New Thread Ratings

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of missed potential.

    The biggest problem of the game is, that it feels very unfinished, the controls are way too complicated even when there was no need, the academy is complety unfinished and way too little, the characters are really shallow, the sex scenes with the academy characters could be better the only scene I really liked was with europa but there should have been more with her too. The concept of the outfits is good, but it isn´t used good.
    The story is barely there.

    But there are still a lot of good things, I really like the artstyle except the backgrounds which are a bit too minimalistic, the enemie sex is good, the battle isn´t amazing but decent, and the music is alright.

    But I really wished there was more, it feels more like a really good demo instead of a completed game.
    Others Completed  Magical Waifus Academy [v1.3i] [Wataponno]
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game except for the art is diabolically bad.

    In 2024, it takes actual effort to make an indie game with a shitty engine and clunky counterintuitive UI, and the devs have seamlessly achieved both.

    The story is just a nonsense excuse for incest fetish porn, but expects you to take it seriously by completing byzantine point'n'click quests to progress and unlock/view sex scenes. In itself the story isn't particularly annoying, at least compared to the usual standard of f95 games, but the combination of a generic incest grinding-corruption story with that painfully boring sandbox gameplay is an immediate no-go for me.

    The art is technically very good, as are the animations, but aesthetically mediocre. It's an uninspiring imitation of 90s/00s pulpy comics. And in trying to copy it a little bit too faithfully it sucks out all the erotic potential of that grittily realistic style. The heavy contours and shades, the deliberate quasi-realism of body and face structure, the loud coloring. I'm sure some people like it but it doesn't do anything for me. Which is just as well because I likely won't play this game again.
    Others  Milftoon - MilfLand [v0.01] [Milftoon]
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played this game on Hard mode and around 20 hours. My first complaint is the game doesn't direct you to the gameplay at all, even in the hardest mode it offers.

    You can simply have fun in the inn before 1 day of the debt payment left, then fuck the guy on the entrance and get to the last checkpoint of the dungeon. Loot storage of the guys and easily get to the end of the dungeon with their gear and pay the debt.

    All the content in the same cycle are the same, this bothers me because after seeing 1 scene I know the rest of the scenes are in the same caliber until I clear the next dungeon, this kills the mood a lot.

    Corruption speed is balanced I think, it's not unrealistically fast or boring slow. Also the amount of the scenes makes the tempo of the game better.

    I don't like the forced "pay debt" and "contract" corruption, which this game has both. But the (kind of) natural sex after some point of the game where Grace willingly do kinda makes up for it.

    Overall I think the game is 3.5/5 but I can't give half points so 4/5 it is.
    RPGM Completed  Grace of the Labyrinth Town [v1.15] [Lovely Pretty Ultra Loving You]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly shocking that this game has made it here, but perhaps that is because one or more mods agreed that this VN should essentially be "required reading" for the denizens of this genre...

    Here is an excerpt from a review that I wrote on the *other* site:

    How dare Deaufosse attack our collective dissociative cognitive dissonance in such a well-made package. Sure I like a good burger, but I don't think I would enjoy being in a slaughterhouse or meat-grinding factory... yet here we are, being served one of the best burgers we've ever had in the fucking middle of a slaughterhouse while Deaufosse possesses a stuffed animal and whispers in our ear "mmmmmm, doesn't that shit just taste delicious... you monster".

    I'm not sure if the intent is to make one no longer indulge in the occasional burger, but I know I didn't have the stomach to finish mine, not when the coup de grace is live stock decapitation. Instead I find myself repeating the comforting phrase "they're just pixels, they're just pixels, they're just pixels" as I search for justification and reassurance with half-chewed meat dribbling down my chin.

    And then the bonus scene (which I got first tbh =P) is like trying a chicken sandwich instead, but now you are painfully aware that the goddamn chickens are debeaked to keep them from pecking their young to death.

    My review conclusion: Life is fucked, this corner of the internet is more fucked than most, Deaufosse is a fucker that has the capability of any true artist to create art that can be held up like a mirror. Malignant is misery-inducing introspective deviance wrapped in a masterpiece of its own self-critical reflection.

    PS - Deaufosse is now in the tier of Chsndp and SelfDrilling
    Ren'Py  Malignant [v0.2] [Deaufosse]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The base game was already pretty good with great scenes and NTR content. But this is how you do a Renpy remake correctly!
    Very good job, keep it up!

