New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Trump

    How to summarize UOP:
    A good college theme game with nice renders, smooth animations, pretty LIs and a decent story followed by a dev who has been consistent with updates for years.
    I have been playing this game for more than 3 years and rarely has it happened that I was disappointed with dev or the updates. Even back then when there were updates every month, he always delivered good amount of content even in short time gap.
    VN Ren'Py  University of Problems [v1.4.5 Extended] [DreamNow]
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Rez E Dent

    Ill Keep it short

    Its a fun game to play, dont take it seriously its a satirical AVN after all many scenes will make you laugh.

    Good length so far and were getting a lot more apparently.

    Creator joins in here on the thread having fun.


    No animated scenes which is a shame.

    A little bit too heavy on the repeated soppy side eg repeated lines of "love you (family member) " "love you back( nephew/cousin)" *kissey face.
    VN Ren'Py  Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.55] [Moonbox]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite interesting,,want to see where it leads with the conflicted mind of the MC between his demonic ascendancy and his genuine love for his girls.
    Your choices have impact on your relationships with three girls you're involved with with a clever RPG like use.
    The graphic are truly well done and the choice to have mature and more "normal" girls insted of the whole supermodel deviancy is such game is a major plus.
    I've appreciated the writing and the relationships waved between MC and the two primary girls, Maxime and Meredith, the building of desire and, again the conflict in Meredith's mind.

    Keep going
    VN Ren'Py  Game of Hearts [Ch.4 P2 R1] [SparkHG]
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Same slop game made by AI which are dime a dozen. Repetitive story, doormat mc and girls who inb first 5 minutes. Once you played 1 game of this kind. You have played them all. The game does nothing new and play the same tired tropes. If you want to fap just get a save and save your precious time
    VN Ren'Py  My New Girlfriend [v0.3 Ch. 1] [CircleGames]
    Likes: R1k0
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Nah, this ain't it chief.

    The slow pan animations are torture. If they took out all the scenes of you looking at the house,etc. I swear you'd save an hour on the game as a whole.

    The story is convoluted and designed to mess with your feelings but falls flat on its face with bad pacing and subpar storytelling.

    3 stars because the sex scenes, once you work for them by sitting through an hour of just boring af "gameplay" aren't terrible and have decent animation.

    Thats it. Theres nothing else to say.
    VN Others Completed  Sisters: Last Day of Summer [JAST USA] [Jellyfish]
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A very crude game, including an uninspired plot and poor grammar, with rough Sims-based graphics where the animated scenes suddenly switch quality and aspect ratio and are undoubtedly mostly the work of uncredited modders, featuring basic, choice-based gameplay elements that are still somehow arcane. Whiteboi has absolutely nothing outstanding or of particular value to offer.

    I still came tho
    VN Ren'Py  Whiteboi [v1.2] [Untranseunte]
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I am conflicted here... I think the art here is fabulous! However, this game is quite silly and can make you laugh. For me, this causes my horniness to subside. Then you factor in that the game is kind of challenging and I am not sure who this is for. I went in looking to have some lewd fun, but I realized how difficult it is to control the character. Managing your customers and refilling the sauce requires a deft hand. Occasionally you may see a lewd image, but you're thrust right back into the action.

    I suppose you could play through it and unlock most of the images in the gallery and then enjoy the art. I just felt like this one was a mixed bag for me. It's honestly fun, but I think it tries to do two very different things and as a result I couldn't enjoy this one as much as I would have liked. The art again is gorgeous and those cocks are mouth watering. I look forward to what these devs do next. I just think that making me laugh when I am aroused is counterproductive. The Italian pizza song playing and the main character going on a drug trip every time I need to refill the sauce just kill the arousal I have. Which is a shame for me.
    Others Completed  Futanari di Funghi [v1.0] [Ahegames]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This thread is very informative about this game, along with questions about the newest patches and the details that are apparent with each new addition for the game. This thread has helped me set up this game with their previous experience which was extremely helpful without being disrespectful.
    Ren'Py  Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.52a] [Oni]
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a weird game to rate. On the one hand I think the art is pretty damn good. The women are well done and different from each other. The animations are pretty good too. The story is of course ridiculous but it's an adult/porn game so you can't expect real stories to explain why things happen. However it doesn't justify some of the silly things like the sister and her GF. That's just me though as I know there is a group of players who want threesomes and lesbo GFs all day.

