RPGM - Zombie's Retreat 2: Gridlocked [v0.18.1 Beta] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm tired of doing quests, which is not a problem for me. Each day I should be able to see the characters' pussies, but I don't understand why we can only see the characters' breasts. I'm so tired that I can't see the pussies. The characters are very strange.So why do we have to be so stingy about this part when it's a porn game but the characters' pussies are almost impossible to see in this game?
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I followed the development of Zombie's Retreat 1 from start to finish, and have been following ZR2 as well since it began.

    ZR2 has not been a good sucessor/sequel. ZR1 felt very unique for me at the time - the exploration and shooting system was serviceable and different. The story wasn't quite there at the start, but the characters were fine (for Hgame standards, of course) and dialogue flowed fairly well with the time-based system to keep you interested in the game (despite porn logic); the story eventually developed and went on to what I find to be a slightly convoluted yet still serviceable and enjoyable overall story in the middle-to-ending part.

    All this is to say, basically, that the main draw of ZR1 was the simple gameplay loop which felt fresh at the start, and the character interactions/themes powering you through the game.

    ZR2 has characters that somehow manage to be blander than before, with the dialogue being less catchy. It's boring to walk around camp now and talk to people. With less dimensions and talking between the character, a lot of the enjoyment out of grinding out the H scenes is gone; something that actually felt rewarding in ZR1. Not only that, but five years since the first game, the gameplay loop has been exhausted a bit and it's definitely lost its luster. Compound that with the fact that every single other mechanic that has been put in the game feels more like the developer blueballing you from scenes you want to see (such as building places to unlock new scenes), it makes it feel as if the game is fighting against me instead of making me enjoy it and leading me where I want to go. Overall, with the uniqueness of the setting and gameplay going away as the development time has stretched out more and more, and with the newer mechanics not being too engaging; paired with the fact that the dialogue has dumbed down whilte the characters all feel like reskins of the art we've already seen in ZR1, staying interested in this game is hard indeed. The story will need to pick up pace and start being actually interesting to somehow salvage this.

    It's a shame to say all of this, because genuinely, ZR1 wasn't bad, despite how mindnumbing it could get at times. However, I'm a firm believer that a "sequel" should be at least as good as the first, if not better; you have the first one to compare to, so you at least know what works. When a sequel is then objectively worse by simply lacking what was in the first game, it leaves a truly bad taste in my mouth.

    Also, for a more personal complaint, the protagonist just doesn't do it this time around. A guy being airdropped with anime characteristics into the western milf-villa that is Zombie's Retreat does this game no favors.

    If anything in this game interests you, simply go to ZR1. I promise you it's a similar yet wholly better experience than what ZR2 will provide.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    To be honest this sequel is not living up to be the best in my opinion. I just feel like it is just a reskin of the last game.

    Now I understand making a story and it's a survival kind of game but it's suppose to be a adult game set in a zombie outbreak where they fuck any girl they touch. It's the developer's vision to not include NTR or Game Over Scenes which is fine but I feel like this game suffers heavily from that. I feel like it could of taken the combat system of A Zombie's Life and make it even better. I get the lore is even if they graze them with your pinky they will want to fuck but there could be a way to do combat with it.

    Make it where it turns into a turn based system. You have your health and your partner has 3 chances, if the zombie successfully grazes her 3 times or you die then you lost and a scene starts with the zombie. Make the partner have a special abilities to help you. Like Olivia could distract the zombie and decrease it's defense, Meredith heals you, Fiona throws tools at the zombie, just stuff like that to make it different and interesting. Have base invasions where you have to fight off zombies from the base, there's no way that they are just casually avoiding the base.

    Include scenes of the character when they die solo and the camp gets overrun, scenes of your party member getting seduced and eventually overcome, have these painful boss fights have a bad ending, just something to switch it up and not be so drawn out.