    - Great cute little story
    - Great for NTR fans and in general great scenes
    - Straight forward quest and even have a great quest helper

    - Would not mind more, or a 2nd game!
    Ren'Py Completed  Bawdy Traditions Unofficial Ren'Py [v1.0] [michaelcros]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game actually made me change my difficulty to beat a boss.

    It has nice progression, but it's much easier towards the end or so it feels like. Corruption on point, some events gated behind story, which is imo good.

    It's a must play even without ero content
    Wolf RPG Completed  Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress [v1.17] [kurotozakka]
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Really sexy artwork and situations, and the overall plot manages to keep my interest. The way it ties to one of Perv2K16's earlier games is also really appealing. But oh, good lord, the text is incredibly poorly proofread. The author really, really seriously needs to get an editor who speaks English as a first language to fix the spelling and grammar errors that plague this title, which would otherwise be Good or even Excellent.
    VN Ren'Py  Family Matters [Ep. 1-11] [Perv2k16]
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Since this is just a demo (hell this is barely WIP due to the length) I sort of wanted to sit this one out, but playing this was so enjoyable I just had to make a review now.

    Gameplay: The first ever release clocks in under 30 minutes worth of gameplay and story, which is only dragged out by how much time you spend catching the mons in each area. Since there is no store in the starting location, you are instead given 50 pokeballs for free to use. The types you can find and their matchup, are diverse enough to grind up each mons stat against their favorable opponent (not there is much reason to do so, considering the only trainer battle has up to level 8 mons) which is a nice suprise after dealing with much worse mon selection in the past. It also seems you will be given the option to skip battles before you feel ready in the future too, which is a generous feature to offer.

    Adult Content: Nothing special right now. One pose of Hex Maniac showing her panties, with or without her bush (again showing the promise of customization). Two pictures of Juniper and Bianca in bikinis, accessible through your own PC after collecting. So the game has it least shown the start of a in game gallery mode, that makes in universe sense and hopefully in the future will also deal with the content tied to specific NPCS so that you don't have to seek them out and interact with them each time you want to view their scenes.

    Final Verdict: Should you play the game in this state? For me it was short and sweet enough to be worth it, but honestly this shouldn't even be titled v0.1 since there is next to nothing in here but the bare bones and promises of a great game. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the essentials engine, and is clear the dev is inexperinced considering the piss poor tile use (cut off trees, random grass placement without rhyme or reason) and the strange balance choices (superb mon and type selection, but giving left overs this early on instead of the exp share when all there is to do is grinding, and giving opponents with under level 10 mons super potions which is just redundant when the mons have so low health and they just waste their turn due to it). I think this is going to be great, but I must rate this after the reality it offers.

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    RPGM  Pokemon Lewd Virus [v0.1] [PurpurDawn]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an entertaining game, I don't see the grind as excessive, I would like the updates to be more constant and to include more characters, because I feel that most of them have already been explored, as well as to include more threesomes and titjobs :)
    Ren'Py  Ring of Lust [v0.5.5a] [Votan]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love by the Water is one of the games of all time. The characters are all incredibly well written, and I loved every femtosecond of pure unadulterated GAMING. Ken best girl.
    Yeah so anyway play this game.
    VN Ren'Py  Love by the Water [v.0.3] [CURE]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a great game with an interesting ending although I'm not a big fan of the ending. Actually I hated it but it really comes down to personal opinion. The scenes were top quality and the only bad thing about the game is some unskippable segments.
    VN Others Completed  Sisters: Last Day of Summer [JAST USA] [Jellyfish]
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game two stars solely for its promising star, if I were to rate my overall experience, it'd be a solid one star.

    The game kicks off with intrigue: mysteries, plots, mechanics, and, of course, attractive girls. But as the game progresses, the mechanics become dull and pointless, the girls a massive letdown, and the plot, while not terrible, is ruined by an unsatisfying cliffhanger.

    The biggest disappointment lies in the lewd aspect with the female characters. It's all extremely vanilla with no proper conclusion. Routes with the girls end abruptly, leaving players frustrated.
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    Adding to the annoyance are the repetitive quests that always follow the same pattern: talk to him, take that there, talk to the witch, bring that here, talk to the witch again, kill that, talk to the witch, talk to the witch, talk to the witch. The quests lack depth, although the writing occasionally shines through amidst the mundane hauling.