    The two characters though who stand out are the MC and the mom. The mom has a young looking face. She certainly doesn't look old enough to be the mother of the kids. It isn't a deal breaker though. I guess her tits could be 20 % smaller and no damage would be done either.

    The Mc though......he looks like the gay son of the Ken doll. His face looks like he is wearing eyeliner or something. Compared to alot of games who use those midget height MCs at least he looks like a young man but the face just doesn't fit the body. It's even worse when he suddenly goes Uncle Pervis and starts grabbing the neighbors ass at dinner. Add that to his whining about the room and he is kind of irritating.

    The younger sister is pretty sweet though so she makes up for the MC. I guess the average rating is due to the MC and the lack of a story. It's going to do what it suggests though and deliver some sexy times with no real effort. This isn't a bad thing. The idea that a game has to have some conflict is silly. Sometimes a simple A to B game is what you want. I can think of a couple big games on F95 that has spent 4 years with no action so I'll take this over endless blueballing. For me anyway there is no game on F95 that gets 5 stars. For that you need story, art, and some realistic limits to create the perfect game. I haven't seen one yet. This isn't good enough to get 4 stars but isn't bad so 3 is fair I think.
    VN Ren'Py  Unnatural Instinct [v0.7] [Merizmare]
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun deck building game. I like the idea of your form changing based on the composition of your deck. It still has a lot of work ahead, you end up repeating a lot of the same content in the current version of the game.
    Unity WebGL  Rogue Femme [v0.1.6 Hotfix] [Banana Stroke]
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    at the risk of sounding like a hater:

    1. Game engine - If you choose to snub the most ubiquitous VN game engine (renpy) for your own custom godot implementation there better be a damn good reason why youre doing that and there shouldn't be a noticeable decrease in quality. This game doesn't have basic features like save slots and skip text. You have to click on one specific part of the screen to advance the text. truly a horrendous idea. Also, the game should not be a buggy mess. I had to reset my save because I was softlocked since the character I was meant to select didn't show up in the character select screen.

    2. Story - kinda boring rehash of the among us premise. The intrigue game that they play is extremely basic with characters just confiding in you about who the killer is but refusing to ever justify it. None of the ends are very satisfying and all of the characters are unimportant because no time is spent on them.

    3. Art - quite beautiful and what attracted me to the game in the first place.

    4. Romance - the game goes from having zero romance or sexual tension to random sex scenes with no dialogue, context, or reason to exist. The sex scenes are short and boring.

    it's like the dev wanted to make a game about among us but last minute added a handful sex scenes so it would count as an adult VN.
    VN Others Completed  Death Moon [v1.0.3] [Hina Aozora]
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    pretty good game with hot scenes but the updates are underwhelming, if I was a Doggie Bones patreon I would have pulled my money from there a long time ago, the content itself isn't bad and there's things for everyone (and when I mean everyone I mean there's things like Feral/Abld while also having enough straight or gay content) but I don't think the game is good enough after 5 years of developing it, either the scope of the project is too big and they should look into changing it or they should try to press on the gas and see if they can finish the game in a decent time frame from now on (which I think is what is going to happen since the game basically got a gameplay upgrade in this v21 build)
    TLDR; If you want a sidescroller with futa/gay/straight/feral/abld content to play through quickly and masturbate you should absolutely download this but don't expect updates to be fast
    Others  Happy Heart Panic [Build 21b SS] [Doggie Bones]
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is structurally sound, its execution is just terrible though, bugs galore,
    Also the gore is in that awful middle ground where it is a turn off for normals and it isn't enough f or freaks, making it a pretty challenging wank
    Others Completed  Shroomlandia 2 [v1.4.1] [endOfLine]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent dialogue and characterization. Very unique and vibrant art. Some of the best writing of all the games I've ever played here.