    (Spoiler) When Meredith is in that mind corruption phase after getting slightly touched I thought they were finally going to switch it up and start adding that kind of mechanic into the game. However, it's just a one time thing. There's even times where you play as the girls solo, those would of been the perfect time for corruption scenes.

    The scenes themselves are great, the women are hot and they look well done. I am just kind of disappointed with this sequel becoming just ZR1 with different girls and drawn out story to just watch maybe one or two scenes per update.

    I am just no longer interested in following the game anymore, maybe I will look into it again after a few updates but it's unfortunately not interesting anymore.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Zombie's Retreat 2 falls short in improving upon the original game, it lacks character depth and complexity, resulting in one-dimensional and uninteresting characters.

    The blend of RPGM and grind mechanics with these characters makes the gameplay unsatisfying to play.

    The relationship between the characters (MC and the girls) lack believability and depth, like IMHO it's better if we have fewer girls but have more meaningful dialogue and build up before the H-scene occurs.

    While the base management and exploration aspects initially seem fun, they become repetitive over time.

    The characters, including the protagonist, are forgettable. The art style may not appeal to everyone, but for me, it's an improvement compared to first one, but that Sasuke MC really felt out of the place.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version played: v0.12.3a Beta Public

    A game with a lot of promise which unfortunately goes the wrong way every time.
    The town building could be fun but instead it's just "build this to unlock x event" and has no more depth than that, good luck if you do the missions in a particular order and end up getting the water filter at the end of your playthrough.
    The exploration, tight spaces to line up zombies feels intense at first but once they're dead they never come back so you can get by by hoarding ammo and clearing full maps in one shot without ever being in danger. The exploration is nice at first until you have to repeat the same salvage points over and over and over to not game over.
    The art/H-scenes
    The animations are actually quite nice tho the size difference between MC and the horny girls makes poses feel a little bland and there was only two scenes that I found really hot, besides that it was just okay.
    Story is forgettable at best, characters are very uni dimensional and want to fuck you after you've done a minor task for them.

    I think I'd be more generous in my scoring had this been a recent game, but it's not only a sequel, it's been worked on since 2020 and for 3 years of development this all we get? Kind of disappointing, many girls characters are there with no scenes and just serve to eat up more of your food/water supply.

    Unfortunate game, could have been much much better!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.12.3a Beta Public

    Zombie's Retreat 2 takes a lot from the original game and doesn't really improve on most of it. As with the previous game, my main problem is that there is a huge lack of character depth and general complexity. Honestly, even worse so in this one.

    I'd argue this is a fuckfest-style game in one of its worst forms. Why is that? Because it's blending RPGM and grind mechanics with the most boring one dimensional characters you've ever seen, making all that effort of playing the game to see scenes with these characters extremely unsatisfying.

    Lets look at the family characters as incest is obviously going to be a big draw for this. One of our first tasks in the game is to give our sister some flowers because she's feeling down in the zombie apocalypse. She's so touched by this that we can immediately grope her, make out with her, and get handjobs. I couldn't tell you a single thing about this character besides that. That's mostly because there is nothing to tell. You wouldn't even know it was your sister had the game not asked you to rename relationships. It doesn't even have the decency to use the same tropey moral dilemmas to make it a little more believable, and trust me that the mom and aunt are no better.

    At first, a lot of the game mechanics felt fun. I'm always a sucker for base management so I liked the aspect of building up our little town. The exploration was fun enough, and the scavenging mechanic was rather novel. However, a lot of it wears off after you realize how repetitive it all is. Check the same scavenge locations every single day to get RNG loot and prevent game over due to a lack of food. Sometimes a fetch quest is even thrown in for one of the girls, how generous.

    Honestly I wouldn't even mind the grind as much if any of the characters felt worth it. They just aren't in my eyes. Every character including the MC is extremely forgettable.

    The last thing to mention is the art. A very subjective thing, but you better like extreme proportions. Unfortunately they don't do much for me.

