    - camera during sex animations can go crazy and start turning around, spinning in weird directions when you move it. It happens only after you point the camera directly up or down, after that it starts acting out.
    - very very low stamina. Yes, you can upgrade it with skill points but there are so many skills and I don't want to use all my points on stamina just to be able to run longer than 5 sec.
    - optimisation, goes without saying. I'd say polishing the game and mechanics first and adding new quests later would be good for this game. Outside the sex animations, it feels like the graphics are tuned down, maybe to save the resources considering the optimisation, idk.
    - hidden political agenda. This is more of a neutral point, I don't really care about it but wanted to mention it regardless. But slaughtering pigheads with ukrainian nationalist song in the background is the most ironic shit I've seen in a while.

    The good:
    - as I mentioned, the MC's body model.
    - sex animations are nice
    Maybe something else but can't really remember what.

    This is not a terrible game by any means. I just don't see myself playing it in the future.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game with some flaws

    -Animation are pretty good, not just the sex ones
    -Interesting inventory management
    -Decent graphics and character customization
    -Controls are good

    -Character movement is stiff and she's really slow
    -Grabs aren't telegraphed and you not told how to escape them
    -Doesn't explain any mechanics
    -Very limited storage
    -Unnecessary reload mechanics (Pro-tip: Discard empty mags, you can't break them down and when you craft pistol/rifle ammo, they come in mags)
    -Too many enemies can spawn
    -Can't differentiate tougher enemies from common ones since they both use the same model
    -Odd sex minigame where you press irregularly press A & D, not to break free but to drain the enemy's stamina and make them cum faster but not by much.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely AWESOME as of version 18.10. I played for hours.
    Yes the game has some issues, but I really hope that as the issues are solved the game's feel does not change.

    Although I really enjoyed it, some suggestions:
    • Add some BDSM (zombies tie you up)
    • Additional positions (spitroast, fullnelson, DP, DVP, TVP, etc, etc ,etc)
    • Add variation to dick size, the vag texture and animations are solid, would be nice to see them get used, a hem... a bit more.
    • Dogs, Beasts, Monsters, Etc
    • Bonus Rounds where Judy is a sexual predator, attacking the Pre-Zombie workers (could be a dream sequence to realize some back story.
    Just thoughts. Really well done though. I would pay 20 USD or more to own this game in its completed state.

    I have played 24.02 now and in many ways it is a step in the wrong direction.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as it goes and seeing recent rates and reviews of this thread. Based on information from dev's patreon and discord server:

    The game is being developed at UE4, not RPGMV or Ren'Py, by a one single person, also there are some who not only support dev on Patreon but voluntarily helping with testing before updates. Hardware of dev aren't the best, his PC specs below avarage.

    It's been 2 years since first "side-scroller" release. "For 2 years of playing" many things have changed. Especially, after initial project has been lost. The reason is obvious - Russian invasion. So it's more appropriate to say "for 1 year of playing". But as you can guess, dev suffered some issues with power supply. Have you tried to develop some kind of a project with constant power issues ? How will power cut off affect you and your project while, rendering, baking, compiling etc ? So it's even less than a year. And for the guy below with nickname "Nice Kitty", who probably hasn't been following the project since it's release, the guy who has words "From Russia" in his profile - It's quite inappropriate to say something about progress of current project.

    There're many other projects being developed for about 5 years and more. They have few updates per year, or/and aren't for a public use, having few grands of support per month on different platforms. These updates consist of very few new animations and bugs fixed.

    There're issues with bugs and responsiveness, with UI/UX and many other things. But work goes on despite of any obstacles. There is a lot of new things with every update, it's far from being perfect, but I hope it will get better.
    So my honest rate is 4.

    And about size of boobs - man cmon. There is a huge amount of games with females who have abnormally HUGE boobs. There are also many users whining about bugs and other staff who have never ever tried to develop something it's not that simple. If u've found a bug, just say how u got it and it will be fixed. If you want bigger boobs, bigger ass, a schlong or hoofs - you need also to adjust every piece of cloth and every animation for it. It's a long process to make it all alone so have a patience, especially when u have a product for free.

    Also I saw some whining about "slow" "weak" MC, escape system A and D keys have almost 0 impact. Man cmon - you can increase your lvl, with lvl you can increase stats such as move speed, and any other stats.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Graphics are ... pretty decent.

    The game feels sluggish, as if I am moving through water.

    I feel stupid because I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do when I hit new game and I gave up after I couldn't figure it out.

    I realize that breasts are important to me, but the choice we are provided is almost nonexistent as the slider changes her from flat to maybe an A cup?

