New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    While there were aspects about it I did not like or that I found to be uncomfortable with, it is a really fantastic game and storyline. I played it for three days straight on my days off just so I could see how it ended. The extras are great as well and include access to every single monster girl, and there are hundreds of them. Honestly the story was so good I was just scrolling through the sex scenes to unlock them and then get on with the storyline and talking to everyone in the game.

    Highly recommended 5 start experience.
    Others Completed  Monster Girl Quest 1-3 [Final] [Torotoro Resistance]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Real great, keep up the good work. I hope this game get more content in the future, cuz I really enjoyed playing this, it felt real with the phone details and all, and I really like the way the characters engaged with each other it felt authentic and legit, and the choices as well is actually really good.
    I hope this game gets more attention, cuz I think it deserves it.
    VN Unity  Netorase Phone [v0.4] [Le Stag]
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Others Completed  6th Month for You and Me [Final] [Koguma Project]
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The subject of the game seems promising – but the implementation is awful. Starting from bad visuals – all characters are repulsive, except for Mary who is ok (but e.g. Mark looks more like a zombie than a bull), there are weird poses, face expressions…

    The MCs are stupid and their behaviour is strange, to put it in the most delicate way. The dialogues are horrible, like written by a very, very artificial AI with a very, very low intelligence. The story – well, I have found the introduction to some extent interesting but then, with the development of the ‘plot’, only the ‘WTF effect’ remained. The choices are a joke.

    It seems to me that there is no hope for much improvement, as the whole game should be rewritten and generally remade. Generally speaking I would not assign more than one star to it but let’s say that Mary and the game’s subject can earn half star more. So it's one and half - and due to my good mood I will round the rating to two.
    VN Ren'Py  Surprise for My Wife [v0.5] [JustLust]
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    loving the game so far keep up the good work . there are not to many good lesbian games out there every female protaganist is always a dumb slut that gets used happy to see something else for a change
    VN Ren'Py  Word of Mouth [S1 v0.03.F] [Le Gato]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Bravo to the developer! I hope you can keep up the quality of storytelling (the pacing, the characterization, the quality of dialogue) as you move past the demo phase. If so, this will be top tier without a doubt. Best of luck!
    VN Ren'Py  Hooked! [v1.9] [BlenderKnight]
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Прошел на несколько концовок, потом остальные чекну
    Вариативность это отлично, побольше бы её с изменением ситуационных сцен
    Годная темочка, еще бы всяких текстовых отсылок и визуальных пасхалочек к разным играм/фильмам и вообще пушечка будет для разнообразия )
    Ren'Py  Futadom World - Binding Sim [v0.9.5] [F.W.G.B.S.]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    so good so far, keep it up. Hopefully some consistent updates in the future. Models look really good and the plot is enjoyable...
    VN Ren'Py  Lasting Connections [v1.13] [Abyss Exploration]
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    As for me, I really like this game.

    Nothing complicated - just shoot and evade enemies. There is ton of unlockable characters and scenes. My only issue is after exploiting couple of rounds with powerful synergies the game can turn off your computer by overloading its memory - it usually happens at the late stages. Therefore, I recommend not to be greedy (1 000 000 gems is more thane enough!) and leave the stage.

    As for erotic content, it, for sure, exists, but do not expect something detailed or extravagant. But maybe someone find the artsyle pretty fappble, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    Thus, if you are searching for a rouge-like game without complicated story, to turn your brain off and just enjoy the process for a couple evenings, this one is certainly for you!
    Others Completed  Solace Inc. [v1.7.1.1] [AploveStudio]
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Jesus Christ... I had to take a walk in nature to clear my head before writing this review. The Dev is down right malicious and irresponsible with the pacing of this game. If you were to actually read the constant blast of the same screen you have to click though over and over and over and over again you could be here for fucking days! For example from hours 2-5 of the game you MUST blow the same character 400 times just to move on?

    There is no possible way this Dev has ever actually played through his own game start to finish, It must be luck there's no game breaking bugs.

    Other reviews have hit on it but seeing as this game is the embodiment of repetition... The game will have you waiting 10+ days to move on to the next story beat, and there's nothing to fill that gap, during those 10 days the "sand box" world is empty with no events you haven't already seen 150 times. So you are forced to sit there and spam the wait button 8 times to sleep, making for a total of 120 clicks on the same flashing screen just to move on. I'm petitioning to have this kind if abuse added to the Geneva convention I swear.

    The absolute tragedy is the game is well build?! The UI looks fine, it's got polish on it, it's a bit annoying with drop down boxes that are filled with 50 choices mainly in the shops, just making you ask "why?" I assume the clean UI is product of it just being a rip from Lust for Life so I guess there's no reason to praise it.