    This just isn't really for me at the end of the day. I can see why others enjoy it, but a lot of my personal preferences prevent me from really doing so. If you liked the previous game you will like this one, but if you didn't then I doubt your opinion will change.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5055050

    I love this game!

    The character design of the beautiful survivors are so freaking sexy, they really got me acting unwise.

    I especially enjoy this simple concept of your being surrounded by hot chicks, while you can explore stuff and fight your way through to unlock more things. This game also executes that concept pretty well.

    But one thing that sets me a little bit off is the resource-grinding, while it is fun to find you items along your way, while exploring a district. It is quite another thing when you search specific resources.

    I hope that this game gets some new and refreshing updates to make the game even better.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1295263

    Zombie's Retreat 2 is shaping up to be even better than the first!

    The game offers in my opinion some of the best CG and Artwork available right now. It has a pretty basic management aspect that has been expanded since the first game, allowing you to build up a settlement. Collecting food and water can be a bit tedious at first but quickly becomes easy. The characters are decently fleshed out and interesting. The only thing I wish is that there was a way to go through dialogue a bit faster.

    Otherwise, I recommend this game because it is likely to continue to receive a lot of attention and development. The developer has completed 3 games before this one and has never been the type to milk a game beyond its time. In just one year a lot has been added and I'm excited to see where the game will be in the future.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: It looks like dev has implemented a cheat mode now. I have not replayed but out of good faith I am going to increase my rating from 2 to 3 stars. See below review for details.

    Conflicted review; I never reviewed the first due to similar feelings. This game has big strengths but it also has some weaknesses as well. I would give the original 4 stars, and so I would give this one 3 stars, because it is exactly the same as the original in every way except the characters/story. The dev has not improved any of the things that detracted from the original title. However, the only reason the original would have gotten 4 stars is because some kind soul developed a cheat mod for it, making the gameplay tolerable. This does not have that, and so... yeah, it may seem harsh, but the gameplay in these two titles is among the worst you'll find. The rest of this review applies to both games.

    First off, if you don't like larger-than-life tits and typical boy fucking his female family setting, you are fucking up by even being here lol. The game is set in a dystopian future setting where you are the only male surviving an event of unknown magnitude. All you know is that every other male in your city is a sex crazed zombie capable of corrupting women with a touch. You must protect your women. You must breed your women. You must.. feed? your women?

    Yes. While the primary focus of this game may be progressing your sexual relationships with every living organism with a vagina, the main avenue you go about doing that is by getting items (like food) from select points in your environment to share with them. You MUST have enough food and water or you insta lose. Other items come along too. What this means is, (basically) every in-game day, you will repeat the same monotonous task of getting one of your companions to accompany you painstakingly traveling from every resource farming point on the map. Hopefully you find that one unique item that you need. If not, I'll see you do the grocery store run again the next day.

    If it's not clear already, the "gameplay" of this game is trash. Dev has mixed fetch quests and RNG together, what a fucking concept lmao. Thankfully the RNG isn't too bad, but never in my life would I have gone with that myself. I suppose there are worse H games out there in this regard, but this one is definitely at the bottom. Not only are the fetch quests common, but most of them have no real point beyond just allowing you to not get a game over.

    What is good about the game is the art and incest content. It's among the best.

    So yeah. 4 stars if you can cheat the gameplay (-1) and don't have the "been there done that" mentality (-1). Neither of those apply to me so it gets 2 stars. Constructive criticism to the dev in order to save his game without completely restructuring it? More and faster early-game resource generators. The farm is great. Make it cost 1/4 of what it does. And add a similar source for water, wood, metal, etc. All cheap. And tell the player they're stupid if they don't immediately go for those things. This allows you to keep some semblance of "gameplay" without torturing the player for the entire experience.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is nice due to the experience of the programmers and the graphics animators thanks to siren of course and his fellow colleagues. update doesn't take much time and the game is working seemingly with no bugs so far.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the first game, great story as well as great animation and visuals. This looks like more of the same, which I'm all for. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this full release, but I'll enjoy every update all the way.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Same issues as the previous game. The animations and art are great, but the angles of the animation are absolute dogshit. Can't see anything, and its at a terrible angle. The last game had this issue as well, but not in the beginning. I really hope this game doesn't end up the same.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving it
    Starting off really good and the graphics are off the charts
    Some are complaining about the plot but honestly you shouldn't expect an entire plot in a pron game.
    Girls - Hot
    Gameplay - Cool