    I will be keeping my eye on this game, and I hope the first thing that gets patched is the sluggish feel, and a more clear direction of where to go in the very beginning. Goodluck dev.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    The game is normal. But optimization, bugs on the map are terrible. Quests are few.
    I fall under the map and see the map itself is small
    The game is a corridor. The zombies here are smart and complex. Every 10 minutes a loss and all over again. There are a lot of them, and the locations are small
    There is no place to hide. NPCs don't shoot at them
    The graphics are ok
    The arena here, like the game, is difficult, regardless of the complexity of the choice
    There is character customization like in the Sims. But there are few settings. Why is she small at the maximum breast size
    A slider on the nipples increase the entire breast
    The animations themselves here are normal, but buggy.
    For 2 years of playing, there is too little in the game. There is a gallery, but I don’t know why it doesn’t have animations that are in the game itself, in after the defeat
    So far 3 stars.

    and I'll add more. You can not remove the music and extra sounds. I don't want to listen to metal and rock in the game 18+
    I want to listen to jazz or blues when I play these games (joke)
    In general, why is there no number 0 in remove the sound
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright... tried this extremely good game-demo tonight and here my conclusions, so far... the game looks absolutely interesting. I love almost everything of it, has some features I find absolutely original and adding value to the game's project. I find it almost perfect. Almost.
    Here I can tell what is wrong with the game... aside a light note about texts in the graphic design ─ Unreal Engine can easily handle new fonts and there are a plenty of free for commercial use original fonts worth being used which would give a sense of official release to the game and I highly recommend, from my professional point of view, to do it ─ and the fact, for example, that the save points should let us know we actually saved the game... I have to say one weak spot, that can be more than just aesthetics, is the dialogue system... why that invasive screen-wide bottom bar instead of, for example, using texts like are used in comics? Nobody does that and that's a pity and a shame I'd say. The use of text areas near the character add dynamicity to the whole look and feel of the game and the dialogues result in being "alive", not that static as they are now.

    Anyway... the one and only greatest problem with this game that made it become, at least for me, completely unplayable is the camera settings... man... frustration grew up so wild, in the Generator's area against the enemies waves, that I had to quit the game straight away and I "hated" that!
    I "hated" that because I'm actually in love with this game and I hate being forced to give up with something I'm in love with! So, my vivid suggestion to the author of this gem of a game is to provide a new feature that allows the player to fully customize the camera view, because a zoom option at least should have been there since the first release and the chance of having Judy more central and not moved all the way out of the screen ─ because that's how it feels! ─ making combat an absolutely not justified hell made even worse by the lack of a Skip command for the XXX-scene!
    I would have had some soft-lock option to target the opponent especially considering the melee combat, that I found a perfect idea for the game and that just needs be better controlled.
    The camera all decentralized view made that even more difficult and that's what causes the greatest frustration in what is, from all the other points of view, a great combat system when using fire weapons! Hence, my suggestion is to have Judy's character moved slightly more central... right now we have her basically occupying the whole 1st third or forth section of the screen all on the left... if we ideally divide the screen in four sections she should stay in the 2nd section from the left not the 1st one where she is now, which in terms of Aurea Section basically is like having her position right in 1/3 of the screen by default allowing the player to actually see what's approaching on the left side of her which right now is an unrealistic completely blind spot.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoyable gameplay but the way controls work, specially trying to wall jump (coming back from the bottom to the "rest area" is a PAIN IN THE ASS), sexual content is just hard to get, like u actually have to try hard to get raped which plus the low variety on scenes and the lack of interactivity in those makes it quite annoying, the optimization is also quite rough, like the hair is so painful when graphs are not max. SUPER promising overall, some polish here and there and will be one of the games u just cant stop coming back.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty much an embryo right now, but it shows good promise.
    It's fairly challenging and has an interestign rogue mechanic that is in dire need of ajustments, but it's something different from the crowd, which is good.
    The gameplay needs some quality of life improvements but it's on the right track, while the sex scenes could be better integrated in the gameplay, but that's the long run...

    It's pointless to discuss about the rest without seeing more updates, the only thing I would suggest right now to the dev, if he ever sees this, is: drop the Humor tag, embrace the darker tone of the lore you are setting up, do not try to do both.

    If properly maintained, this game could easily compete with other platformers out there and get 5 stars, we'll see.

    EDIT: The game evolved from a pretty promising platformer to an even more interesting 3D Third Person Shooter; with good mechanics, curious world settings and a great difficulty balance, I believe that this one will become something unique.

    On a side note: kudos to the dev for keeping his development active despite everything that he's bee through...