    As for the score I bounced back and forth with 1-2 stars. It's 2024 why the fuck are we still doing "click through same screen" 15 times to progress game? I want to say the pictures were decent but there's nothing here, even for the 500 blow jobs you are obligate to give out there's only like 5 variations over 10 different dudes your blowing? I would say the writing is fine but I count writing in pacing, its all the same issue, wait 5 days> talk to dude> dude says: "wow you are thinking about doing that?"> wait 3 days> talk to dude> dude says: "wow you are still thinking about doing that?"> wait 5 days...

    It breaks my hear to low star HTML games, they are so near and dear to me, but the hubris on this Dev to design something so egregious to waste your time lights a fire under me like no other. Is the Dev living through a fucked up version of Speed the movie? If people who play his game arn't stuck in the same slide show hell for at least 4 hours does he explode?

    If you have 10 hours of your life to light on fire give it a go, maybe you will see one of 4 sex scenes...
    HTML  Lust for Life: A Sissy Story [v0.18] [MartinDrake]
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The art was good but i don't care.
    Gameplay 1/10 nothing special, just old gameplay.
    Music and sound, i don't even care.
    Walk around naked? Only in H scenes, events, correct or not i don't know cause i was play for an hours.
    Frustration: Talking too much so i skip, then i skipped the guide.
    Invasion continue increase and i don't fucking know how to decrease it, in my old memory about these type game Invasion mean lose if it reach to 100, Wow free challenge doesn't decrease the invasion point, i tried to run around the map and find the spot ( In despairing) to find the way decrease the Invasion but useless.
    I playing the game with stress and hopeless, i readed the tutor at bookshelf and it don't even say about Invasion point. I was play in slug mode for fastest as i can cause i terrible today rpgmaker game, fuck it and this one cause me dissapoint again.
    So in the end:
    Art great.
    H scenes great.
    Gameplay worse.
    Talking too much.
    What important needed to repeating 3 times, Fucking talking too much, fucking talking too much, fucking talking too much.
    Maybe cause i was skipped by the fucking long and long dialogue, i don't know what exactly Invasion if it was increase to highest (100) i would lose or not, if it does? Fuck it i can decrease it no matter i do!
    RPGM Completed  Magical Girl - Magical Girl Breasty [v1.08] [Lovely Pretty Ultra Loving You]
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Another zero effort AI art 0.1 game with no real content. Wonky pictures. Weird Fingers. No Actual sex scenes. Characters that look different in each picture and did i mention no effort? Will update in the future if it becomes better.
    VN Unity  God, Sex, + Love [v0.1] [White Lynx]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good! I love the models you use. I think I just prefer the less realistic 3d models after all. The music in this really stands out from other games. I always get caught off guard by some transitions and animations you do here. I can tell you really put an effort. I love the dream parts very much. I wish Lucy would visit my dreams
    VN Ren'Py  Lucid [v0.4] [MissFit]
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game. I don't get the title, but I'm not a native English speaker so maybe I'm just missing something. Renders look good. I like the models you use. Scenes are good enough to do the job, and that's one of the important factors for me. Keep it up.
    VN Ren'Py Abandoned  Wife at All Costs [v0.9] [Stef Story]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so engaging. I even leveled up my crab to max just for fun. The art is so good! I can tell you really like Avatar. Best trainer game I've played so far. Looking forward to more of your works
    Ren'Py  Four Elements Trainer [v1.0.8c] [Mity]
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    But for real though i like this game so much i dont regret it buying this on steam on my main account and yeah the story is not yet finish have cheat codes which is good consider i like to play with easy mode first its like playing minecraft for the first time and you hope on creative mode for the experients first then the survival and yeah this game has alot to it likecan have kids kidnapping, and Mermaid??!! AYYOOOO this game has it all for me not giving it belove 5 rating thanks Ubisoft for making such a Great game
    Unity  Mad Island [v0.06 Beta Steam] [E-made+]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    "Tina" is a remarkably fun game.

    *Most* H-JRPGs are tedious grindfests with rare, boring, and cliched sex scenes which reek of zero actual dating/sexual experience behind the writing, and have utterly atrocious MTL.

    Not "Tina", however.

    *This* game, tho it does have repetitive elements (including not having enough artwork to carry its often long sex scenes), is a fairly quick-paced and focused dive into debauchery and degradation, with some scenarios that may be completely wild and "out there", yet are generally at least a bit clever, and occasionally humorous, in their execution.

    The game cheerfully (and wholly disrespectfully) ass-slaps the attractive, highly endowed, and scantily-dressed sword sisters, scarlet-haired Tina and ashen-haired Cecile, and the grrls LOVE it!! Of course, they don't initially ADMIT they love it, to themselves or to anyone else...

    Tina is a game that knows what target it's supposed to be aiming at, and hits it very completely and relatively quickly, with the caveat that corruption games are generally better if they proceed a bit slowly. Tina mostly achieves this balance well.

    "Tina" is basically a *corruption-choice-based, gallery-collection VN*, tho in a vestigial JRPG format. There is nearly no actual combat here, which makes sense since it's mainly a text-box-guided game (and only marginally multiple choice, being linear enough that it gets the VN tag from me).

