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Unity - Completed - Zombikini PinballZ [v1.02] [Jakai]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its unique enough to catch interest but the execution is far from perfect.

    The actual pinball feels floaty and takes an obnoxious amount of time to progress the girls clothes, but its alright to turn your brain off and play pinball. The sex simulator you unlock is uninspired as its just a few toys you press on/stick into the girl until a bar fills up. It would benefit greatly if the girl was more responsive, or if there were other poses/angles. There are also unlockable customizations you get for the girl like piercings, gags, etc. Most of these are only visual after playing the pinball long enough to break off her clothes, which is kind of lame but mostly a problem with the time it takes.

    The art style and direction are good, it just needs some gameplay polishing to help it feel better to play.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Finally, a break from all the RPGM and VNs comes to us in the form of... pinball? The game as a whole isn't bad, it's just poor and doesn't have much to do with zombies. The other reviews have said most of what needs to be said. What I want to point attention towards is the lack of actual content.

    On the non-porn front there is a single pinball table with minimal interactive objects on said table. It becomes boring to play and unfortunately you have to play it for a significant and tedious amount of time in order to unlock all of the porn content.

    Regarding the porn content, it's extremely lacking. It consists of two things: the girl in the background of the pinball table and the girl in "sex mode." On the table, you have a few animations but you can barely see them because you have to focus on the pinball. In the "sex mode" you get one pose and a handful of toys to use with little variation between the lot. You can customize the girl a bit, but it doesn't change much.

    Play this if you want to play pinball and are not exclusively looking for porn, but if you're not looking for porn then why are you playing a h-game?
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    Good art but not much content. The pinball gameplay is kind of boring. Disclaimer that i did not unlock everything so maybe i'm missing something. Btw this has nothing to do with zombies except for a couple CG's you can find in the main menu. There's zombie hands that undress her but no zombies in the gameplay at all.

    The art looks nice but on the pinball table she looks like she has a Barbie crotch (no detail). The animation on the table when the ball hits her breasts for example, is mesh deform like Live2D or similar. One problem is that if you have a vibe in her pussy but the ball is up top, you won't see anything. The sex mode is a single pose fully naked. I noticed that the butt plug tail doesn't actually go in her anus. Not sure where it's attached...

    Pinball Gameplay

    Extremely basic and becomes boring after a couple plays. The whole point is to get the ball to hit certain spots on the board to undress her and then to hit other points to arouse her with toys. There's no other progress, variations, or changing anything about the pinball between games. You can add some cosmetic items to the girl, but they're only cosmetic. It takes so long to get her to orgasm in this mode that it's really just about playing pinball. It's not bad but it's also not worth playing for very long. Also as someone else mentioned, the ball seems to be drawn to the middle of the bottom flippers where you have no chance to catch it.

    Sex Mode
    This mode is separate from the pinball mode. You get one pose and can only use one toy at a time. You have to unlock this mode by getting her to orgasm once in pinball mode, and then you have to unlock the toys using the points you get in pinball mode. There's nothing exciting here either and there's far better dedicated games to play if this is the part you're interested in.

    It's not a bad game, it's just not a "good" game either. It doesn't really deliver on the pinball aspect and doesn't really do much for the sex mode either. So i give it 3/5. Install, play for a bit, then uninstall and forget.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A perfectly adequate pinball table.

    The paddles are responsive, it's pretty easy to learn how to get the ball to go where you want it to, and the objectives are straight-forward.

    Unfortunately, there's no real multiplication on points received as time goes on, the table doesn't get more interesting in terms of pinball or porn after you've advanced to the "she's naked and you're using toys on her", and unlocking everything becomes a bit of a grind.

    After the first time you get her to cum from hitting her vulva or breasts with the pinball you unlock freeplay sex simulator. It's also adequate.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Ugly girl, standard pinball gameplay with even less forgiving ways to progress. Getting currency does not help much beyond giving you a few extra balls.

    Once the barrier is gone, the ball will almost always fly into the center. The levers are not long enough to actually prevent the ball from being lost.