    The worldbuilding is fascinating — a futuristic military setting with animal girls with magic. The main character is a bit plain but not offensively so and actually has a personality.
    Ren'Py  PMC Promiscuity [v1.1.1 Steam] [Overseer Division Studios]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I played through R3 v0.05 in several evenings.

    It is an urban fantasy complete with vampires, werewolves, elves, demons, and etc. It is played as straight drama, with little humor and no comedy. If that sounds good: you will probably love this game. It looks great, there are lots of sex scenes which are well-animated. There are great characters, an engaging story, a decent soundtrack.

    It has some minor cons: the character’s small-talk can be too verbose, the story lacks much originality, the writing relies too much on coincidence. And then there is the time problem: someone numerate needs to sit down with the devs and have a talk about it, as some of the ages they put on characters are completely ridiculous.

    I am eager to see where the story goes from here.
    VN Ren'Py  The Seven Realms [R3 v0.05] [SeptCloudGames]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I very rarely review games but felt this one deserved it. Everything feels really good and the only downside is the lack of content, understandable taking into account that it's practically a demo. I would recomend a healthy degree of caution having seen a lot of games with potential derailing, getting worse and worse updates and further and further between. That being said if the dev keeps the vibe of the game ,the characters stay true to themselves while showing growth (if the dev intends to do more than just porn) while keeping decent and steady updates time and content wise I think it could be up there with the best games of the site!
    VN Ren'Py  Hooked! [v1.94] [BlenderKnight]
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.4.1 Home For Wayward Travelers is a broken mess. The sci-fi premise gets only the tiniest bit of attention. It is essentially a collection of unfinished scenes about a bunch of girls sharing a house, loosely strung together by a sandbox and some duct tape. The only thing it has going for it are some cute HS-generated girls. If the scenes were finished and assembled in a logical format, I think the game might deserve two stars; but in the current iteration I can give only one.
    Ren'Py  Home for Wayward Travellers [v0.4.1] [Aegis]
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is basically a rollercoaster of emotions. It starts off great actually, then you soon realize how shitty and repetitive everything is. All the different types of creatures you'll come across, they're all basically the exact same. Sex animations are repetitive. Breeding is redundant. And the quests aren't really quest, you basically just pray to the rng gods that you'll breed the right creature you'll need in the first couple tries.

    The development of the game is being milked simply for that sweet patreon money. So I don't really see this game going anywhere tbh. Between how pointless it feels to play, how un-hot and vanilla the sex is after 30 minutes of gameplay, and how progression is tied to mindless rng grinding, I would pass on this.
    Unreal Engine  Breeders of the Nephelym [v0.761.52] [DerelictHelmsman]
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Although I generally appreciate stories that slowly develop their characters and plots with many provocations, the execution in this game leaves much to be desired. The writing suffers from poor grammar, and the characters are recurring clichés, such as the annoying sister and the cruel father—who, at least, is alive—but neglects the desperate mother's needs. As for the mother, the scenes involving lollipops or ice creams seemed strange to me.

    The game consists of an extensive sequence of long dialogues and shows a lack of significant action, limited to "sticks and breasts" that do not contribute to the plot. The audio seems nonexistent, and the overall pace of the game is confusing and predictable, making the experience monotonous.
    VN Ren'Py  Cumona Beach [v0.9] [Dunderdeuce]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this kind of dark story-based game. There are also games like Dream of Desire The various women in it are very attractive. I also hope to see more scenes with Ms. Brianna, she is very hot Please continue to develop it.
    VN Ren'Py  Shadows [v0.5] [Vicxlose]