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    While some reviewers complained about grinding, I didn't experience that at all. I completed all the side quests, contracts, and never felt the need to grind for better gear. The game flows smoothly in the combat area, and once you grasp the combat mechanics and stock up on potions, it becomes quite easy.

    In summary, what initially seemed like a promising 4/5 star game, with its cooking, crafting, trading, hunting, leveling up, challenging puzzles, and finding cards, turned out to be hollow and unfinished. The variety of options felt shallow and lacked depth, much like the unsatisfactory sex scenes and the endings of character paths. The cliffhanger at the end only adds to the frustration. This game doesn't deserve the 3.5 stars it received. A remake is sorely needed.
    Ren'Py Completed  Knightly Passions [v1.03 Steam Gold] [FEYADA]
    Likes: llat-2
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great game, good vanilla story and really lewd awesome animated H scene.

    Its clearly a masterpiece and the first VN fully animated that i played. I really hope for more game like this.

    But unfortunately there is no lesbian scene like the main picture of the game can make us think
    VN Others Completed  Sisters: Last Day of Summer [JAST USA] [Jellyfish]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely great game, has pretty much everything for everyone and if you don't want something you can avoid a particular character or event so it's really made for everyone. Characters are all stunning and a very good plot, can't wait to see where it goes from here.
    VN Ren'Py  Love by the Water [v.0.3] [CURE]
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    3/5 game, but a 1/5 porn game.

    The game's not a bad take on the vampire survivor's genre, but I don't find it enjoyable for an extended period of time. Instead of the usual weapon stacking, you add NPCs into your blob of a party.

    And I do mean "instead of".

    There is no game design mechanic that utilizes the NPCs. Enemies still path to you like a standard vampires survivor game, and the game does not have any advanced unit control beyond "death ball around me".

    Left alone, NPCs will follow you unless there's an enemy in range. If they see an enemy, NPCs will either stand in place and shoot, or jump into melee and stab their target, and only resume following you if they or the enemy dies.

    Not that dying means anything. When an NPC loses all their health, they just return to your side and regenerate back to full HP.

    That's the gist of the main gameplay loop. Vampire survivors, but instead of weapons you have a basic party system. Sure, the NPCs get in the way when you try to kite, but it's still a competently done system. 3/5

    As for the porn part of the game...

    I assume it's accessed through the "breakroom" part of the main menu, since that seems to spit out a random character interaction cutscene after every mission.

    The only problem is the scenes are completely random and without context. There's no introduction to any of the characters, setting, or relationships, so it ends up being a random pile of lolrandom humour.

    With that said, "lolrandom humour" is about how I'd describe the tone of the writing. It's grammatically adequate, but character interactions and dialogue are closer to tumblr shitposts rather than actual words spoken by believable characters.

    Random access to maybe-not-porn scenes without context, poor writing, and a complete lack of cohesion is why I rate this as a 1/5 porn game. Only reason it's not 0 is because there's a clear art style the game aims for.

    Note that it might still be a 0/5 porn game. I can't actually confirm the porn is accessed through the breakroom menu, because I can't be bothered to continue playing this game.

    In conclusion, if you've already consumed all the other vampire survivors style games on the market, Solace Inc isn't a bad derivative of the genre. On the other hand, if you're just looking for a porn game, you can definitely do better than Solace Inc.
    Others Completed  Solace Inc. [v1.7.1.1] [AploveStudio]
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A game that really highlights NTR's (well, specifically netorare's) inability to make truly compelling long-form games. Overall, I'd probably rate this 2.5 stars despite just about everything about it being pretty solid.

    The story is as good as you can hope for in an H-game, perhaps you might even consider it genuinely good writing even ignoring the H-aspects. 5/5 there.

    The art is all quite solid, especially when you consider this came out in 2012. It's held up pretty well. We'll give it 5/5 in consideration of it's publishing date.

    The mechanics are...a bit unwieldy to be honest. It's a strategy. A lot of point and click and some menu navigation. It takes a bit to get used to. And it largely just leaves the gist of how to play the game as an infodump at the the start. There is additional info in the menu for this. but it's all untranslated. Combine all this with some good ol' RNG fun and grinding and well, it's pretty mediocre mechanically overall. Ignoring the untranslated issue, I'd probably give it 3.5 stars here. However, this game is a strategy game and not being able to really reference game details without a screen-translator or sourcing a TL'd manual elsewhere is very sub-optimal. So 2.5/5 total here.