    Love it
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont know why this thread isn't 5 stars! its fun to play the game itself, survival and buying upgrades and stuff. Not many games you can actually enjoy the gameplay as well as the normal "good "stuff
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't knew of siren's domain actually working on Zombie's Retreat 2 and i thought that one game would wrap it up but i got this thread highlighted on the main forum page and i couldn't believe it when i clicked it!

    I played it til end of content and i must say the scarlett ann's art its an lovely factor to see in any game for me <3! i really like how this 2nd game turns out to be in the matter of scenario, characters and of course their relationship with the MC which is a core for many for the ultimate RPG immersion :D!

    As a siren's fan of TOP and Family chores this def its going to have the same uprising potential as the first title so totally recommended to play if you're into straight big womans and a few femdom which is nice <3
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i already have a great feeling about the game. The art style takes getting used to but you"ll come to love it as i did.
    the game before his one also had a good story so i have high hopes for this one.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of the very first preview build. It's got the same nice fundamentals as the previous game, and this gives me reassurance that the game will be a nice continuation of the first, even if the content is lacking right now. Regarding the content, the creator has stated multiple times that the first build is very light, but it is more to just get it out there.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0

    I'll start off with the only positive thing: the art. The artist has come a long way and is still improving their craft. This game will likely be remembered for the art.

    And now the negative list:
    • Content: There is almost none. This plays like someone spent an afternoon in RPG maker copying the core code from previous game, made a handful of maps, called it a day and then released it to the public without any kind of bugtesting.
    • Erotic scenes: None. There is one lazy placeholder scene that is extremely short. The only dialogue is the dev saying that he couldn't be bothered to spend 20 minutes to write an erotic scene for the first build. Most other interactions with characters are the same too: the dev saying that he couldn't possibly write dialogue.
    • Story: Edgy teen collects big tit women in the zombie apocalypse.
    • Bugs: Plenty. You can walk through buildings, characters that just vanish, you can go outside during the nighttime intro (yes, it's day outside), characters with no interaction. I doubt the dev even played his game before distributing
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    First thing I come by to check out the first update and see why it took that long to breed out. For real, I came hoping to see something worth a few minutes of my time just in the gameplay department, something that might aid whatever the main updates in the future might holster for the game, but hear me out, THERE IS ZERO TO NO CONTENT IN THE UPDATE RELEASE. I remember back when Siren announced the project in December, and ought to make the community choose between a short, soon update, or a more lengthwise thing, worth of a beta. Of course the beta was chosen due to overhype. For real, this game does not deserve five stars, nor 4, 3 or, 2. This isn't even a game, but just some placeholder build-tester the m'fucker could've pulled out of his ass any day of the week.

    There is no dialogue, nothing worth to collect, zombies located in bad spots right behind doors, stealing upright hearts if you try to come in, no cgs, no placeholder art, your crafts are only either healthpacks or ammo. The intro isn't even worth mentioning, since somehow he nailed to make the characters even more one dimentional than the first game, in which, at least the intro allowed for a brief telling of the mc's sister's character, but here, I cannot even tell what their personalities are.

    This shit could've been made in an afternoon, since the back-bone was already in the first game, which this game obviously re-uses. Please people, as it is 'buildtest' 0.1.1 has less than sixty seconds worth of content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Kira The Masked Lad

    This is a great game - it's got nice artwork, impressive animation and sexy characters. The story's pretty decent, with some good dialogue and a bit more plot than the standard grind and seduce dating sim.