Others - Completed - Zp`s AFM MUGEN! [Final][Elecbyte]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This was a superb introduction to the world of NSFW fighting games. The provided roster has more Male X Male and vore content then I would like, but is more than sufficient for introducing people to mugen and has a good portion of the available characters.

    Like modding any game, it has a learning curve as you figure out:
    -How to use individual characters normal and lewd movesets (usually a txt file in \char folders)
    -The difference between aggressor, victim, and versatile character types (whether they can initiate or receive NSFW grabs) and which ones are which
    - How to install new characters and edit them (just enough to understand what they can do and how they display on the character select screen)
    - The huge variety of resources (hentaicharmugen, dev discords) for downloading new characters and stages.

    This process was and is entertaining for me as the community is still very active (discord links in the thread below), but if you want to skip some of the grind there are also other character rosters in this thread (which also have updated characters from the ones in the base version).

    I highly recommend those that are skeptical to give it a try. If nothing else, it is a convenient way to appreciate a lot of excellent pixel art.