    So were at an average of about 4 stars so far. So what gives? Well, this is an H-game, that's what. The story and mechanics are ultimately secondary when there's very minimal reward for "succeeding". This is a chronic issue in netorare games as the male leads PoV is that of the unknowingly cucked. So if you're playing their PoV, then by design the game either has to railroad the NTR to happen no matter what you do (player loses agency) or have the NTR predicated on you failing in-game objectives (player is incentivized to lose). Very few care at all to reward you with any CGs for succeeding in-game objectives and protecting your love-interest. Which in longer games means spending a lot of time playing an okay game or intentionally letting the male lead fail so you can see the scenes. Undoubtedly, this appeals to some given the existance of such games, but I'd by and large deem them as "unfun" and "grindy".

    To it's credit, the Leane games do better than most longer netorare games in this aspect in that:
    • It isn't designed around you being able to reach a happy ending with every girl at once. You pick a girl and the rest you are largely expected to leave to whatever fate awaits them. In doing this, you still likely get scenes of the other girls being captured and corrupted.
    • There is a variety of difficulty levels, so you can make it genuinely challenging to not see any CG other than the scant few of MC with the love interest of choice.
    However, at the end of the day, this ultimately turns an otherwise solid H-game, into a game that is either "mediocre strategy game that penalizes you with R-18 content for losing" or "an H-game where you really just want to lose." Ultimately, this is a game where the gameplay feels like it punishes you for trying to play the game well, which is stifling and gets boring fast.

    If you're not a die-hard netorare fan, this game is probably closer to a 2/5 stars game and really only worth the gallery (unlocked from the start). The gameplay will grow stale long before you approach clearing the game. If you really love netorare, I could maybe see this game hitting 4 stars, but I still think you'll probably grow bored of the repetitive game play well before you reach the ending.

    Overall rating: 3/5 stars. Art and Story are good, game mechanics are mediocre, and overall gameplay is anywhere from rather grindy and repetitive to completely unrewarding depending on how much you enjoy netorare.
    VN Others Completed  Leane of Evil Blade [v1.27] [Makura Cover Soft]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like about this VN:
    Non copy/pasta face for MC, characters with actual 'character', solid animations, the music is great, models of various sizes/shapes.

    Honestly the biggest complaint is... I want more. :LOL:
    VN Ren'Py  The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.34] [Wilson Wonka]
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A visual novel about furries, plant monsters, and gay/butt stuff. The artstyle can be sketchy at times, mostly for some background elements far away from the MC, but overall, it's very appealing and colorful, and has enough details to be serviceable, despite some sex scenes being a bit on the bland side given the fetishes included here.

    The story is pretty easy to follow and manages to stay engaging all the way through without any major sidestracking to bring down the experience. Some elements of the story are not very much explored despite what their premice you lead you to believe, but that's a minor gripe. The story knows what it's going for and doesn't stray away from that. It's not an amazing story by any means, but just like the artstyle, it gets the job done.
    Unity  Greenhouse [v0.61] [Ekull]
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    As previous reviews have said: Yes it's nerve-wracking, and yes it's unfair.

    These are two things that, with the faster pace of the game, make it genuinely exciting in a way that I haven't seen many other games pull off. Combine it with the great art and this is an incredibly arousing title.

    Four stars, mostly because I want to see this game live up to its potential. Though, not quite five stars, because (in its current state) the game can snowball pretty quick and leave you without control of your character (in many ways) for far too long. Feeling helpless is definitely hot, but at the end of the day I want to play the game. I hope that a better balance is found in later updates.

    Final note: I understand why the menus don't pause time, but at least let it pause while looking at the corruption stats. Let the player bask in their failures (or achievements, depending on who you ask)
    Unity  Femboy Survival [Demo 7] [2DNiem]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't remember the last time I gave anything a complete 5/5, but this one deserves it. You will understand once you finished prologue. you will know exactly which part am I talking about. to keep the spoilers to a minimum, it's when you try taking Rohani city a 2nd time.

    In a way it was MC's fault for not listening to her pleas. God I hate myself for saying that. But it is what it is.
    VN Others Completed  Leane of Evil Blade [v1.27] [Makura Cover Soft]
    Likes: death