    The vast majority of this game (it's real meat and potatoes), is story/text-triggered scenes of our grrls falling prey to slow slides downward to utter (or, in some cases, "udder") degredation and debauchery, via rather obvious but inescapable-once-triggered traps of pure pleasure, which are portrayed to us through text and a few (not enough, imo) images.

    Unless outright avoided by player choice, these downward spirals of corruption result in gallery-viewable game-over scenes of the main characters being humiliatingly reduced from proud and mighty swordswomen, to permanently pregnant and barefoot broodmares, fully and happily sexually submitting to their new masters/husbands, after the endless and unexpected ecstacies they experience finally fully overwhelm their senses and break their wills.

    That the masters they submit to are usually old, filthy, and/or hideous, makes the girls' total surrenders even more humiliating. It is also probably fantasy fulfillment for those gamers who are not of the Brad Pitt set: being able to project themselves into the masters' roles, they can see themselves having power over powerful women, despite they themselves not necessarily being ideal specimens in real life.

    Eventually and inevitably, the women fully mind-break and enthusiastically submit to unending sexual submission and servitude, resulting in (actually very happy, tho quest-failed) "game over" scenes (well, very happy unless they then get their souls eaten, but that's another matter, and Tina does get offed offscreen by Cecile in the end of one of these scenes, but that's only one end of many).

    The game then very wisely resets progress back to the point right before that final choice was made, so allows the story to continue *while still retaining the game-over gallery unlock*, which is a very nice touch that not all gallery collection games have. In fact, it also very kindly unlocks those gallery scenes once you've reached the choice point, even if you (for some unfathomable reason) choose to not submit your grrls to the incredibly life-fulfilling but generally disgusting and humiliating entrapments that they eventually secretly crave surrendering to.

    Only 2 demerits:

    1) Needed more art for greater variance in the scenes Most of the rather long sex scenes are the same picture held for something like 40 or 50 lines of dialogue that you have to click through. Then they'll have a no-picture bit of dialogue and then they'll often just put the same picture back up again for another 40 or 50 lines of dialogue. There are some scenes which will have more than one pic, but these will oft be of lower quality. LAZY art development. Honestly, it looks like they could have banged out the art in one long weekend, if it is CG.

    2). The gallery, WHICH IS THE ONLY EQUIVALENT OF A QUEST LOG, needs WAY better hints. You can accidentally end up losing quest items because of a lack of an actual quest log. Some of the translation is not great and they'll be telling you to keep going to the same trigger repeatedly but they'll accidentally mis-name it, so you'll think you'll have to go somewhere else. In a lot of cases, tho they have chapter indicators up at the top of the gallery, it's somewhat approximate and doesn't always tell you whether or not you really need to be in that chapter. More, you might not realize that you have to manually force the next chapter along (through a particular on-map point you have to click). Since there's no other hint system, you can easily end up running around the entire map and never knowing that there's a small hard-to-spot quest indicator somewhere on another map that you have to click before anything proceeds. Also, and very annoyingly, some of the quests don't really properly line up in any sort of sensible fashion. Some of these things not lining up are because you do not know you have to proceed quests in certain way, and in at least one case, the timeline sort of breaks suspension of disbelief, as Tina is supposedly mind-broke and stuck in a near-game-over as an uber-roofied perma-thirsty, group-sex/DP fvcktoy in a brothel (Cecile needs to save her), and yet you can have her out of it at any time you want due to the game mechanics: makes no sense. The creators should have been more careful about how they constructed the quests.

    While those 2 issues are oft annoying, Tina is nonetheless still a great game with some truly outlandish and occasionally humorous outcomes. It does lose a star for the quest problems and a star for the art (tho the art it does have is often effective and evocative). Otherwise it would have been a five-star game for me because it gets down to what it's supposed to be doing and does it very completely and in an amusing way. So.. Still a great game, and recommended.
    RPGM Completed  Tina, Swordswoman of Scarlet Prison [v1.03] [shinachiku-castella]
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The plot is good and interesting, the H scenes are really great, the girls are beautiful.
    The plot is definitely the highlight of this game, it attracted me to read it instead of skipping.
    Many female characters with different personalities and their own highlights. Just wanted to say it's a great game and love it
    Ren'Py  Sorcerer's Paradox [Ch.3] [Ceddot]
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Feels kinda slow at like since the beginning, mostly of the time there is no indicator about what to do more than the rectangle at the top right and is not very intuitive, an scene here and there but nothing relevant.

    I liked that it was like vampire survivors but character is slow and doesn't kill anything any faster than 3 seconds
    Unity  Deals with Witch [v1.0] [Seven Tsumi]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Art
    Simple Map
    Good Story
    Nice control

    Overall, I loved the game. No complaint I could think of, I was looking for other games by the same developer but could not find any here. I hope they publish more because it was perfect imo.

    My final rating is 5/5
    Unity Completed  The World of Gangs [Final] [Cosemen Gaming]