First thing I come by to check out the first update and see why it took that long to breed out. For real, I came hoping to see something worth a few minutes of my time just in the gameplay department, something that might aid whatever the main updates in the future might holster for the game, but hear me out, THERE IS ZERO TO NO CONTENT IN THE UPDATE RELEASE. I remember back when Siren announced the project in December, and ought to make the community choose between a short, soon update, or a more lengthwise thing, worth of a beta. Of course the beta was chosen due to overhype. For real, this game does not deserve five stars, nor 4, 3 or, 2. This isn't even a game, but just some placeholder build-tester the m'fucker could've pulled out of his ass any day of the week.
There is no dialogue, nothing worth to collect, zombies located in bad spots right behind doors, stealing upright hearts if you try to come in, no cgs, no placeholder art, your crafts are only either healthpacks or ammo. The intro isn't even worth mentioning, since somehow he nailed to make the characters even more one dimentional than the first game, in which, at least the intro allowed for a brief telling of the mc's sister's character, but here, I cannot even tell what their personalities are.
This shit could've been made in an afternoon, since the back-bone was already in the first game, which this game obviously re-uses. Please people, as it is 'buildtest' 0.1.1 has less than sixty seconds worth of content.